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Broken Arrow

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Everything posted by Broken Arrow

  1. "Or we can tell him it is great he is on this path with this group and more power to him. Yeah. . . hang with the Wierwilles. . . where else can you get the 'word'. (Previous quote from Geisha) And let's not forget one of VP's "revelations" was that if the Wierwille family does not stand, "the Word of God will not live in our day and time." That quote, by the way is from, "A Day with the Wierwilles". That kind of makes the rest of of irrelevant doesn't it? So...I guess some may see this "Sowers" thing is a carrying on of VP's "vision".
  2. Thank you very much! I can rest much easier now!
  3. Nope! It's just Aunt Ethel with the mashed potatos she made for the family picnic. Gotta love that Aunt Ethel!
  4. This is off topic but it's driving me crazy. What does "IMO" stand for?
  5. Indeed! And oh, by the way, no need to apologize.
  6. Waysider, I remember it differently, see what you think. I remember him saying that cancer itself was a devil spirit. So, if you had cancer, you were possessed. I actually contracted cancer (fully recovered) and it really caused a lot of shame in my life because, I, a Corps Grad (gasp!) allowed myself to be possessed by cancer. I would say that the cancer had progressed to stage II because I denied certain symptoms. I didn't want to face the fact that I had allowed myself to be "possessed". Years later I found out VPW had died of cancer. When he died, the cause was definitely "hush, hush". He taught that people died, "when they stopped believing". So when he died prematurely, there was some "explaining to do". More like a cover-up actually. Anyway, if you and I died, it would be our lack of believing. For VPW, he was "tired of the fight". His death was blamed on the lack of believing of those around him. We, the "Household" were to blame because we didn't listen to him. What a bunch of bull. Of course, his cause of death was never mentioned.
  7. I always thought he said, "Rosebud", and then dropped a glass of drambuie on the floor.
  8. Yes! Except that whenever I've brought up my Way experiences with a therapist or anyone else who was never "in", all I usually get are blank stares. How can anyone else understand? Even people that were in other cults can't seem to relate specifically to The Way experiences. Maybe I just don't let people "in" when it comes to my own life, I dunno. That's why I read Greasespot every now and then. That helps some...sometimes. Anyway, to answer your question. It's taken me a long time because for a long time I didn't think I had a problem until my first wife left me and I realized all I was was a shell. Then I also came to realize that 15 years in The Way International and my "Way Corps" education taught me absolutely nothing. In fact I may have even become more stupid. Then I started looking for help.
  9. Yup! Not a whole lot different than from being invited to an Amway meeting.
  10. This off topic, but you, Waysider, and you, Rumrunner need to stop at the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland if you haven't already. They have an awesome exhibit on Muddy Waters.
  11. Far be it from me to tell someone how to live their life. But since you asked...YES!!!
  12. You got it close Leafy. Actually what was said by VP was that people made it complicated, but it wasn't all that complicated to him. All you needed to do, he said, was "understand a few Orientalisms". He said that in PFAL. In other words, only he really understood it. I was "in" for 15 years and never heard much taught on the Book of Revelation.
  13. Just so you know, "I wish I were the man I know to be" was from a song written by Harve Platig and Pat Lynn and performed by "Branded". Harve and Pat were inspired by a teaching of his from Eph. 1:6. where in an emotional moment he "saw" in the Word how much was available and how little he (and all of us) measure up. Don't look for any hidden admissions of guilt, he was a narcissist to the bitter end. We're all supposed to look at the grave stone, sigh, and say, "What a humble, humble man."
  14. [quote name='Watered Garden' post='4660 WG I have data entry issues. Sorry.
  15. I was required to memorize the order of the books of the Bible. Maybe that's whey they were referring to.
  16. Are you kidding? How could that land have depreciated so much? Especially Rome City? I find that hard to believe. I would believe it if they were sold in today's environment, but the 90's were "boom" years for real estate. Even bad real estate.
  17. Since you didn't specify the subject at hand, I'll assume you are asking, "How old were you when you "got in The Word"? I was 21. Ooh! I haven't heard it put that way in a long time!
  18. Dot, It has been a blessing to read your posts. I too am copying them to share with others.
  19. I dunno guys. I mean it's a fairly common belief even among secular sociologists that we're all products of our cultures, environments, backgrounds, upbringing etc. The sad reality is, most of us believe what we are told to believe and then claim we have original ideas. Sorry to be so cynical...but it's true. That's why we have to be open to being wrong, as painful as that can be at times. As to VPW's statement, "You can't go beyond what you're taught", I suppose you can, but it's not easy.
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