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Dot Matrix

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Everything posted by Dot Matrix

  1. Yeah, to both of you, we have come a long way. I can still see that stupid naked VP sitting in the coach expecting and asking me to.... Fat stupid, small wee- wee dumb butt
  2. I forgot al the 3 and 4th corps girls who were recruiters sharing "what a blessing it was to service a man of God." I guess they were all liars. And even if they wanted it, eventually, the fact that were solicited in the first place by an OLD MAN with a BIBLE sickens me.
  3. Ex You can tell over and over if you want to do so. That is up to you and brave considering some of the crap people have slung your way when you have shared. I am worn out, but as tired as I am I still get ticked reading some of the ways people handle others when they are sharing what happened. Reminds me of Dana Carvey speaking of OJ Simpson. How if OJ DIDN't Do it and was framed, how the cops all ran around saying "I'm in let's frame OJ!" It is ridiculous Through the years there have been many people whom have shared stories of forced sex with VP, only to be told it was consentual. Then, even if he had consentual sex, isn't that (adultery) wrong for a Moggie, but they just travel down the one brain cell thinking... Its a bully thing and I am sick of it. So, why bother? Aren't you exhausted? Shoot, he really did you awful with the whole something in your drink, then later being mean to you and well... you know all the crap... I never got why some people were yelled at for sex and others were invited to participate. Like the guy in the one band that was around back in the day, Craig yelled at him and told him on a corps night or corps week or whatever "to keep it in his pants blaa blaa" While he was getting his knob polished on a regular basis. Or why VP was ALWAYS drinking but yells at the corps to have a two drink limit. Or how one corps coordinator told us that "not cursing does not offend anyone" and his wife could have won a verbal battle with a fleet of truck drivers and won. It was selective enforcement. Heck, you went to the parties, we saw the drinking and yet they threw a friend of mine OUT of the corps for having 3 beers.... The limb leader I liked so much, never had a great position again because he was "srewing around" yet the guy telling him had numerous bangees. Who drew the lines and where and on whom were they drawn?
  4. To the oringinal post I have learned through the years here, that if I posted a picture of his “stick” in a “fluffy,” someone would say the picture was altered. If another had the sperm on the sheets, someone would say prove it was put there during an adulterous “affair.” If a woman produced a pubic hair, one would say well, maybe sex was consensual between them. Another could share how she was forced against her will, then a poster would pretty mush say she was a liar or she wanted it. I could describe his puny thing to you, but as one said he is dead and gone…. So, no there is no proof for those who do not believe all the numerous testimonies of people whose lives have been ruined. Believe whatever you want. Changing your mind doesn’t matter to me. I know what I know. Jeffrey Dahlmer ate people, did they check his poop? They found body parts in the apartment and he told them what he did. We really have no proof. He could have just cut the bodies up and threw them away. How do we REALLY know? I have been told my step-mother LOVES my father. I have no idea if it is true. I can only watch her actions and decide if I believe her or not. So, this kind of question, although innocently asked by a nice curious guy, will never be answered to the satisfaction of all—so why discuss it for the 1000 time. Someone once called a poster a name then said something like you have been complaining about this for all these years. Get over it. Sometimes people ask. That is one of the reasons why it is continually brought up. And sometimes people need to talk to heal, but whatever the reason when you tell the truth people come out of the woodwork to dismiss you.
  5. Rascal The water was bad in 81/82 ish? I got so sick in '82 I was in the corps tent hearing things around me an unable to speak I was so ill --- It was the dang water? I forced myself up and almost feel over.... The water? I never knew that.
  6. Dot Matrix


