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Broken Arrow

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Everything posted by Broken Arrow

  1. Right! Sometimes sarcasm doesn't come through in print very well.
  2. Actually, I think all of those are just great, but you're right, too blatant. Could we do "Greasespot After Hours"? Not very imaginative, but it would let those searching that it is a similar site.
  3. That, or it was simply quitting time.
  4. Thanks Paw! I know you put a lot of yourself into this with little, if any remuneration. Thank you.
  5. This may not qualify as a newsflash, but for those who may not know, this "suggestion of a leader is paramount to a command" quote is from a book written by either of two retired generals. I think it is from the book Marine! by Chesty Puller (sp?). I think it may have been required reading for one of the Way Corps. The other book it might be from is one titled Soldier. I can't remember the name of the author. They really are good books, by the way. Anyway, Wierwille seized that quote and applied it to himself. We were beat to death with that, and not just from Wierwille, but from just about everyone who was considered a leader.
  6. You're right. I think the song..."with an engineer so brave...." is an old gospel tune. I think changing it to "engineer gone wild" was a TWI thing and was never on the radio; I could be wrong. I'm thinking it was sung by that 5th Corps group called "Sonship".
  7. Yeah, okay, but other than that...
  8. Now THAT'S funny! Anyway, Gen-2, he also went to some fair, I think a county fair, prayed and spoke in tongues around the fortune teller's tent. Soon the fortune teller had to close up shop because she didn't get any business.
  9. You learn the most interesting things here at the cafe. Another round please waitress (or is it waiter?).
  10. Awww! A-That's Amore! Congratulations to both of you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS6-b7CONDI
  11. Right! Sela was Tasha Yar's daughter and her father was a Romulan. That's where I learned that Vulcans and Romulans were related in a very distant past. The reunification effort is where there was supposed agreement for both planets to become one people again. However, the whole thing was a ruse on the part of the Romulans to conquer Vulcan. If I'm not mistaken, the plot was uncovered by Spock and The Federation.
  12. "Since you're likely to kill us anyway, I choose not to cooperate." "I hate Vulcans!"
  13. I'm referring to the fact they still had rituals, hierarchy, taboos, and a definition of what it was to be acceptable. Then again, maybe that's just a partial definition of a cult. Like you, I shall derail this thread no further.
  14. This is from Next Generation, and it's the episode where Picard rescues Scotty from being trapped in a transporter beam for several years. What you cited is a converstion between Scotty and Geordi (sp?).
  15. Man! I really need a cigarette!
  16. I understand what you are saying, however The Way was/is definitely a church. An abusive church, but a church nonetheless. TWI did what they criticized in other churches. I personally believe they used churches as a straw man. That is, that got us to focus on how supposidely awful the organized church was so that we wouldn't notice the evil in our own midst. When I finally broke out of TWI I found freedom in the church I began attending and that it was even fun. But you're right, there are some pretty abusive organizations out there...many of them churches. I would just suggest that you CAN count your time in TWI as a church. Just my opinion. This book sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out.
  17. Of course. TWI and its "crack" staff of reporters verified every single story as true before they printed it. Yeah, me too. One time I did a favor for a leader and he said, "Thank you." If that isn't the spirit of God in action I don't know what is.
  18. Not a very nice thing to say about P.T. Barnum.
  19. So_crates. same story, different people and circumstances. I like the line where you said, "Everyone in the building had a car except the one that put his trust in God". Not that I disagree with putting one's trust in God. I remember reading the Blue Book. I believe I read that book hundreds of times. Every time I would go through a tough time I would pull out that book, "to get back to the basics". One time I was reading it and it dawned on me that the principle of "focus, let in the light of the Word, shoot the picture", did not address any problems I was having in my life. In fact, this "law" assumes everything is o.k. within me, and in order to be fulfilled, I need to manipulate my environment to my liking. The truth is, everything is NOT okay within me, and that is where I need help. It's also a misnomer to think that having one's material world in order creates fulfillment; it does not. Don't get me wrong, I still believe in prayer and in trusting God. But to think that we can have it all just by imagining our desired result is, as you say, a very destructive belief.
  20. I don't think Chuck Berry ever did anything that wasn't his so I'm going to say it was him. Was it?
  21. I realize that I'm very late posting this, but I don't think VP knew Greek or Hebrew. On another tape years ago I distinctly remember him saying that he didn't know Greek but that "you couldn't fool him on it".
  22. Thanks Ted! Maybe I'm weird but I was getting upset by this. It felt like something was being stolen. Those songs were great songs and very meaningful to me at the time and even now and I'm no adherent of TWI. I guess it just goes to show how deep down music can affect someone. Thank you Brainfixed. I hadn't thought about this song for a long time.
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