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Broken Arrow

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Everything posted by Broken Arrow

  1. They'll have no problem with that. As far as who decides who is on the FCC, I'm pretty sure it's the President with Congressional approval. As far as whether Greasespot would be ended, I'm not even sure the Internet is on the radar right now, it's more aimed at radio and television. That is not to say it couldn't be targeted. The Fairness Doctrine states that you have to present an alternative point of view and Greasespot provides that. No offense, and I don't think anyone will be offended, GSC is small potatoes for the U.S. Gov and so is TWI. It'll be awhile before we get their attention. Sometimes small is good. The U.S. Gov. wants people who are exposing their stuff
  2. I think the logic was that VP was "our father in the Word". H.E. "Harry" Wierwille was his brother so therefore that made him our uncle. They were calling him that when I entered the scene in '74 so I don't know when it started. By the way, does "Der Fuhrer" translate into English as "The Father?" I'm seeing some parallels here. I'm surprised we were never taught to "Goose Step" in the Corps. Maybe they were teaching that in "devotion with motion" and it just got by me.
  3. That's awful! I'm sorry to hear you were treated that way and that was wrong.
  4. Naaaaa--why should things be "fair"? Who brought up this question WorldNetDaily? It'd figure Oh, no...it's definitely out there and there is talk in Congress about instituting a "Fairness Doctrine". It's all over talk radio and not by a bunch of right wing "nut fringe groups". It seems there are those who think the general public is too stupid to weigh the facts on their own.
  5. I contracted cancer myself in 1987 and I was a Corps Grad. I felt a great deal of shame and really questioned my worth as a leader and my effectiveness as a believer. "How could I, a Corps Grad, allow myself to get possessed?" I thought. In fact, I delayed getting examined because I didn't want to face facts. I was ashamed to tell others including family members and fellow Corps. Everyone in TWI was nice to me, at least to my face. I wasn't aware that VPW had died of cancer. I am completely cancer free (praise God!), but it took quite awhile for me to pull myself together emotionally. It shook me to the core. I finally had to face the fact that VPW was actually wrong about something. Later I found out that he himself had died of cancer 2 years prior. So, yes. This doctrine did a lot of damage at least to me and I would imagine lot of other people. It makes sense, but I wasn't aware that others were blamed for VP's illness, that is, outside of POP. I think I heard somewhere that the in-residence Corps at the time was yelled at for allowing the MOG to die "on their watch". Is that true?
  6. When I left, I was afraid something bad might happen because I was no longer "abundantally sharing" to HQ. I gave money to a guy who was starting an offshoot. Shortly following I was in a minor car accident (no injuries). I was sure it was because I didn't give my money to HQ and I felt guilty. Of course, I didn't even consider that it could have had something to do with the fact that my mind was in the clouds at the time and I ran a red light. So, I began sending my money to the "proper place" again and realized that sometimes bad things happened anyway. I still tithe, but now it's just because I want to help my church out. I don't do it to bring good luck or to ward off bad luck.
  7. After reading your clarification, I fully agree. I apparently misunderstood your point. My apologies.
  8. My comparison may be oblique. My comments were in response to someone who, at least to me, was criticizing Bible study itself. He seemed to be criticizing Jews and Christians to dedicating so much time to studying what they believe is Truth because the writings had been around for so long. My argument is that it makes at least as much sense to study ancient writings as it does to study any ancient work be it art, literature, history or whatever. But since you brought it up, I think you musicians do play works of the masters to come to a greater understanding of them. At least in the context of getting in touch with the emotion the master composer was trying to convey and then of course...convey it. In addition (I realize I am now getting etherial) one might use certain music (i.e. baroque) to get in touch with the emotions inside one's self. Also, it would seem to me that if one wanted to become a master composer, they would be foolish to not learn the masters. The same holds true with all of the arts, that is, literature, visual arts, and the like. I hope that eliminates at least some of my "obliqueness".
  9. I read the link and I find it interesting how so many apply one standard to the Bible and Christianity and then another to everything else. Why isn't this esteemed professor calling for end of studying the Q'ran, or the Kuma Sutra, or the works of Buddha for the same reasons. I'm getting a bit off topic so let me bring it back. These splinter groups are simply regurgitating an interpretation (some would say a perversion) of the Bible. Personally I think they're trying to re-live their glory days as youths. They're simply offering the same stuff repackaged and it's pathetic, really, as well as very sad. However, that is not to be confused with legitimate Bible study or for seeking truth within the Bible. Many find comfort, encouragement and peace through Bible study even after all these centuries.
  10. When I was in rez LCM said that country music was dead and that the center was going to shift from Nashville to Austin. That was crucial information for moving the Word Over the World. It also never came to pass. That's the only "foretelling" type of thing I can recall him saying. Now that I think of it, Wierwille was good at talking about things that had already happened and saying he foresaw it. He was pretty slick about it. I would think at the time that maybe I just missed the meeting where he claimed to have said it. I mean, there were over 100,000 people. How was one to check up on that?
  11. Do you feel the same way about the works of Shakespeare, Homer, Plato, Socrates? How about the art of Michaelangelo? You know, Beethoven, Mozart and Bach have been played a lot over the centuries. I wonder why musicians continue to play their music? I mean, after all, don't we all know what it's supposed to sound like what with recordings and all. One book about Abraham Lincoln should suffice don't you think? And for crying out loud, how many more movies do we need about WWII? Hey people, America won..o.k.? Oh Gawd, it's all so lame...Let's get on to more important things like video games, drive-thru cheeseburgers and what college football team will finish number 1.
  12. In a rented aircraft carrier, right?
  13. So with all these splinter groups rising up, are there really any new people being added to the "flock" so to speak? It seems to me that all of this splintering is just a re-shuffling of ex-twi grads. These people are getting older by the day which means eventually TWI and all its splinters are soon to die off, probably in the next 20 years.
  14. So...do you think these guys get together and get all teary-eyed as they reminisce about their "father in the Word"?
  15. Perhaps that's because the people you go to church with are...what's the word?...polite! People saying things like, "...he needs to grow a pair" are just further evidence of how controlling twi wanted to be. One just shouldn't say stuff like that to someone, it's just plain rude and insulting!
  16. Oh man! Squirrels are rodents! You might as well eat a rat. Squirrels are "tree rats".
  17. Let us not forget the year we "broke VP's heart" when so many left after Corps Week but prior to the Rock of Ages. "If you can stand with me at the Rock of Ages, don't bother coming to Corps Week either". (Some said, "Okay, I won't!")
  18. That's a very good point, Skyrider. I had not considered that. You're probably right.
  19. Well for one thing he surrounded himself with a bunch of kids. When I was first "in", you were old if you were 25. Don't you think we would have seen right through the bs if we had been in our 40's or 50's? TWI would have fallen apart eventually imo because we were getting older and starting to ask questions. One more thing about his "charm": Someone once said that when a person is very evil they come off like someone who is very confident. Yet, it isn't really that they are confident at all, it's that they are completely selfish and don't give a rip about people and they very truly do not care what others think. They only give a pretense of caring about others with the goal of using them for their own selfish purposes. Like when Marie Antoinette, Queen of France said, "Let them eat cake" when thousands of French commoners were starving.
  20. What got really scary one time in the men's shower was when the entire group started singing "He Touched Me"! I believe the line started moving a lot faster at that point.
  21. Oh, I dunno WG. It would have been nice if just once we woke up to the sounds of Hendrix's version of the Star Bangled Banner. Would have been a nice diversion from Beautiful Ohio.
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