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Everything posted by satori001

  1. Trefor, A tale taught, and a taut tale, each well told. Nice work. I can try not to imagine the volleys of filth to erupt from the gaping piehole of "Reverend" Martindale upon reading himself being "spiritually" emasculated so handily by a..., you know, a "homo." Suffice it to say, out of the abundance of the heart, the piehole volleyeth. The only relevance of your sexuality here, as I see it, is to give the lie to The Way's depraved piety, as its blindness to your own humanity. You're a lot more of a real "man" than Martindale could ever be. He's still working on being human. As for VPW's nobler motives in the Way's "Wonder Years," I think they were convenient pretexts born of opportunism in the fertile mind of a wolf wearing wool. "Wierwool." Their form, sum and substance (as scripture) did take root in the pure hearts of young (and not so young) followers, and those were responsible for anything good coming out of New Knazerethville. Wierwille's occasional shows of modesty, which you pointed to, like his made-for-TV shows of compassion, were self-gratifying indulgences and of course, theater. I don't know if you are aware that Martindale did not invent spitting on the homos as a teaching tool. VPW, as in all things Way, led the Way. Pity you don't care for Reagan. As perceptive as you can be, you've got his crowd all wrong. Federalists, for lack of a better label, may seem to lean right, but they are tilting neither left nor right. They are simply "upright." :)--> But that's another, and long lost topic. Best of luck and happiness to you, and yours. Regards...
  2. As responsible, intelligent, mature adults we have the privilege and latitude to live among our neighbors according to our own principles the best we can. Since many of us feel strongly about the issue, I propose multiple standards, making everyone happy! 1. Those of you who do not want any edit capability, place a post-it above your monitor that says, "Thou shalt not edit." 2. Those of you who feel one hour is enough, "Reminder: Past 60 minutes shalt thou edit not!" 3. Those of you who feel a day is in order: "Harken thou poster, if the c0ck crow twice, else the sun or moon returneth to its place in the sky from whence thou hast posted, thou shalt not edit!" 4. Those of you who feel there should be no restrictions, place a post-it saying, "Sweat not the small stuff." Or, "Remember to let the cat in." Now, why would't everyone be happy with this? Each of us, as responsible caring adults, will abide according to our own rules. This is a great solution! I can't help but think world peace is just around the corner.
  3. Ginger, I've seen one of my posts evaporate lately too. I did see your reply. I think because the threads and forums are getting moved around some of the posts may be slipping through the cracks. Then again, UBB seems much better than Ezboard, but it may have a few quirks of its own. Bummer about your post.
  4. satori is not a counterfeit of satori001. I reserved satori as well as satori001, not to use both but because I was having trouble updating my profile on s001. Since I use more than one computer, they happen to have different cookies set and I'm too shiftless and lazy to log out and back in again.
  5. Sounds like today's blue plate special. I don't think I want to know what's in it.
  6. If we are "accountable" for what we say, we are also accountable for what we un-say, or delete, or change. I keep reading arguments about our responsibility to community and society, as a basis for limiting the edit option. Huh? If we are truly accountable, it means we must have a choice. Accountability = responsibility. Responsibility = having the choice and freedom to act responsibly, or irresponsibly - and if irresponsibly, to accept the consequences. What are the consequences for behaving inappropriately in society? Prosecution? No, of course not. If one behaves badly, one is left out, avoided by others. No laws are necessary. If someone is known for deleting or changing posts we will not respond to them in the same way, if at all. That is the freedom to respond and to be responsible. There are reasonable people and points on the limitation side, I'll concede that. Pam made a few, though she came down on the side of -no- limitations. I do like the fact that editing posts drives Pat Roberge nuts, as well as the small faction of "Kravitzes" which always seeks to impose its will. Ah, the littlest pleasures in life are sometimes the sweetest. The reasonable people should acknowledge that while the occasional post deletion may occur after weeks or months, it doesn't happen very often. They may also acknowledge they don't know the reason why - there may have been a very good reason for that very rare example. The effort required to go back and find an old post to edit suggests somebody thought there was a good reason. That individual really doesn't owe me an explanation, or Pat Roberge, or "Gladys Kravitz" either.
  7. Display Name*: This is the name that will show in your profile and against your posts. If this field is optional and you leave it blank, your username will be used. This is the message you get when you register. I left it blank. I'm assuming that as a result, the default Display Name is satori001 and for some reason, the option of changing it was removed. It's probably a bug. I just registered under "satori" but entered something for a Display Name this time. I am able to go in and edit the profile without getting the error message. There is a place to edit the Display Name, however satori001 does not have such a place. ** Paw, you might want to let new people registering that they should not leave Display Name blank on the registration page, or they may run into this problem. Regards...
  8. Steve, You're proving my point, man. No self-respecting guy could allow himself to spend any time in a forum named Hello Kitty. We'd rather be sprayed in the face with mace. It may not be the girls' preference either, but it's just to make the point. The Forum name will carry considerable weight if it's well-chosen. Then again, I don't know that Pawtucket could show his face anywhere he might be recognized if people knew da Grease Spot Cafe had a Hello Kitty Forum. Depends on whether he's in touch with his inner Oprah-approved sensitive male. Maybe not. So maybe it's back to the drawing board, or maybe not?
