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Broken Arrow

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Everything posted by Broken Arrow

  1. Hey! Don't slam the hicks, dad nabbit! Most are just home lovin' hard workin' folks like yourself, just mis-pronounce a few words here and there, but shucks, that never hurt nobody.
  2. LSD...Leadership Style Development? :wacko:
  3. Are you from the South by any chance? That sounds like a southern cuisine kind of thing. Sounds good too. 11th Corps had it too. I don't think it was as heavily emphasized.
  4. Now that you mention it, that was supposed to just be for leadership. I recall the thinking was that "they" would go after the leadership. You were lied to. Shocked?
  5. Oh, I agree. The point I'm making is that many of us assume things that aren't necessarily proven. When I started this thread I was referring to how VP ranted about how Paul didn't lead a single soul to Christ after his incarceration. The scripture says that some did believe his preaching when he preached under house arrest. I think you and I are in agreement here.
  6. There are some, not a majority, but a sizeable number of scholars that believe Paul was released from captivity, did another itinerary to Spain, returned, and then was arrested again, this time under Nero. They believe Paul was killed under Nero when Nero blamed the Christians for the burning of Rome. So much was not recorded and much was burned as well. Do we really know that Paul's ministry was curtailed? I'm just raising a point for discussion only to point out that much is assumed about Paul that may or may not be true.
  7. Interesting thought. I often wonder if Acts ends so abruptly because Luke was martyred and never got a chance to finish it. It's not an original thought of mine, I must say. A friend of mine shared this with me and I thought that was likewise interesting.
  8. Oh no, the survival kit thing was all over the country. We had it Ohio too. You're talking late 70's. The Corps had "Mobile Abundant Living" or "MAL" packs. We needed to have toilet paper, other sundries, and cars were not supposed have less than a half-tank of gas. I'm surprised they didn't have "gas tank enforcers". We also were supposed to have a destination place set aside where we could run too in case the country fell apart. Just another ploy imo to reinforce an "us against them" mentality. It also reinforced an elitism mentality, because part of all that is that "they" (whoever "they" were) would go after Way believers first. Among Way believers, they would go after the Corps first.
  9. Also, it does not say that Paul spent the rest of his life in prison. That is something everyone has assumed, including non-TWI folks. I mean, maybe he did, maybe he didn't, we don't know. The Books of Acts ends very abruptly.
  10. Socks, this is funny It's funny because it's so true! There was a lot of stuff that was said where a normal person, or I should say a person thinking normally would go, "Ummm...sure! I'm going to put this WOW burger down and get out of here!" But so many of us went "wooo, something spiritual!" Funny! Speaking of "morphing" into Dr. Wierwille, I wasn't around after the Great Purge of 1989, but I saw plenty of people who were very insecure in their own person pick up VP's personal traits. It was very sad in retrospect. Talking to them was like talking to VP, and that's when Wierwille was alive. I don't think there were any familiar spirits involved, just a person who falsely thought that's the way they had to act to be spiritual. One of these people is now running an offshoot. Others in the Corps did the same thing with LCM. I chalk it up to personal insecurity.
  11. Teach, Keep in mind David Anderson is right up there with VPW and LCM as far as his qualifications to do biblical research.
  12. Do you mean the College Division program, or Fellow Laborers of Ohio? I'm familiar with some of the men you mentioned like Lamsa and Pillai and of course, Bullinger. There was a course on Figures and Pillai was discussed often. Carnegie...public speaking, of course, Lamsa with the "Eli Eli...." thing. I don't remember anything from Billy Graham and just a little from Oral Roberts. A lot of things that were taught, at least the year I was there, were pretty basic and straigtforward. It didn't take a seasoned theologian to teach it. What comes to mind is Old Testament History, Early Church History, New Testament History (not Rise & Expansion), Leadership Principles of Jesus Christ which was pretty much a basic reading of the Gospels. I think the year I was there, which was the very first year, their thinking was to teach to the level of someone who knew nothing of the Bible. So they kept things pretty basic which for me was good. I had had "the class", but I hadn't read much of the Old or New Testament records. I never understood how the Old and New Testaments fit together. Of course, the PFAL series was taught pretty heavily and that's where the people you mentioned come in. I obtained a pretty good feel for the major points in different books in the Bible and learned where to look for certain records. Pretty basic really, yet stuff I still draw on to this day.
  13. So people are classified by who they have sex with and as such are entitled to certain civil rights?
  14. Any takers? Here's another line. "it's right that I should care about you, "And try to make you happy when you're blue."
  15. Thanks! Wow, that can keep you busy for awhile! I'll check it out.
  16. Ummmm...the iTunes store? Is that on the Internet somewhere? I'm an old guy. Can I download it to my 8-track tape player?
  17. Yes it does. You're also correct in saying TWI "Believing=Receiving" doctrine doesn't match exactly with Buddhist doctrine. While I realize that a Buddhist living their faith would not condemn someone who was suffering, my experience in TWI, and in American culture for that matter, tells me there is often a disparity between belief and practice. That while one may believe a person is being taught a divine lesson for enlightenment purposes, in reality there would be judgement that there was some secret wrongdoing or a bad decision made in a previous life. In other words, the person deserves their calamity. I could be totally wrong in my assessment never having been Buddhist or having spent any time with such a group. I have a lot of curiosity about Buddhism myself. That faith seems to have some very effective meditation practices. Thank you for your post.
  18. I apologize if I was offensive, I certainly didn't intend to be. Apparently I'm unclear as to what exactly the subject is here, and I don't wish to derail this post further by causing you to explain yourself anymore. It really is o.k. Obviously you have other posters who seem to be on track with you so I'll just leave this post to you all. I look forward to dialoging with you on another post sometime.
  19. I would say hello and wish them well.
  20. I wasn't talking so much about the academic part. I'm talking about all the activities you did on top of having full time jobs. I NEVER had a desire to go into FLO.
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