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Everything posted by Modgellan

  1. Year2027- you had turned it off. I turned it back on for you. It should be working now.
  2. Ok, I have had this thread shut down for a time this morning while I reviewed it. I have made a few edits in various posts which either were rule violations, references to those posts, or for clarity after being edited. I respect that the participants feel strongly regarding the topic and it seems that you all wish to continue discussing these scriptures, HOWEVER I have no interest, nor do I desire to spend time in babysitting posters who cannot refrain from pulling out swords on each other when a considerate argument could be presented using a keyboard. There were multiple people in violation in this regard. You all have demonstrated your abilities to present reasonable and considerate arguments to each other. Please keep doing so. I spent an hour or more of my time on this today in order to try and allow the topic to continue. I will NOT do so again. Further rule violations such as namecalling, personal characterizations, accusations about lying etc will simply be deleted and the offender will be suspended for a minimum of 3 days. If you disagree with my edits, you can PM me, but I did the best I could to leave the topical arguments intact. Your view may vary about how successful I was, but I made every effort on both sides to do so. Trust me, I have no opinion one way or the other regarding any side of this topic and my edits were directed only to rule violations.
  3. Modgellan

    East Urn

    alright, I looked over things. Raf you were over the line with accusations of a personal nature in the SIT thread. As you have publicly acknowledged you should have walked away a bit and cooled down. Mods are granted no special permissions when it comes to the rules. You didn't walk away, oh well. Since the original thread has been a long and ongoing discussion and also since it looks to me that the parties who could have been most offended by what you did apparently are willing to move on, Let's drop it. I will increase your Warn Status to make note of this offense. I can confirm that ModCat5 did ask for assistance in how to cool things down, Since we do not monitor this place 24/7 his request went unread and he took what action he felt was warranted, partially at least to cool himself down. Moderators should NEVER use their abilities on threads where they are a primary participant. I looked through the moderator logs and do not find where he edited any posts of anybody else. That said, please (everyone) abide by the rules. If you are getting heated, wait awhile and reread your post before submitting it.
  4. Raf- I also am cautioning you against making assumptions and statements about a poster's need for medical psychiatric care.as you did in the other thread (which I have removed). You know that is against the rules.
  5. "Doctrinal Discussion of religious/spiritual doctrinal beliefs. Since this site is not a religious site, please keep all doctrinal discussions in here" In answer to your question, Roy, Doctrinal is a place to discuss your beliefs and opinions about any doctrine, religious or spiritual, whether those originate in The Way or not. We do not "hide" people there. It is meant to be an active forum to discuss precisely the sort of topics you repeatedly and erroneously post in About the Way. (ATW) You are not hidden there. I suspect you mean well, but you have ignored repeated requests to not post those sorts of topics in ATW, so I move them to where they belong. From here on out, if you continue to post topics there which are not directly related to discussing TWI, your posts will be put in the category of requiring moderator approval before they will appear on the Forum. When a moderator can take the time to review your posts, they will be placed in the appropriate forum where they belong. This may take some time. [quote name='year2027'}is there no truth on this board was there ever if so the Way Minisry has won because that is the way I feel right now] Did Grease Spot cafe sale out to the Way Minisry? That is ridiculous, Roy. If you feel that way perhaps you need to discuss your concerns with a friend who knows you personally. Maybe it would be better for your own needs to move on like you stated awhile ago that you were going to do. http://www.greasespo...-this-place-up/ Only you can decide what is best for you. If you choose to continue to post at GSC, you can expect that your threads will be placed where they belong in the opinion of the moderators, in the interest of the focus and intent of the GSC format. That particular decision is not open for discussion. There are numerous free sites where you can have your own Blog and say what you want, when you want. If you do not like the way GSC is organized, I suggest you try one of them out and have fun.
  6. we are the 99%...(who have left)
  7. Kit- click on your name on the top right corner of the screen and in the drop down list click on "My Settings". Now, on the left look for Notification options and then click on the box that says "Disable my Personal messenger" in order to remove the checkmark that is there. Then go to the bottom of that page and "Save Changes" If that does not work, email me and I will turn it on for you.
  8. Modgellan

    bin Laden is Dead

    Broken Arrow- Yes, your post is appropriate. Thank you for asking. It is not the topic that I suggest is out of line with the "no-politics" policy, but comments pro or con regarding the character of the politicians involved. An announcement of worldwide import is allowed and welcome. After all, we each live in an interconnected world. Comments such as yours which stick to the importance of that event are fine. Unfortunately it is easy to cross the (admittedly undefined) line between discussing the event and discussing the politicians involved. My cautionary post above was meant to point out that there is a more appropriate place that welcomes opinionated views regarding the President, Congress, laws and their characters. This thread has at least one post specifically supporting a politician (a poster/pic mentioning President Obama his birth certificate and Bin Laden) and one counter post questioning the character of the President and his associates. I would like to see it left at that. It is far too easy for future responses to start becoming personal here, and that is what we would like to avoid. The other site was set up to handle that type of discussion. I would like NOT to carry on a discussion in this thread regarding what the politics policy should be, I only wanted to be cautionary regarding that fine line before posts crossed over it. Regards, Modgellan
  9. Modgellan

