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Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
No. "I only hope you won't condemn us all for the boorish behavior of one man." "I only hope you won't condemn us all for the boorish behavior of one man." "How'd you know he was going to say that?" "Let's just say this is not the first performance I've seen of this little melodrama. That woman should consider herself fortunate. She's caught the Prefect's eye. As of now, she's off limits to the rest of us." -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
You're half right about that. :) "I can see it now. Two hundred people jammed into our quarters... eating, drinking... laughing." "Sounds awful. What if I promise you there'll be absolutely no laughter?" "No, I mean it. You won't see a single smile the entire evening. It'll be the grimmest party you've ever been to. No smiling -- or you won't be invited." "When do you want to have this party?" "Next week. And I was thinking... maybe we should give the evening a theme." "She was a striking woman, your Mother. Though when I met her, she was very self-conscious about that small scar along the side of her face. She used to try to cover it up with a strand of hair." "Well done. I can hardly believe that you're the same women I met yesterday. In fact -- you're not. Your old lives have ended. Your pasts have been erased. You have one purpose and one purpose only: to provide comfort and care to the Cardassian officers stationed here. Do that well, and you'll want for nothing. Fail, and you and your family will be sent to a labor camp." "Why do you keep doing that?" "What?" "Helping me. First, at the refugee center and now here..." "I don't have many friends." "Well, you have one now." "She's moving up in the world. Your friend must have hidden talents I wasn't aware of. Our beloved Prefect has "invited" her to share his quarters." "Let me get this straight... there's two hundred of us, trapped inside some crumbling, old mission... surrounded by two thousand enemy troops?" "That's right." "And we win?" "No, we lose." "Why on Earth would you want to play a program where we lose?" -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Since no one took the turn... here are quotes! "I can see it now. Two hundred people jammed into our quarters... eating, drinking... laughing." "Sounds awful. What if I promise you there'll be absolutely no laughter?" "No, I mean it. You won't see a single smile the entire evening. It'll be the grimmest party you've ever been to. No smiling -- or you won't be invited." "When do you want to have this party?" "Next week. And I was thinking... maybe we should give the evening a theme." "She was a striking woman, your Mother. Though when I met her, she was very self-conscious about that small scar along the side of her face. She used to try to cover it up with a strand of hair." "Well done. I can hardly believe that you're the same women I met yesterday. In fact -- you're not. Your old lives have ended. Your pasts have been erased. You have one purpose and one purpose only: to provide comfort and care to the Cardassian officers stationed here. Do that well, and you'll want for nothing. Fail, and you and your family will be sent to a labor camp." -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Could it be The Masterpiece Society? I have a vague idea of an episode where people lived under a dome that was going to/had suffer some damage because of something going on on the planet and Geordi's VISOR being what discovered the damage. Or something like that. I'm not very sure, but if it is, please someone take my turn. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
In Purgatory's Shadow? -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Sorry, but I think you may mean Elim Garak and Enabran Tain... I know Garak had joked about Elim being his best friend, but as Bashir found out later on, Elim is Garak's first name. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Correct! That's indeed the episode. :) "Chrysalis" The genetically-enhanced friends Bashir made in an earlier episode are back to bring one of them, Sarina, to Julian for him to try to cure her. The quotes were from them, Bashir, Ezri, Nog and Sisko. Your turn now, WordWolf. ;) -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
I'm sorry. I've been busy... True, it's DS9. Hopefully you'll remember the episode with more quotes. Although I have to say that "That's a stupid question." is one of the best quotes I can think of. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you could get into for impersonating Starfleet officers?" "Jack, you didn't say anything about us getting in trouble..." "We didn't get caught, did we?" "Didn't anyone question you?" "Of course. But when they did, Patrick would just say..." "That's a stupid question..." "You'd be surprised how well it works." "I'll say." "Do you remember me... ?" "Of course she remembers you. She's not an idiot." "She's just a little cataleptic." "Are you really going to be able to make her better... ?" "I'm going to do my best." "Doctor, I appreciate that you feel a connection with them because you're genetically engineered yourself -- but they have displayed a consistent disregard for the rules that the rest of society lives by." "Maybe that's because they're not allowed to live in society." "We are not here to debate Eederation policy toward the genetically enhanced." "I'm sorry. Obviously you want to punish yourself. Do you want help? I'm really good at punishing myself. Let's see. If I were you, I'd be kicking myself for making promises I couldn't keep. For getting everyone's hopes up. For being arrogant enough to think that I could help Sarina when dozens of other doctors have failed. Should I keep going?" "No, that pretty much covers it. Thanks." "Glad I could help." -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Oh, sorry, I forgot to check. "What's going on?" "Admiral Patrick and his staff just arrived on the Farragut." "What happened with Doctor Girani?" "The admiral said she was asking too many stupid questions." "Doctor Bashir reporting as ordered." "Finally." "Patrick... ?" "That's Admiral Patrick." "Mind your manners, doctor." "What are you doing here?" "That's a stupid question." "Where'd you get these uniforms?" "That's a stupid question, too." "Please excuse the doctor, sir. He just woke up." "Nog, these people are not Starfleet officers." "They're not?" "We're mutants." "They meant well? That's the same excuse you used when they were caught trying to pass military secrets to the Dominion." "They were only trying to save lives by shortening the war and --" "Your friend was right, you can't break the laws of physics... But you can bend them!" "We recalibrated the imaging diodes. It's so accurate, you could clip the wings of an angel dancing on the head of a pin. If you wanted to." I'll be busy the next couple of days, but I'll try to check to see if someone guessed it and post new quotes... -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Is it the episode with Vash and Q at DS9? -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
DS9 = Terok Nor. Empok Nor is the twin station they go searching in one episode, and it's the name of that episode too. But *shrugs* I guess I was wrong. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Empok Nor ? -
I'm following the thread. But I'm clueless about that movie. Most of the time that I'm silent is because I don't know the movie and I'm just waiting for someone else to guess it.
