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Everything posted by MaddyWolf
I wasn't sure if "the future begins" was part of the title of the movie or some kind of tag line. I'll have to think quotes, I guess...
Star Trek the 11th movie... I think it was called The Future Begins?
Yes, indeed. It is "The Producers". Your turn.
Let's make it even more easy to guess: "Gregor Samsa awoke one morning to discover that he had been transformed into a giant cockroach." Nah, it's too good." "Not many people know it, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer."
"You're an accountant! You're in a noble profession! The word "count" is part of your title!" "Shut up, I'm having a rhetorical conversation."
No. Not the Marx Brothers. But very good comedy anyway.
Ok. I don't know if I should say this one is an easy one or not. *wonders what kind of movies do the rest of the people in this thread like* "That's it, baby, when you've got it, flaunt it, flaunt it!" "Have you gone mad? A receptionist who can't speak English? What will people say?" "They'll say, "A wuma wa wa wa wa!" " "Actors are not animals! They're human beings!" "They are? Have you ever eaten with one?" "This pin used to hold a pearl the size of your eye. Look at me now, LOOK AT ME NOW! I'm wearing a cardboard belt!"
That last quote sounds familiar... Casablanca?
Good guess. Yes, it's Bicentennial Man. Your turn.
No. Nothing like that. "Andrew, People grow through time, then for you, time is a completely different proposition, for you, time is endless."
Next movie, then: "One has studied your history. Terrible wars have been fought where millions have died for one idea, freedom. And it seems that something that means so much to so many people would be worth having." "You see, imperfection is the key. Imperfections make us individuals, that's what makes us unique. See my nose, how it is all bulbous and pock marked, well, I am the only one with my nose." "I think personality is much more important than intelligence, don't you?"
The Court Jester?
The quotes sound familiar enough... I think I saw the movie... but I can't figure out what movie it is. WordWolf, did you say that Basil Rathbone was in that movie? If so, then I'm not surprised I think the quotes are familiar. I like Basil Rathbone, mostly as a counterpart to Errol Flynn. It would also mean the movie is old, but the kind of old I know. :) George, only 30 minutes of Gone with the Wind? Wow. I've watched the movie at least 3 times. I spend most the time wanting to slap the characters into having some common sense, but the movie is good. Then again, I think Casablanca is boring, and I'm sure most people think that's an outrageous comment or something.
2001 A Space Odyssey Next: "Well, Bret, you know what we ended up with? A half a million dollar silk shirt." "Nope, we ended up with a quarter million dollar silk shirt, because my old pappy always used to say "Don't put the chicken in front of"... no, wait "Never cut the cards before"... no, wait, "Don't put all you eggs in one basket"." "Now that, I said."
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Since no one posted any new quotes, I'll leave you with a very easy one... "Sir, I protest. I am not a merry man." -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
One could say that the Dax symbiont was prone to disrespect rules. Curzon and Jadzia were known for not conforming with "normal" standards. As for Ezri, she was never taught the rules of the "joined ones", she wasn't supposed to be joined with a symbiont. I guess it gave her less chances to fight the impulses of going back to Dax previous host friends. Nothing they did with Odan was supposed to stick for long. He was a character in one episode and that was it. The mistake was to try to make one of the main characters in DS9 be of that species. The most notorious of the changes was the appearance, as they probably thought it wasn't that great to have a pretty girl playing Jadzia to then put an ugly prosthetic in her forehead. And I'm sure Trills see relationships and romance in a different way that humans. If you are in a relationship with a joined Trill, then you know than when the host die, you have to end the relationship, no matter than a part of your beloved one is in another host. And for what we saw in "Rejoined" that part of the new entity can still have feelings for their former partner. That has to make a difference.รง Starting a new life with all the experiences, memories and feelings of the previous one has to change the way they see all aspects of life. Do you remember how Jadzia didn't care that much about the details of her wedding with Worf? Even when it was her only marriage, Dax had married several times already. Then again, I find terribly odd that when everyone speak of Trills they talk about all Trills in general, when I'm thinking there must be a big difference between the ones joined to symbionts and the ones that aren't. ( :D keep going. I'm having fun answering your post. I hope people don't mind that I'm answering this several days later, when we're all suppose to be trying to guess other episode) -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Yes, that was the episode. "Rejoined". It was Torias Dax wife, Nilani, but you are right. It's forbidden for Trills to get back to the previous host life, and that includes family. So Even if Khan was in other host too, it was forbidden for them to get back together. Your turn. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Now that you're telling me, I've started remembering that scene. Ok, let's see... next quotes... "You know that woman?" "I know her. She used to be my wife..." "He used to say there was an exception to every rule; and he usually went out of his way to find it." "If I were in your position, I'd probably be just as ready to throw away everything for the person I love. But I would also want to be sure... that I was ready to pay the price." -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
I've known since the first post that the quotes included lines from Lwaxana Troi, but I still can't pinpoint the actual episode. From the last post quotes, I know it's DS9, but I'm still unable to figure out the episode. I barely remember Lwaxana and Odo being involved somehow, but other than that I can't remember when Majel Barret appeared in DS9. :( I hope someone else can guess it. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Correct! After the DSN episode about the LMH, I couldn't resist quoting this episode. BTW, the quote "I'm a pilot, Harry, not a doctor!" is Tom Paris talking to Harry Kim, the rest of the quotes are all interactions between the two Doctors. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Next quotes... "Stop breathing down my neck!" "My breathing is merely a simulation." "So is my neck. Stop it anyway!" "I'm a doctor, not a commando!" "I'm a pilot, Harry, not a doctor!" "I've had my share of piloting experience. Actually, only two lessons, and they were on a shuttlecraft on the holodeck. But I showed great intuition... Where's the helm?" "When I requested more away missions, this isn't exactly what I had in mind." "I'm as close to a sentient life-form as any hologram could hope to be. I socialise with the crew, fraternise with aliens. I've even had sexual relations." "Sex? How is that possible? We're not equiped with..." "Let's just say I made an addition to my program." "Before you leave, maybe you could download those subroutines into my database." "We'll see." -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Actually, that sounds like the episode when we find out about Julian being enhanced. Doctor Zimmerman comes to DSN and starts asking questions about Julian to everyone, trying to create the next series of EMH looking like him. And it's during that inquires that he speaks to Julian's parents... and they make the mistake to tell the hologram, and thus Zimmerman himself about Julian's little secret. If I remember correctly, the name of the episode is: Doctor Bashir I pressume? -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
Correct! It was "Elementary, Dear Data". That's the episode where they created Moriarty by a mistake made by Geordi in the holodeck. The quotes were interactions between Moriarty and Dr. Pulaski and Picard. Your turn, George. -
Name that Star Trek Episode
MaddyWolf replied to GeorgeStGeorge's topic in Movies, Music, Books, Art
:) I'm not trying to make it easy this time... hope someone figures it out anyway. :) "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Of course you do, Madam. The more you proclaim your ignorance, the more you attempt to mislead me, the more I am on to you - your every silence speaks volumes." "Good, then if you know what I'm saying when I'm not saying anything, what do you need me around for? Thanks for the tea and crumpets, but I guess I'll be going." "Is the definition of life "Cogito, ergo sum" - I think, therefore I am?" "Yes, that is one possible definition." "It is the most important one." "It's human nature to love what we don't have." "If I destroy these surroundings, this vessel, can you say that it doesn't matter to you? Interesting pun, don't you think? For matter is what I am not." "Perhaps we'll meet again, madam." "It could be a long time. Time won't pass for you, but I may be an old woman." "But I'll still fill you with crumpets, Madam."