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Everything posted by ToadFriend
Did Yahweh change his mind about menstrating women? They're ok with him now? Yep, they are ... since Jesus Christ was the end of the law to all who believe. Yahweh is just Hebrew (with two vowels added) for what we have always called Jehovah.
If you believed the Way's view that there was never a Holocaust ... you might really profit from reading an eye-opening, first person account called THE DOCTOR AND THE DAMNED. Even if you did not fully believe it ... this book is incredible...a must-read. TF
I can give a good example of someone who was kind and wonderful that the Way turned ugly ... Mi**ael F*rt -- you could not have asked for a person to be kinder and more understanding than he was to me my interim year at HQ (1984) ... then by 1995 when a good friend of mine (who was ordained by the Way) left/was thrown out, MF sent him a letter that said if he (my friend) had lived during Old Testament times that he would have been stoned to death .. .that he would die within two years, etc. Needless to say, my friend is still thriving and doing well spiritually, physically, and emotionally ... ten years later. I only hope MDF can say the same. TF
I was at The Way College of Emporia in-residence with the 13th Corps when he did the thing described with the eye ... same explanation. As regards Yahweh/Jehovah: a better translation might be "the constant, yet ever-unfolding Redeemer." I AM THAT I AM was hardly a tribal deity. tf
I agree, Catcup ... and if you notice, a lot of that nonsense originated in the Way's wrong dividing of Romans 13 about the higher powers. They ignored all the references in that section to civil government and used the example of not being able to follow Hitler as the reason that it could not mean civil governments. But if a person honestly looks at that section of scripture with Way Brain set aside, it is easy to see that it does indeed refer to civil governments, including police departments and others that "bear not the sword [in that time period] in vain." So much of the JUNK that Way leaders operated, and still operate under, comes from the wrong dividing of Romans 13 and applying to spiritual leaders ... If you're still in the Way, you owe it to yourself and to God to get out and have a life outside the Nine Dots of Nonsense. TF
Linda Z ... well put. You capsulized my feelings in a nutshell. ToadFriend
----------------------------------------------- They also have to keep their mouths shut because the kids are all still very involved in TWI and Micha*l Fort and Howie's daughter are still sucking the TWI tit for their room and board. ----------------------------------------------- I think I have read in a recent thread that Michael Fort requested to have a secular job and not work for TWI. TF
Brad and Sally Bailey ... still in, I presume, in Cary, North Carolina? If you know these folks, please send me a private message. TF
Bitterness eats alive the person who is bitter, and rarely does the object of your bitterness know or care. TF
George St. George is right about there once being over 3,000 WOWs. I assisted the WOW Coordinator in the Trunk Office during my first year in-residence, last block, and during my interim year at HQ, which was May 1982 through August 1983. I put the records of the WOWs for that year on a spreadsheet, and the number that I recall during that year was 3,200 ... I remember being surprised because the goal had been "Four Thousand [WOWs] for the Fortieth [Anniversary, which was in 1982]." That was the largest amount of folks ever to go out WOW.