    bin Laden is Dead

    There is a forum on another site where political discussion such as the comment by Kit and a few others may be freely exchanged. This forum at GSC is not that place. Here is the address of that site: http://www.bluzecent...itics/index.php
  10. according to the site linked on the first page, the sentencing was postponed. Unfortunately they are not letting us into that part of the site to learn the details. Supposedly the case was in Castle Rock, Colorado, I am assuming that means the 18th Judicial District Court there.
  11. I have reason to think the Myspace page and the Honda car page in a post on page #1 are not the same Adam Hirschfeld I removed those two links for the time being
  12. People Find gives Adam E. Hirschfeld's age as 28. Victoria as 26 I think it is strange that the address for VRH Capital is owned by someone else, and has been since the duplex was built in 2004. Maybe they followed TWI doctrine of not having a mortgage? They are not listed as owning any property in Castle Rock, CO at this time.
  13. SOURCE: http://www.resilient...2020%202009.pdf According to this http://falconalumni....n_annreport.pdf he was in the class of '04 but then one wonders if he is really 23 now. I am guessing perhaps that age, cited, was a few years ago when the investor first did business with him. He donated a whopping $125-$249 in 2009 Other searches for him show up in the Florida area also in the financial services field, from 2005 to 2007: Corporation Wiki- http://www.corporati...sk-P200489.aspx This site links Hirschfeld with Carrington Fisk (I don't know who that is) and also Phyllis Giles Clearwater LLC started in 2005 no longer active Hirschfeld & Lynch (Adam H and Daniel LYnch partners)- Clearwater FL started in 2005, no longer active. HF Capital (Pylliss Giles registered agent) started in 2007, no longer active Adam E. Hirschfeld's current company appears to be VRH Capital. VRH are the initials of his wife, Victoria Ruth Hirschfeld. The company has an address in Castle Rock, CO (VRH1) and in New Bremen, OH (VRH2) Ron St. John, Vice President and Director Mr. St. John has over 35 years of experience in field operations in the drilling and production of oil and natural gas wells and produced water disposal in Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Montana. SOURCE: http://www.resilient...2020%202009.pdf
  14. Psalmie- if you are on Facebook you can just search her name and message her directly.also.
  15. Modgellan

    Topics Moved

    Clay and Sunesis- those topics were moved to their own forum. I am told that as of early morning Dec 31 you both should be able see that forum. If you still cannot, go to the bottom of this page and click "Delete my cookies". As I recall, that only deletes the cookies from this site. See if that works for you to clear the problem.
  16. no there were no shift assignments. we mostly just each scanned the forums whenever we randomly had time to check in on the cafe. Now and then I would scan with my mod name and then say "ooohh, I want to respond to that post". Forgetting I was logged in as a mod I would make a comment, post it and then go "CRAP, I thought I was signed in with my regular name."..after fumbling for the delete button I never knew if people saw it or not. And of course, with the possible chance someone had, I could not repost the same thing in my regular name, thus my most astute responses were often left unspoken. LOL In my mod jacket, I always tried to read things without an opinion on the subject itself and to see things through the glasses of the posted rules whether I agreed with the post or not. I know some disagree, but I still think I was mostly successful with that, and I edited or deleted, and even suspended people from both sides of the aisle. Mainly, I would let each side make one or two volleys. If they stopped, all was left alone. If it kept going or seemed like it was going to be an all out multi-page back and forth slugfest I would shut it down. I mean geez, how many posts does it take to call the other guy nutzoid?
  17. TommyZ- try putting TommyZ in the search box I see some of your posts going back to 2002 by that method
  18. I was Modgellan and I don't care who knows it
  19. Modgellan

    So long folks...

    Gen2- your posts do not disappear when you leave this Forum
  20. I edited the title from Say to Day for you Tommy, but it was fun to expect to hear what happy mothers would say
  21. Modgellan

    Post Upgrade Issues

    Does the same problem happen with IE8 instead of 7?
  22. Heckler- (and anyone else) cut out the personal attacks on other posters. you are in violation of the rules here and will lose your ability to post if it continues
  23. I moved this from "About the Way" since in spite of it's title it has little or nothing to do with TWI and is more about interactions at GSC.
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