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Everything posted by ex70sHouston
I entered the way in 1975 and got out in 1979. I still struggle with what I should believe. I constantly fight with what is correct. In the 80's I would lisen to differant radio preachers, That was a disaster. So today I take the subjects one by one. When a Bible teaching is mentioned in church I automaticly question its truth. I slowly pick a question and then start praying over it. It never fails that within a week or two God gives me MY answer. This has made for a very slow growth. It has also made for a very strong belief. I mention all this because I come to this site every few months to read others struggles. I left early because I saw some false teaching(most local leaders were very poor). I wasn't hurt emotionally. It just totally messed up my walk. I mention this because everyone of us left with our heads screwed on wrong. I pray that we are all healed in the long run.
I some times think back about why I got out. I got out long before most of you ever heard of the way. They never checked how. Much i gave. Probably. Because I gave more than most. What bothered me was the dateing control. Why do you date outside TWI. The more they tried to control the more I resisted. It seems that single guys who had good jobs were in short supply.
I was listening to the radio and then looked it up on line. A single mom leaves a church because she doesnt like what she hears. The members of that church will not talk with her anymore. They will turn away if they see her. She then goes on line and starts a blog like Greasespot. The church sues her for defamation. She wins. Does this sound like anything you know.
Any time I hear someone saying they have a more correct version or understanding I'm running for the door.
I havn't unfriended anyone for their political views. Only one time did I tell my sister-in-law that what she wrote was a complete lie. I am reconnecting with old high school friends as I approch my 40th reunion. There I unfriended. The guy was so openly gay that I couldn't handle the posts. I can tollerate anothers views. JUST DON'T KEEP PUTTING UP PICTURES THAT MAKE MY SKIN CRAWL. Sorry for shouting. You can understand anothers views. You can ignor their comments. But I draw the line at picture after picture depicting a lifestyle that I find offensive.
I have made friends with a Jew who attends the same Sunday School class in a Baptist church. If you ever want to understand the Bible you need to see and learn the Jewish traditions and then read the Bible. It is eye openning. I now read the Old testiment more than the New.
My grass is growing this year. Last year we had so little rain and the water restrictions that I mowed only once and weed eated twice. I have already mowed twice this year and the grass is getting high, but I can't mow now. I keep the riding mower at my shop and take it home on a trailer when needed. Some @#%^$#$%^&^%$% stole my trailer so I either spend $950 on a new trailer or drive the mower two miles home. GRRRRRRRRR
I attend. Its a very detailed Bible study. You have a 6 day a week study. I have missed the last three weeks because of my back. The thing I DON'T like is the pressure to do all the studies and not miss. Those demands bring back memories I don't like. The studies themselves are great.
But I do want to get above my raisin. Some of us had very humble beginings. Both of my parents were raised on a farm. My grandfather would not use an inside toilet unless it was raining or he had serious bussiness to do. He would go out to the back fense and mark the fense. So how red neck was my raisin. I was in high school before I took a bath more than once a week. So I have a college education and own my own bussiness. Yes I am above my raisin. Yes I am happy and will admit my humble origins. And most of all I love Ricky Scaggs. I still hate grits.
I was going to talk about how fun muzzle loaders are. That is if I can stop laughing. Scared everyone in the frozen foods.
world's oldest Squirrel earns a Masters Degree in Mathematics..
ex70sHouston replied to Ham's topic in Open
Congrates. Thats impressive. Does this mean you could work at Burger King and give correct change without the register telling you how much. -
I always thought of him as VP or Doctor. It was his name. I never thought of him as a Doctor of Theology. At first I thought of him with a great deal of respect because I respected him NOT because he had a doctorate. Even when later I no longer respected him I thought of him as Doctor, because that was his name not his title.
Lets see. I was in during the 70's in Houston. I'm now out of the Way and out of Houston. Pretty much says it all.
Paw Thanks for your labor of love. GS allowed me to find out all that happened in TWI after I left. Makes me happy I left early. Have a wonderful life.
Now that I have your attention. I find only one fault. They are too quiet. Saturday morning I was leaving a restaurant when I was almost run over. Seems a car started backing out from a parking space and didn't see me. Problem is I didn't hear it as it moved toward me. Fortunitly I saw it at the last moment before it hit me and moved quickly. Am I alone in this or has someone else had a close call with a quiet car. I think the idea of the hybrid is great and am all for reducing our energy dependance on others. Just put a small backup buzzer on it.
$.05/kwh is cheap. We are at .082. Two summers ago when gas got to $4 a gallon the cost went up to $.12. Houston I'm told is around $.18.
Never been Kissed---------Chic flick Black Hawk Down----------Great movie
Delta, whom I use to get great service from.
I spent a long weekend traveling to and from Asheville NC. A few thunderstorms on the east coast on thursday through everything off. Then it went downhill. What happened to the airline industry. You can't talk with anyone on the phone. They charge you for everything. Excuse me, they charge extra for anything. OK I know I am not the smallest person around. The planes are so small I cant walk down the plane without hitting my head on the roof. Forget using the restroom during the flight. I cant sit down. The seats are broke and won't recline. Ticketing agents arn't there to serve. They are there to direct you. Do not ask questions, they turn around and walk away. We sat at the gate in Atlanta for 2 hours. Our plane was there but no flight crew. Finally they showed up at 12:30 AM. They had to board us. No gate agents. On the way back we sat in the plane for 40 minates waiting for gate space to open. Our bags looked like they had fun smearing dirt and grease all over. The only friendly nice people. The TSA in Asheville NC. My wife lost her drivers license and had no photo ID. It could have been a disaster. They were kind and understanding.
My parents were born in 14 and 16. They both went through the depression as teens. My mom never talked about the depression. She was born on a farm yet by the time she reached high school she was living in Abiline TX. I do know that my dads parents lost their farm due to the depression. They ended up in San Antonio TX doing a laundry service out of their house. The only funny story I heard was my paternal grandfather got mad at a neibour and he and my dad went down there at night and took his plow and got it up in a tree. My parents didn't really talk much about the depression but they lived their life never throwing anything with any use left out. When they died and I cleaned the barn out and found more junk/trash than I could believe. It is amazing what you can sell at an estate sale.
The crazy thing is that when I talk with other deacons who were their. Their take is that don't worry its not going to happen, he was just thinking out loud. Thinking out loud is saying what the heart is thinking in my book. Maybe my thinking is a little twisted and thoughts changed because of my 4 year visit with TWI. I know that I now think about what is being said and rarly believe at face value. I always question the speaker. I don't trust people/pastors the same way I once did. I do know he is after the money. He has talked so many times from the pulpit about putting the church in your will. I've started visiting around. I will not be part of that problem any more.
The church, which I love is falling apart because of him. He once was great. He once was the president of the southern baptist convention. He is now a senile old man. Since there are still those who love him I don't want to cause any more a split than has already happenned. Went to visit another church and it was old home week. Everybody eccept one man was from my old sunday school class at the old church. You have to remember that there is only so much choice in a small rural town.
He said it deacons meeting tuesday night. I have since told my close friends I'm leaving and why.
I am so mad I can't see strait. You tell me if you think this is ethical. My pastor wants to start an adult/elder day care so that we can become all the seniors best friend. The reason he wants to do this is so that they will put the church in their will. This is a reirment area with lots of seniors who are ignored by their children or who have no children. He also feels that the youth don't need money spent on them because tha church will never get it back.