The iron smell of the water in the ROA showers, coupled with Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap ... now THERE'S a TWI smell. If I ever smelled the Deo-Cide they used in cleaning, I think I would remember it. They were a tidy bunch ... at least in the literal sense. TF
I have seen a picture of him as a young man wearing a basketball uniform ... it was in a fold out, light green brochure that was handed out to people during one of the anniversaries ... 35th, I think. I did an internet search and found this: "In the late 1930’s Mission House had a star basketball player, a farm boy from Ohio, who went on to play with the Sheboygan Redskins in the NBL, predecessor to the NBA. He is probably more of a national figure today than any of his teammates or fellow alumni, but not because of his basketball prowess. He is the founder of The Way International." TF
I don't hold to the "Man of God" myth. I am quite sure that my God is BIG enough ... big enough to do the judging when the time comes. It has been interesting for me to note here, as well as with my other "now I hate everything about the Way" ex-Way friends that pride themselves on being tolerant ... that they are only tolerant as long as you agree with them. I don't agree with some of you, but many of you seem to just want to attack, not discuss. I am back to lurking for awhile. Putting VPW in the same category as Osama bin Laden ... wouldn't want to lay that at his feet myself. You do as you wish. TF
If it weren't for Victor Paul Wierwille, with all his human shortcomings, most of us would not know enough about the Bible to argue with or refute his teachings. No man is all good or all bad. TF
I wasn't there ... [deleted by moderator]
I would like to say that I am neither. I have other reasons for not wanting to see Ron Peeler get any money from his lawsuit .... Glad to see you still have the same kind of "either/or" mentality that was such a hit in the way. TF
Belle wrote: I left TWI after 23.5 years on January 11, 1996. One of the statements LCM made on a STS tape that helped me reach this decision was that he did not consider the people who had left the Way his brothers and sisters in Christ. The verse that came to mind was that Jesus Christ is not ashamed to call us his brethren (and I was still IN then!) ... if Jesus Christ isn't ashamed to call people who left TWI his brothers, then who is LCM to set himself above Jesus Christ? Oh, yeah, I forgot ... the MOGFODAT ... I was amazed when I read this ... I left the Way on exactly the same day after the same amount of time for exactly the same reason! Very bizarre! ToadFriend
Might want to check with RP on that one ... he has considered the mental illness route (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for work in the ER) in order to get money route ....and over the course of more than a year did get a rather substantial settlement..though not for that. Can't say more because of anti-disclosure rules of which I'm aware in the other party involved. I know you guys don't like the Way and its use of money (and I'm not too partial to that either), but RP is not the blameless kind of client that FA and JP were. I am content to let the chips fall where they may and let God be the final judge as to the motive of heart in RP vs. the Way. TF
I don't think the leopard has changed his spots, despite appearances to the contrary. As to whether he is more or less deserving than the jackals of the Way, I will leave the courts to decide ... as I said before, I have seen the heart of the man over a period of years, and it is a greedy one. ToadFriend
A fellow 13th Corps member with me went on to be a regionally famous Elvis tribute artist in Pigeon Forge, TN. Interestingly, he describes his Corps experience as "college" to the public. Wise move. Friend of the Toad and Friend of the King of Rock & Roll, but no friend to the so-called "King of Pop" turned pedophile.... but I digress....
I have known R** Peeler since we were students together at the University of North Carolina. If any of you knew what I know about his greediness of the past that cost him his first marriage, led to the (in her own words) saying by his older daughter, "my dad disowned us," and the screwing over of a man to whom he owed his literal life ... you would not want him to win one single penny. He has tried every scheme in the book to get money, and the major thing missing from the picture is personal responsibility for his mistakes on his part, fueled by a lust for money despite having more money than most folks will have in a lifetime. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. I do not in any way condone the actions of The Way, but nothing happened to the Peelers that did not happen to all the rest of us who gave money to the Way over the years ... we were blessed, we gave, now we wish we had the money back. I don't often agree with oldiesman, but on this I must: this lawsuit is insane and frivolous. Friend of the Toad, but not of the Greedy
Excathedra: You asked about Mrs. Moneyhands' inheritance ... she is heir to part of the fortune that arose from Lowe's Home Improvement Store ... rumor has it that it was originally started with moonshine money from Wilkes County, NC (where it did in fact originate) .. her father has mucho buckos, and in fact, paid for Br**n Moneyhands to go to college and for an SUV (which he totaled at one point during his wilder-than-now college days) ... there is even a Walker School of Business named after her family at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. She is NOT an only child, so the fortune must be shared, but there is substantial money in her background. TF
Macmarine and Mrs. Mac have out-of-town company this week ... I will talk to the Mr. this weekend and see if he plans to post ... will let you know. BTW, he has LOTS of good stories ... some just more fit to print than others ... but then, don't we all? TF
I talked to macmarine this evening, and his plan is to call co-conspirator Da*is Cro*we** and make sure he remembers all the details correctly ... stay tuned. TF