    A family member has bi-polar. For those of you in the know, there is a relatively new (couple years) medicine. What do you know of it? The Doctor told us if you get a rash stop. The literature has a few more side effects possible. Anyon doing this? My family member started it and has not felt better -- but has a bad headache and muscle aches.
  7. If I had cancer I think I would try alternative first. Rhino, I bet the hospitals do make a lot of money on Chemo. I worked in an alzheimer's unit where they gave ECT Electric Shock therapy. A created seizure. Anyway, these people would actually recruit folks to come in and get ECT. WHY? $5,000.00 from Medi-care each time they fired one off and that was in 2001. Case in point, an ederly woman was raped a beaten to an inch of her life as was her husband. She was at the WOUND care center where one of the "recruiters" was. The recruiter spoke with the family about the woman's depression and convinced them to commit her. She came in and was SHOCKED at $5,000.00 a pop. The head nurse and I KNEW if this woman wan't depressed there would be something wrong with her. The head nurse quietly told the kids (45 years old) to get their mother OUT of there. So, that treatment was never to help but to provide cash to the hospital. Geez, let's try other things first like a support group? Horrible what the love of money can do.
  8. Hubs is having health problems -seizures- and more Let me see, medicine is $685.00 a month for an American born citizen. Even when the income clearly cannot support that. The alternative go off the meds. Then, the person has back-to-back life threatening seizures. We have gone to DOCTORS for about 18 years re: these things and everyone treated the symptoms, nobody ever checked to see if they are LIVER seizures or other causes. Yet, they charge $175.00 per office vist (5 minutes) to give us meds we cannot afford. So, I have to do all the driving and my vacation days are used to go to different Doctors which charge me per hour more than a weeks net earnings. We have a Doctor to see next week who is $250.00 per visit and meds etc will be extra. There are test we would like run, other causes of seizures, but the insurance will not cover them. YET, my friend at a Doctor's office just told me of the medicare fraud they are having in their office will illegals who are being treated with phoney cards etc. Then, did $10,000 worth of servive for this guy who was using false ID and not even a citizen -- when they searched for him? Gone -- false ID. We are citizens and cannot get help. Yes, we tried all avenues. I am sick and tired and angry. I probably would have included this on vent, vent vetn but I missed it. Coping skills -- I dunno. I take some herbal things called calm.... Some help me sleep.
  9. I am with you Ron. The government began to make hepititis shots mandatory in younger and younger children. Now, hepititis is passed by sharing needles or body fluid (primarily sex) The increase of that shot and ADD and other problems is being looked at. First by France and China (I believe it was) then the USA. Parents in Florida, where their kids were made to have the shot around 6th grade, to return to school, noticed an increase of serious health problems in their children. BUT anyone making a vaccination is exempt from being sued. No liability. I do not think any kid should be forced to get a hepititis vacc, and if the family chooses alternative meds it is their choice. The ROYAL family uses homeopathics over standard care on a regular basis -- should we grab their children? I guess we could if they came here. Where is CHOICE in this government anymore? And yes each side, left or right can pull examples that are extreme to make a point. This is a family in a health crisis. A family which agreed on treatment and are doing it. If the boy dies under the forced government treatment will they be respomsible. My sis used chemo for breast cancer after deciding it was the best option. By the same logic, reverse it, suppose she wanted chemo and the goverment forced her to eat right and take vitamins -- would they have the right? Chemo put my sister's father-in-law into a coma and then he died.... But the family choose that method of care and live with the results. This thread to me is about choice and force.
  10. Chocolate! Mmmmmmmm
  11. Dot Matrix

    Stressed out

    Oh my God, I am so stressed out. Having awful things happen, followed by good things that remind me I am in God's hands followed by more bad. Have you been stressed? Who does it to you? How do you stop it? Prayer, meds, friends? :blink: I NEED to SCREAM
  12. Cool stuff guys. And I have been the recipient of some of the kindnesses. Dove helped me in a time of great need as well as Tom sent me to a computer class to help me get a position which demanded I know excel. Thanks
  13. Hats off for the hatlady! HAppy birthday!
  14. Dot Matrix