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
That's obviously Voyager. It looks like the quotes involve Tom Paris, Harry Kim, and probably the Doctor. I'm unable to figure out more than that. :unsure: -
Sorry, George. Raf is right, the movie is "The Island". Raf, your turn!
"What's sex?" "Wait ? you're a virgin? You've been kicking around with *her* and you're a... a v-v-virgin? Well, I won't spoil the surprise. Boy, are you in for a treat." "Bu- I have a mother! I remember her!" "Yeah, I know..." "I grew up on a farm! I had a little dog a - and I had a bike..." "A bike, yeah. A pink, fluffy Flyer with little tassels on the handlebars? And you rode it up the street to your Grandmother's house, you'd ring the little bell, she came out and served you cookies on a hot plate?" "Yes." "No. Memory imprints. I've seen 'em - a buddy of mine is a programmer at the institute, he showed me. There's only, like, twelve stories, they change around little details, but they're all pretty much the same. The life you think you had before the 'contamination' - it never happened. "
Those quotes sounded like they could belong to The Hunt of the Red October.
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Anything other than killing the chorus would be to some extent correctible. :unsure: -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
You're correct! Dax is the one having more time with Bashir in this episode, but I think Kira and O'Brien are part of the group in the Gamma Quadrant when they found the planet. :) And you're right too in that we do see Kukalaka in a later episode. :) Your turn, WordWolf. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
It is DS9, but not the episode you mentioned. -------------------- "A lot of people don't want to be around the sick. It reminds them of their own mortality." "It doesn't bother you?" "Sometimes... but I think I'd rather confront mortality than hide from it. When you make someone well, it's like you're chasing Death off, making him wait for another day." "But Death comes to everyone in the end." "Not to Kukalaka." "Kuka-who?" "My first patient. A teddy bear." "What's that?" "Sort of a soft puppet, stuffed with wadded cotton. When I was a boy, I took him everywhere I went. After a few years, he started to get a little threadbare, until one day his leg tore open and his insides spilled out and made a mess. My mother was all set to throw him out, but I wouldn't have it. At the tender age of five, I performed my first surgery. I re- stuffed him, and stitched his leg closed. From then on, I did whatever it took to keep Kukalaka together. I must've sewn, stitched or patched every square inch of him." "Why were you so determined to keep him in one piece?" "I wouldn't be much of a doctor if I gave up on a patient, would I?" "Where's Kukalaka now?" "Some closet somewhere... ... ... On a shelf in my room..." "The Blight will take him in the end." "I thought you let people come to you... I didn't realize you made house calls." "I was concerned that she might be too weak to come." "I don't understand why you're so obsessed with death, Trevean. From what I've seen, you've lived with the Blight longer than anyone else." "Yes... and I've seen more suffering than anyone else." -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Since no one else took the chance and I had a bit of time to search for quotes... "A lot of people don't want to be around the sick. It reminds them of their own mortality." "It doesn't bother you?" "Sometimes... but I think I'd rather confront mortality than hide from it. When you make someone well, it's like you're chasing Death off, making him wait for another day." "But Death comes to everyone in the end." "Not to Kukalaka." "Kuka-who?" "My first patient. A teddy bear." "What's that?" "Sort of a soft puppet, stuffed with wadded cotton. When I was a boy, I took him everywhere I went. After a few years, he started to get a little threadbare, until one day his leg tore open and his insides spilled out and made a mess. My mother was all set to throw him out, but I wouldn't have it. At the tender age of five, I performed my first surgery. I re- stuffed him, and stitched his leg closed. From then on, I did whatever it took to keep Kukalaka together. I must've sewn, stitched or patched every square inch of him." "Why were you so determined to keep him in one piece?" "I wouldn't be much of a doctor if I gave up on a patient, would I?" "Where's Kukalaka now?" "Some closet somewhere... ... ... On a shelf in my room..." -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
In that case: The ambassador was mute and had three other people connected to his mind so he could communicate through them. It was kind of weird because they were a sort of interpreters to him, but there wasn't any external signs of their communication. He was supposed to mediate in a treaty of some sort. Deanna had some interest on the guy... or it was him having an interest in Deanna? At one point of the episode, the three chorus people were killed, letting Riva having troubles communicating and feeling that he couldn't work anymore. By the end of the episode he was left on a planet, teaching the two parties involved in the treaty negotiations sign language. That way, they would be able to understand Riva, and at the same time they would be involved in a process of learning something together and learning more about each other too. And that's as much as I remember from the episode. BTW, anyone can take the turn and post quotes. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
I'm not very sure, but could it be the TNG episode with the mute ambassador? I think his name was Riva. If this is the episode, I can give more information about it if this isn't enough... but first I'd like to know if I'm not confusing the episode with another one... -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
*giggles* I didn't realise that! -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
*whispers to WordWolf* O'Brien. The forth "Klingon" was O'Brien. :)