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Broken Arrow

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Everything posted by Broken Arrow

  1. Thank everybody. Those were all very helpful comments. I guess I was/am stuck in an either/or mindset. I'm going to check out the book you recommended Tzai. Chockful, I read Malcolm's book Outliers and found it fascinating as is his earlier book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Thanks again everyone! :)
  2. So what about these guys like Steve Covey? He's real big on setting goals and stuff like that as are a lot of guys. I'm not rebuttling you by the way. I really want to know. I think about this a lot. Also, have you ever heard of Neuro Linguistic Programming? What about that? Anybody have any experience with that? I've read a couple of books and I find NLP rather intriguing but then again, I've already proven my propensity to being pulled into a cult.
  3. Thanks for the links. Somehow I got the impression you were saying there were no court docs because it was settled out of court. My mistake. Carry on!
  4. Are we sure he was sued by TWI? I've seen no evidence of that, have you?
  5. IMHO, Joyful Noyse was comprised of a group of very talented musicians. I think they were trying, at the time, to break out of rock in order to appeal to a wider base. It took them time to find their identity and hit a type of stride. I agree they were kind of "smaltzy" in their early days. But even then they wrote some great songs like "Thankful", "Open Your Heart", "Sons of God", and more. I thought they were producing some quality music in their later years. Songs like, "He Lifted Me, "Go, Stand, Speak" and more. Just my opinion. They had a tough job.
  6. Upon reading this thread, I have decided to take the advice of Mark Twain when he said, "Better to keep your mouth shut and let everyone think you're a fool then to open it and remove all doubt."
  7. That must come in real handy when you're vacuuming.
  8. I'll give it you. It's called "An American Dream" and it is indeed by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Check out this video, it's a "hoot". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g-rUedKu4M Waysider's turn.
  9. Saying they believed it was wonderful suggests to me that they don't think it's wonderful now. Why are they still there? I was "in" during the supposidely "wonderful" years of the 70's and 80's. You know what people talked about then? How wonderful it was back in the early 70's when The Word "really moved". People say stuff like that to vaunt themselves up before others. Don't believe them.
  11. One more hint and then I'll give it up. Sorry, I thought this would be easy. "I see Jamaica in the moonlight, Sandy beaches drinking rum every night." hint: Linda Ronstadt sings back-up on this.
  12. That's the first line of the song. I believe it will be more recognizable from the first line of the chorus: "I see Jamaica in the moonlight."
  13. "Some day you'll understand the deeper significance of it.". Well, that part was true. We certainly understand the "deeper significance" of that and a lot of other TWI teachings now.
  14. Yup! Taught the furniture, and my dog. My dog was like a lot of people, only interested in snack time.
  15. Upon further review, so do I. That doesn't mean I'm changing my pick, though.
  16. Ummm...define "educated". Years ago, when the MOG lived among mortal man, all these "educated" folk simply regurgitated Wierwillian doctrine. (Like that, "Wierwillian? I thought of that myself!) Some even copped his mannerisms. No, people's tendencies are to look back and remember things as being better than they are today and it's usually not really true. Truth? There are no "Good ol' days in TWI. Things never were right.
  17. That's a pretty interesting technique! Did you come up with that yourself? When you say "eventually", how long was that generally, days, months, years?
  18. It could be Waysider's pick. But I'm thinking it's "I Wonder Why". I don't know who did it but I heard Sha Na Na sing it.
  19. "Spiritual Partner" reminds me of Jimmy Stewart in the movie "Harvey, the Big White Rabbit." (or is it just called "Harvey"?) For those who aren't familiar with this, it's a story about an aging man who meets a "friend" at a bar one evening. This friend happens to be a 6-foot rabbit that no one else besides Jimmy Stewart can see.
  20. Cool! you got to see a lunar eclipse! At least the evening wasn't a total waste.
  21. Omigosh! So did I! Not just the ho-ho relo stories but "night owl" sharings and the like. Just a bunch of people sitting around trying to impress each other with how "spiritual" they were. Yech!
  22. Kristen Skedgell, in her book Losing the Way said that she saw a paper VP wrote saying something along the lines that Hitler had the right idea in exterminating the Jews, just the wrong method. I never heard him say that myself and I never read any writing from Wierwille that said that. Just some food for thought.
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