  9. I did that in the first place. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck ya know. I found the mypop & profile link and made my witty and brilliant changes and tried to save 'em. That's where I get the error message I quoted. It says I need to provide a name but it gives me no place to do it. I forget the exact message, but I pasted it into the subject summary.
  10. In the user profile update screen, there is no place to add or amend a "display name" to the right of it's description, so I can't update my profile with more fascinating information. How can this be?
  11. I do know what you mean. I can hardly keep from doing sommersaults on my couch whenever M&M's runs a new commercial. I think I need a poptart.
  12. This probably comes down to more work for Pawtucket, but I'll suggest it anyway. That suggestion is to return to some form of the status quo for this new location: multiple forums. The America Defends Forum was a great place for the Grease Spot militia to hang out, and occasionally tar and feather peaceniks. We could vent about September 11 without bringing those topics to the general group. One such example was the execution of Danny Pearl. I'm glad I saw it. It confirms what I already knew and gives me the conviction to support extreme measures against these enemies. But the thought of that sick video being linked to the Open Forum is wrong. The "Table for Two" may be a different matter, since the Open Forum did seem to cross over. I would still like to see a Forum that attracted more eclectic interests and conversation but on general topics. There are hunters and fishermen among us. One forum might be called "The Outback." OK that's been used to death, but something like that. If this community is going to grow and develop, it needs to combine focus with diversity. About The Way is pretty well covered. The Doctrinal Forum is very successful. I have a special place in my heart for the Soap Opera Forum, of course, though it hasn't had a fresh entry in lo these many months. (What's wrong with us?) Give a Forum the right name and description - if you build it, they will come. Now this isn't all on Pawtucket's shoulders. He's done plenty already. But he's eager to hear suggestions. Geocities separates its "communities" like neighborhoods. I don't know a lot about it, but most everybody has a choice of neighborhoods where they feel comfortable. I enjoy hanging out with the Ronald Reagan group when it comes to politics, but with more "progressive" types when it comes to arts and culture. I hang with the atheists and agnostics and/or "new-agers" respecting religious matters, though I'm not really one of those. So while "Open" makes a great catch-all, I wonder if there shouldn't be at least a few alternatives for the various corner tables where smaller gatherings could highlight their favorite discussions. "Nickelodean" might be a good name for anything to do with TV trivia, movies, music, etc. After Hours - well, whatever comes to mind. The Cigar Den - where manly men discuss manly topics and/or blow a lot of smoke. True Confessions - heh heh heh Wrestle-Mania - An alternative to the Soap forum where rules of civility and decorum might be relaxed, oh, just a tad. Hello Kitty - For the girls, and girl talk. The forum's name almost guarantees privacy from the guys. I know the Hello Kitty thing is for kids, but that is not the intent here. There are plenty of ideas out there. 1 After Hours 2 Nickelodean 3 The Corner Table 4 Happy Hour 5 The Cigar Den 6 Hello Kitty 7 True Confessions 8 Wrestle-Mania 9 The Decades: Sixties / Seventies / Eighties / Nineties 10 Paw's Round Table - for serious discussions about Grease Spot itself? Just an idea. 11 The Inkwell - for Linda Zinn & Company (might include me too) Please vote as if there were only going to be one other forum, but it's up to Pawtucket how much might be practical or reasonable. Regards...
  13. ok, figured out the paragraphs thing.
  14. The "pure HTML" box did more than I thought it would. How do I edit now?? Hmm.
  15. I agree with socks. I agree with Pam. I agree with Ginger. I agree with all who agree with me. Edits are indicated by time and date at the bottom of the post. There is nothing stealthy about them. I think the edit window may have a CHILLING EFFECT on posters who will hedge their bets by saying less than they feel at the moment. If the edit restrictions are put in place we will see as many or more "11th hour" deletions. We will see them sooner. Editing posts will always frustrate some, and liberate others. I don't care who is frustrated, even if it is me occasionally. I would rather that those who feel more secure with the edit option be accommodated. Creative posts sometimes need a lot of editing to evolve. We don't see a lot of that right now, partly I think because EZBoard's shortcomings made life so difficult. If I want to cook something a little different up, I may go back to it several times over weeks, adding, moving, re-phrasing, etc. A perfect example would be Linda Z's birthday thread. I never changed the substance of my posts after others had followed, but I did add or clarify stuff for the fun or necessity of it which did not change the story line. That thread was a lot of fun until it got squelched by someone who demanded we all edit something out. (Good thing the edit feature was available!) I don't think it is practical to "clarify" in subsequent posts. I would rather say "edited for clarification" at the bottom of the original post, in fairness to the reader. Who wants a thread cluttered up with corrections, qualifications and clarifications? We won't know for sure what the poster's original intent may have been until we reach the last post. I don't mind the enforcement of a few posted rules governing the "abuse" of post-deletion privileges. Those situations should be handled with a wide latitude of options by the administrators. There is a big difference in motives between deleting posts to play head-games and doing the same out of panic or humiliation caused by a subsequent post. They should each be considered accordingly. I think the edit rule is being proposed as a "good neighbor" policy, but may be intended by some to intimidate some GS'ers who need or want it. Just a few thoughts... [This message was edited by satori001 on June 13, 2002 at 7:36.] [This message was edited by satori001 on June 13, 2002 at 7:39.]
  16. just workin' out the kinks here. [This message was edited by satori001 on June 13, 2002 at 7:41.]
  17. Where does it hurt the most? Happy birthday.
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