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Everything posted by itchley
me gracious. never knew this. marywonni
Gas or Charcoal? Which do you prefer and why?
itchley replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
actually it tastes quite alright. i threw in some fruit wood that i scavanged from an orchard i trimmed for an older retired orchardist. hed say take that whole branch off. i would and later cut it into small usable pieces. and mixed it in with the paper to have a longer cooking heat. its great. but the extra heat will take toll on the thin metal the newspaper grill is constructed of. dick butkus was the tv salesperson. if youll look around at rummage sales and auctions youll surely sooon find one. they are no longer made as far as i know and the infomercial was a good one. folks at the beach having fun and cooking with their newspaper grills. awsome! marywonni -
Gas or Charcoal? Which do you prefer and why?
itchley replied to RottieGrrrl's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
does anyone remember the newspaper grill the football player was spokesman for? all it takes is newspaper he said. no propane or charcoal he said. i have found two of these. both at auction usually with a big pile of other stuff. they were both never used. the first one i wore out. we named it the hobo grill. and used it for 4 or so years. it was great. we even started throwing selected fruit wood in with the paper which enabled us to cook other stuff besides hot dogs. we wore it out pretty much. the second i found in december. i used it yesterday. they were both round and square in shape. we call them the hobo grill. convenient and oh so useful for homeless hobos. marywonni -
become eunichs. this is my advocacy. live it. love ti/. marywonni
Single vs. Separated vs. Divorced
itchley replied to Wacky Funster's topic in The Birds and the Bees
hay there. im happy i got lucky and never married any one but myself and my dogs. saved me a bundle in legal fees. no children either cause i used protection. i dont give a care what they call my ***. im happy and still happy go lucky too. marywonni -
id heard of this film being shown at the end of the cfs. i never did see it . im glad i didnt. i hold animals more highly valuable than many people i know and many i do not personally know. i would rather put to sleep many people and save the animals that are put to sleep annually throughout the world. man can take any beautiful thing and pervert it to his own pleasure. this is why i distance myself from most people. this way i have some privacy and am not subjected to more perversion like this weirwille fellow and his buddies. marywonni
its too bad about that woman who committed suicide. ill bet shes not the only one we havnt heard about. seems they couldve done things a little different with her somehow. ya never know whats going on in someones heart. she evidently didnt fit into someones scheme at the way. she was an outcast i guess. outcast from the way. given over to the devil i guess kicked out of the corpse. i ran into some STALE CHRISTIANS to day and was happy that i wasnt like that any longer. kinda shallow was their talk, no personality and kinda ignorant too. no thanks. ill continue being happy being hedonistic, anti way nazi number 666. ha ha. i hope some of you can see the humor i enjoy. ive got more love and understanding than most of em stirred together and fried. and i know it . thats the really fun part . and I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY. marywonni
after reading this sad story, i again am reminded how thankful i should be that i didnt, after being accepted into the corpse, go. the treatment i saw of many people in the way wasnt right . people in churches were treated better than this.im happy i ended up doing what i did and am doing. how much bondage we submitted ourselves to. marywonni
what an interesting article. after reading it i am going to make it a practice to have even more sex. its fun anyway. i remember when i first lost my virginity years ago. i had an old station wagon i bought for 20 bucks and the first thing i did was to put a mattress in the back of it SO I COULD HAVE SEX IN COMFORT. THEN my mother discovered i had CONDOMS in the wagon. she was furious. (she was also catholic and u no how those animals bred! it was one after another baby. she may have been dissappointed that i didnt want 10babies to take care of. ) so late one night i came into their house(16 at the time) and my mother lit into me about having sex. my VERY GOOD FATHER rushed to my defense! i was surprised! he told my mother and i quote "GOD MADE ADAM AND EVE. HE MADE EVE WITH A PU!!Y AND HE MADE ADAM WITH A PETER SO THEY COULD F!!K!! SHE SHUT UP. I WENT TO MY ROOM AND THOUGHT ABOUT THIS. IM GOING TO PRACTICE MORE SEX. marywonni
ok greasetrappers, i know a movie you must see and know you will enjoy. it is DEAD ALIVE. DIRECTED BY THE GUY WHO DID LORD OF THE RINGS. this one you will absolutely LOVE.its date is about 1993. it plays some on the INDEPENDENT FILM CHANNEL and the way interntional would condemn it as the catholics did CLEOPATRA. it should be on some time soon again as HALLOWEEN is approaching. catch it, tape it. you will want to watch it time and again. itchley marywonni
