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Everything posted by Pete

  1. I don't adhere to the 2 drink limit but I only have the odd drink ...... 3, 5, or 7. Sogwap51 - I have PM'd you. Truth Pete
  2. Roy I think there's something in what you say. May I make some of my own comments and add that you sometimes just can't take one rule and try to apply it to everyone. People are different and each person deserves individual attention. And that probably means that you have to get to know that person on a more intimate level first, before you can understand them. So the same situation may have a different answer depending on who's involved. So there isn't always just one answer that applies to all. And in that, I think there is a very deep truth, my friend. Touching your heart Peter
  3. Edawn You should be aware that a lot of the teaching in TWI has been "distilled" down from the teachings of others. Some of the "borrowed" teaching has been known and debated for some time prior to TWI appearing. So not all the teaching should be disregarded "out of hand". This is my opinion. I should add that the interpretation and application of scriptures by TWI is, in many cases, very poor, and in some cases absolutely disastrous. However, as you rightly point out, The Way Tree analogy has no scriptural foundation. There was a class called "The Way Tree" which I know was running up to at least 1978. No disrespect to the teacher of the class, but the teaching in the class is totally wrong and against the scriptures. I don't think the class is taught anymore, but as far as I know, there has been no apology made by either the Way or the teacher of the class for the teaching it contains. Yet the Way continues to operate with a "Tree" structure that is totally anti-scriptural in its structure. If you doubt this, why not bring the topic up with your coordinator and "watch them squirm". This in no way detracts from the integrity of the scriptures or from the deliverance and healing power in the name of Jesus Christ. Edawn - may God give you the stength to continue with your quest. Pete
  4. Regarding "Mark and Avoid" My wife tried to get in touch with a TWI country coordinator when he visited some of our freinds. However, we were told through our freinds that TWI didn't allow him to speak to us! This is a guy that I used to share a room with. Look mate, if you're reading this - get in touch. You might be surprised at what you find. PM me with your phone number and I will call you. Jesus Christ spoke to the devil himself, and I'm not even half that bad. Just do it and quit stalling. Never mind what the beak says, go with your heart, my freind. Love Pete
  5. Hey CK I really like your signature. Seems to me that that's a great way to get your point across without people thinking you're some kind of extremist.
  6. You guys really make me laugh. You've got such a great sense of humour! The Way International?....Apologise...? Yeah, I know what day that is.... the day right after I see squirrels flying out of my b**t. As far as the corporation goes, you must appreciate that they're bound to follow Company directives. They can't act according to their own individual desires, even if they wanted to. Their hearts must be over-ruled by the dictates of Company policy and possibly also by their desire to remain in a position of leadership. If one member shows any weakness on Company directives, there's always the possibility that someone else will be moved up to take their place. Also, if they acted against their Company Charter, they could be kicked out, and the Company handed over to others. So, the whole thing could be kept rolling on indefinitely by either fear of losing their jobs, their salary, their respect or "the ministry". Or fear of doing something that might be 'ungodly'. If someone was to start talking about giving an apology, they'd most likely be history. Just so on other issues. To use a bit of plagiarism - if the buckets full of water, you can't get any more water in it. The top positions are all filled and there's plenty snappin' at their heels! Actually, it's a bit more like a cistern than a bucket; the only way in is up the tubes, and the only way out is down the pan! By the way, I'm not against the individuals involved in the Way - I believe that they walk with God to the best of their ability, and I don't doubt that God blesses their lives in many ways. Same for many other organisations. Those with extreme views are in the minority. It's the way the thing is set up that's the big problem, and as soon as people start to see that and get honest about it, the better it will be for everyone (all of this is imo). But, of course, they can't change things because the organisation has become an entity in itself, over-ruling the workings of the individuals. Perhaps it even has life in itself! And all life is spirit! And if it's not the spirit of God, it must be some other spirit. Jikes! Maybe that's why God forbad the setting up of false idols. I better stop there before I get really undiplomatic. Pete
  7. Pete

    Cult list

    SShhhhhh! I'm incogneato. "..you'll be going loco in Acapulco if you stay to long.."
  8. Pete

    Cult list

    Just testing my avatar. By the way, the scores so far: TWI : 14 out of 14 RC Church : 12 out of 14 That makes me a cult member twice over!
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