You guys really make me laugh. You've got such a great sense of humour!
The Way International?....Apologise...?
Yeah, I know what day that is.... the day right after I see squirrels flying out of my b**t.
As far as the corporation goes, you must appreciate that they're bound to follow Company directives. They can't act according to their own individual desires, even if they wanted to. Their hearts must be over-ruled by the dictates of Company policy and possibly also by their desire to remain in a position of leadership. If one member shows any weakness on Company directives, there's always the possibility that someone else will be moved up to take their place. Also, if they acted against their Company Charter, they could be kicked out, and the Company handed over to others. So, the whole thing could be kept rolling on indefinitely by either fear of losing their jobs, their salary, their respect or "the ministry". Or fear of doing something that might be 'ungodly'. If someone was to start talking about giving an apology, they'd most likely be history. Just so on other issues.
To use a bit of plagiarism - if the buckets full of water, you can't get any more water in it. The top positions are all filled and there's plenty snappin' at their heels! Actually, it's a bit more like a cistern than a bucket; the only way in is up the tubes, and the only way out is down the pan!
By the way, I'm not against the individuals involved in the Way - I believe that they walk with God to the best of their ability, and I don't doubt that God blesses their lives in many ways. Same for many other organisations. Those with extreme views are in the minority.
It's the way the thing is set up that's the big problem, and as soon as people start to see that and get honest about it, the better it will be for everyone (all of this is imo).
But, of course, they can't change things because the organisation has become an entity in itself, over-ruling the workings of the individuals. Perhaps it even has life in itself! And all life is spirit! And if it's not the spirit of God, it must be some other spirit. Jikes! Maybe that's why God forbad the setting up of false idols. I better stop there before I get really undiplomatic.