i want some of you lurking fakes of THE WAY INTERNATIONAL to bring your CHICKEN AND DOG#!@# A!@## RIGHT HERE and write down what you said about JOHN LENNON and why you said it. i know you BAST@!## lurk here and i want you to write it down, what you said about this man.ITCHLEY marywonni
buddy, you did it. this is the doctrine TWI should have taught and simply thrown the bible away. this is it. rock on and live by it,.talk about living by observing and example ! for get all the !##! $###%! and ##$%$$ TWI taught and start studying this daily. AND GET SOME DOGS SO YOU CAN STUDY THE LIVING EXAMPLE. the reason you couldnt have any dogs while you were there at the HQ was because you would have imitated them instead of the corrupt leadership! F!#!# THE G#! D#!*#! WAY INTERNATIONAL and all its G#! D@#!* FULL OF S#!* LEADERSHIP A@!$#@!>. thanks for writing this to me. it very moving. marywonni
Movie Classic: John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)
itchley replied to Zixar's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
yes, it was a very good movie. i only wish i could have had vpw there to tell me it was all devil spirits doing this like he critiqued the exorcist. wha t a wonderful film critic he was. i remember when he saw the ex, he said some kids in front of him were somoking pot. he said something like"i hope that helped them get through the movie " or some !##$ like that. a real rednecked preacher type comment with much negative connotation. i saw the thing when it first came out. i saw hawks film when i was a child. it was great. but carpenters film went a bit deeper in the effects dept. which made it even more exciting than the original.has anyone seen REANIMATOR? i must recommend this movie. look for it on independent film channel or others. seek it out. they just showed it last week. this is a gas of a flick. sit back ready to die, laugh your *** off, roll in the floor like a snakebitten christian. youll love it. also,you must check out X THE MAN WITRH X RAY EYES. you will not be dissappointed. its an older film with ray milland. this one is GREAT sci fi. look at AMC lineup for halloween. theyll be some good classic flicks on towards halloween. marywonni -
keep studying buddy. interesting subject and one i too have been interested in 4 a song while. dr strangelove is a good flick. i loved it when pickens was riding the bomb, whoooping it up and waving his hat was he? good flick. i should look at it again sometime. have you seen soldier in the rain with jackie gleason and steve mcqueen? marywonni
Kay1952 -- Happy Birthday to you! 4/29
itchley replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
gees, here i go again. another long boooooooring post . naaaa. ill just say HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAY BABY!and i hope you continue to find what the hell ever it is youre lookin for and tryin to put to gether for you and your family. hey ive had my share of bad luck and ##$@@$#$#$###^&%**(*&$%$#!too and i havnt blown whats left of my brain out. just yet. so good luck and good fortune. hey , stop and take a swig . might make ya feel better.HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAY! marywonni -
Kay1952 -- Happy Birthday to you! 4/29
itchley replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
gees, here i go again. another long boooooooring post . naaaa. ill just say HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAY BABY!and i hope you continue to find what the hell ever it is youre lookin for and tryin to put to gether for you and your family. hey ive had my share of bad luck and ##$@@$#$#$###^&%**(*&$%$#!too and i havnt blown whats left of my brain out. just yet. so good luck and good fortune. hey , stop and take a swig . might make ya feel better.HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAY! marywonni -
thank yall 4 the replies. hoestly, i am looking to get yalls input on this . when i think of some of the ridiculous#$## some of these leaders said it makes me want to get out my thompson sub and track some of em down. how bout some others of ya? please, respond further. marywonni
does any one remember way leaders talking about john lennon and that he was born of the Devil.? martindale harped on this on tapes i heard. then later i heard them say that although john was of the devil he had turned for the good of the true god. then they said he was shot to death because he wouldnt do the work for the devil anymore. it mixed me up and i wondered if any greasetrappers could help with their remeberances of what was said and heard. was john of the Devil? or was martindale of the devil or both of them or neither of them. please help unscramble my brain on this lennon thing will ya please? marywonni
me gracious, how weve evololved from brainwashed people to what we are now. groovy baby. marywonni
Question for the GS Girls....boys may look too!