    Happy Happy Birthday!
  15. I groomed dogs for a living and now work for a vet running an office. Many of the groomers I knew were MEAN to the dogs and cats. One lady slammed a puppy on the table because it was jumping around. A guy held his fingers on the jugular veins going to the dogs' brain to make him woozy to calm down -- very dangerous. Another CARELESS groomer , left a small black peke on the table eith its head in a noose while she smoked outside. The dog jumped off the table and hung himself. One TEACHER at the school I went to -- slammed a dog against the wall -- I told her I would kick her butt if she EVER did that again and then I reported her. The big corporate place? One of the meanest people I ever saw. She would KICK the dogs into the kennels. MOST groomers I saw were abusive. I repeat MOST of them I saw were abusive. To be a super groomer 13 dogs + a day you have to be rough. Out of all the ones I knew, I would feel safe with 3 of them, 4 including my cousin who runs her own thing. A woman came to "novice" me and asked me to do her retired, standard poodle, show dog. I didn't want to do it, but I was told by her that her dog began to act funny when she came home. AND she was frightened to go near the bathroom. One of the groomer's employee's told her, on the side, that the groomer would punch the dogs, then lock them in the bathroom somtimes roughing them up in there. Now, this retired show dog was GREAT. You would say, "open" and she would open her legs. Sit, stand, lay and she NEVER struggled -- so to punch this dog was just pure meaness. (Not that punching a dog is EVER right, but if her excuse was dicipline -- well this was a perfect dog) My advice? Get a clipper. Not a cheapy but one from a grooming site. An Andis or Oster. Get a 5, 7 and 10F blade and blade oil. You can do an okay job. To get any lines out of the fur just shave them backwards -- from tail to head - it will be smoother. You can have the nails clipped IN FRONT OF YOU at the VET for about $10.00 The groomers with the WINDOWS is not safe. WHY? Children bang on the windows when you are using scissors around the eyes and mouth. The dog jumps and it is very likely that one of theose times the dog will get poked in the eye or have their tongue cut. The dog/cat needs to be in a quiet place with no distractions. I'd do it myself if I were you. If you e-mail me or PM me I can send you some infor and sites. If you live in New Jersey, my cousin is there and she is GREAT.
  16. Angus and his new owner-- Sweet Awfully nice of you Wayfernot!
  17. Our dog "Baby" we got as a pup. We called her Bandit. However, whenever we called one another "Baby." She would respond. Like, "Hey Baby, do you want some pizza?" The dog would respond. So, she did tell us her name. Simba is also a cute name. Maverick Clyde The WORST name at the clinic right now is Fizglug -- geez The cutest name for a pug was "snort"
  18. Being involved with TWI affected whom I married as well as why I divorced I wasn't myself. I considered guys, I would not have considered AND when married to a perfectly okay handsome guy, I allowed TWI interference to change the way I saw him and ultimately the way I felt. That is a shame because he really was harmless and I was harmful. I ran things through a distorted filter. My example of a "man-of-God," something I wanted at the time, was a Cr8g like idiot. Funny, but if someone were kinder or more gentle and pastering it was not "okay" it was as if only crazy prophet types were acceptable. I dunno, if all this was the confused slant I was on, or many other girls felt this way. But this fine man to whom I was married, was a kind soul. He reached out to people in a whisper. He did not shout or rant. Somehow, I allowed myself to think he was a "poor" example... Geez-- of what? So, if he yelled and screamed he would have been a catch? I screwed up. I hope he is well. I wronged him.
  19. Oh and Ridley is a cool dog name Once knew a dog named "Arlo" after Arlo Guthrie
  20. Waffles. It is a small cute dog's name applied to a big guy -- kinda funny Samson -- Great strength Barney -- a warm friendly name. Riley -- a dog that comes into the clinic who is full of personality Lucas -- For quite thougtful guy Simon -- a wise, fun dog. Want to hear the funniest? A few years back I was at the vet and theis dog was doing a barking barking, growl noise which sounded engine-like. The name? They called him "chain saw"
  21. Groucho-- I could not have said it better. Sprawled out I spoke with P*t whom I trusted to have better insight and knew would be honest, she said it was not for everyone, but she did take somethings that were positive away from Momentus. She was honest, but the other was just TOO excited about a class ran by one man and would NOT discuss what the class was about -- you just have to take it and see.... I did that once ---- Not interested in being a life long groupy -- going from group to group to group. I'll pass....
  22. Another corps scum piece of crap here! I went scum with great intentions, then I was "broken" while in residence, and graduated a "piece of crap".
  23. Ex10: I see what you are saying. It is different to view a class by sitting in it then it is to watch the change in a person who took it. I agree. Always nice to see you. Group: People were asking what the training was like, therefore I shared what she said she experienced, and what I experienced in her. People were asking about the training, and it was never really discussed in what I read, so I figured I would share what she told me. Second hand, yes. But it was a LOUD witness to me that I made the correct decision to forego the dang thing and I do not regret that decision. My experience of her -was her testimony, and it was poor at best Anyone else out there want to share some specifics? Otherwise, I only have what she told me and I revealed to you. Share something and the positive or negative effect on you, if you feel comfortable. Your experience is your experience, if it was great then that is wonderful. If not, then that is YOUR "take away" from the experience. Whatever, we're all just talking here... Groucho- Your class idea sounds great. Perhaps, we can do a class on "how to heal after a cult rips your heart out." Real life sharings. We can pair people up as "partners" and lay the guilt of walking away from something one may perceive as unhealthy, on the student. If you quit the class then your poor partner who paid money and took off of work can not continue.... Hmmmm love is the motivator? or guilt? We need people to string chairs, yell in the face of the student etc. So, there would be a payroll therefore, THEIR check would still need to clear the bank
  24. I saw a video discussing this called "In PLANE SITE" I think you can review it on the net.
  25. Been divorced and remarried
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