itchley replied to corrydj's topic in The Birds and the Bees
i am experimenting with online dating sites. its affordable and i have a choice as to whom i wish to try to date. if i would prefer to meet a larger lady, i would look at the weight given on her sheet. if i would rather choose to try to date a slim lady i would also look at the weight she gives on her sheet. and i read their profiles. some can write better than others. some are not very educated;some are. some are out of my league. i can see it when i read them. i dont bother them. i dont want to waste our time. i try to make a decision on the profile as a whole. its gotta have some bounce to it. if its just another flat, unrebounding ball, i dont try to bounce it. but if its got a little zing-o in it, maybe its a possibility, or maybe it just needs a little air, a little fixin up if you will. but i dont necessarily go on one thing like weight , hair and eye color but i look at the individual as a whole from what is written by them. i get in there and weed the patch like a gardener if you will, trying to find the fruit of it, the best i can afford of it. hey, ya nevah, evah know what cha might find. butcha aint gonna find much sittin in that rockin chair all day long. so i have taken to this route. hey, theres some christian ladies online guys ifn thats what cha want. i can tell it by their writing. they are in to it and they are free for the pickins fellas! its all about whatcha want-penpals ,casual, marriage??(whew, i saved a bundle by not doin that) so i exercise this option for now, and its fun tryin.and theres the ones who list themselves as other in the spiritual realm so ya got a lump o clay to mold if ya want unless its already molded and that might not be bad either! main thing is ta get out there and meet somebody ifn ya want. i came, i looked and i wrote. ya said the boys could look too. well ya sucked me right in with that one! good luck and happy huntin! marywonni -
where's the missionary thread satori started ?
itchley replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
:millions, i see what youmean about posts not going in proper order. i dont know how that could have occured. oo wait.(this next question to be spoken aloud with a heavy british accent and with great surprise) COULD IT BE THE WORK OF THE GOOD MR FLETCH AH? marywonni -
where's the missionary thread satori started ?
itchley replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
millions et al, i must say,the smily wave was ULTRA GROOVY.i love it. and ex, i think she thinks we are strange but in a strange sort of way she too thinks this is ULTRA GROOVY! i still love the mexicansombreroequippedorange smoking the cigarlooking typething. every time i look at it,i LOL! its a tie between the new thingy doo and the distinguished looking english chap with the huge pipe. ill bet that bowl holds a bunch.looks like it does. but the new one is the most original i must say old chap!well. i just want to be happy! sing with me: LETS BE HAPPY, LETS BE HAPPY, LETS ALL BE REAL HAPPY! lovely little song i wrote isnt it? i just want to be hap py! my day is happier now than it was earlier.thank yall for picking me up and helping MAKE ME HAPPY! marywonni -
where's the missionary thread satori started ?
itchley replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
i guess i do use escessively the smiley thingys, and i probably shouldnt use so many;but it makes me feel like ive related my idea a bit better using them. after all, they are there to be used if one so desires to use them. right? we have freedom of will to do whatever we so choose to do,correct? and by using the smiley thingdoos i feel better . so many days go by that i rarely see many folks i come in contact with who smile, or even act like like theyre the least bit happy. im not "oh so totally happy" every day but i manage to at least crack a stinkin smile. im not ready to BLOW MY BRAIN OUT JUST YET!so i am going to continue to do what i want with the smiley faces. i really like that one who sticks out his/her tongue. that is so cute. and the one with the ?? on top of the head. i like all of them.who created those little smiley thing doos? was the creator happy? crazy? in a nuthouse? oh who knows. i just WANT TO BE HAPPY! I JUST WANT TO BE HAPPY! marywonni -
where's the missionary thread satori started ?
itchley replied to excathedra's topic in Computer Questions
millions, im sorry if this is a mundane question but my curiosity is peaking and i suspect others curiosity may be as well.will you now use exclusively the sombreroequipped mexican looking orange smoking the cigar looking type thing? or will you be switching back and forth, sometimes using the very distinguished english looking chap as well? do you have even more thingy-doos you will be using from time to time? i love the wavy smiley thingy-doo too. you are groovy! marywonni