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Everything posted by satori001

  1. Happy birthday, Abigail!
  2. Out of the abundance of the heart, P-Mosh speaks. The reason your revealing statement is important is, as others have noted, decent and peaceful citizens have enemies without, and within. You probably agree with that Colorado professor, Ward Churchill, that we're all just "little Eichmann's" (sp?) who deserve what we get, as the 3000 who perished on 9/11. Is the professor your buddy? I'm not trying to stir anyone up. You wrote what you wrote. It stands on its own, and your awkward back-pedaling only shows you didn't plan on being exposed. You also write, Do you mean sheep for the slaughter? You can hardly disguise your contempt for human beings, which is why your utopian vision is a leftist tyranny, where every inhabitant is a slave to the state.Dictatorship is the inevitable result of your "pack animal" view of the human race.
  3. P-Mosh is saying he didn't really mean it. It sounds like he means it, doesn't it? Doesn't sound like "sarcasm" to me.
  4. There you have it, folks. Even if you prepare with food and water, it is certain that predators-in-waiting like him will see you as prey the first time their stomachs growl.As a devoted leftist, he's fond of proclaiming his compassion for others less fortunate (at your expense, of course), but when the rubber meets the road and the .... hits the fan, you'd better run for cover.
  5. This morning, there was a news report about shipping containers - those big freight train-car units that ship everything from food and clothing to industrial machinery. What if one blew up in a major port, like Baltimore or New York or LA? Well, it would shut down that port for quite a while. And what about ships en route to that port? Where would they go? To other ports? No, they would close too, as a precaution. On 9/11/01, air traffic stopped not just in NY and DC, but everywhere. We didn't know where we'd be hit next. Al Qaida's calling card is the synchronized multiple attack. It's a safe bet they are planning to attack several ports at once. They may not succeed, but they are surely planning. Should they succeed, even in part, the flow of goods will stop. That means supermarket shelves will be cleaned out in no time, and may not see new stock for quite a while. A week? Two weeks? Where would you be if you couldn't buy food for the next 7 days, and had no warning? Our food supply is vulnerable in other ways too, beyond the distribution system. The greatest weapon of extremists is fear. If they make a biological attack on our food supply, in several areas at once, we will not be able to trust any of our usual food sources. We have safeguards on our water supply, but they aren't perfect. What if you couldn't trust the water from your faucet? I'm frankly not prepared for any of this. I'm counting on the government (FEMA, etc) to take care of it. Can they? Up to a point, but its resources are not infinite. Even if they can, there will be long lines, there will be angry and irritable and frightened people, and our way of life may come to a grinding halt, if temporarily. What have you done to make life bearable during such a period? If you're like me, you haven't done anything. There is a list at this site: http://www.ready.gov/make_a_kit.html It won't turn back the tide of Armageddon, but it will make life easier, and it could even save a life in a pinch. Any survival experts out there? Mormons build bomb-shelters in their back yards. That might be a little extreme. What about evacuation? Have you thought about where you'd go, and how you'd get there? Would the roads be passable or choked with traffic? You only need to recall the image of a WTC tower being struck to recall, as if awakening from a dream, that war has been declared against us. They are small, and they don't fight the way we do. But they have the means to win a few terrible victories, even if they ultimately lose the war. One of their greatest "force multipliers" is our failure to prepare.
  6. This is a great question on the surface. Without going into critiquing PFAL, I think you have to look at the so-called "keys," which by your inference have stood the test of the ages. Sorry, they fall short a bit. The first premise of all our "keys" is that the bible is complete and perfect, God-breathed consistency from Genesis to Revelation. That forces us to throw out all (disregard and/or deny) inconsistencies from the get-go, or to perform absurd linguistic contortions to force agreement between them. The first responsibility of God's children must be to ask "What is the truth, and how do I know it." To proclaim at the outset that the bible is God's Word is inherently self-delusional. The truth is what it is, regardless of our desire to believe something. If God is truth, the first responsibility of God's children must be to ask "What is the truth, and how do I know it." I think the bible itself warns against the worship of words, even its own words, as scripture without guidance of the "spirit" is of no value. That guidance is not particularly reliable, if consistency within the church is any measure.
  7. Now Emogene is a different story. To hear it told, she may have found herself quite a loyal following, despite her reputation. Apparently, the perfume she likes to wear seems to arouse Ohio's fly population, and when she goes outdoors they follow her devotedly in a small cloud (of witnesses?). This is quite an achievement, since surrounding Ohio farms are piled high with manure, for at least part of the growing season, but the flies still seem to prefer Emogene. She shouldn't get all the credit of course. It may also attest to the fact that no amount of bull.... found on a typical farm can hope to compete with TWI, so there are already plenty of flies around. Nothing's confirmed of course, but staffers might have been heard remarking how the flies seem to follow Emogene even without her perfume, and that she's taken to carrying breadcrumbs so she can sit outside in the Ohio sun and feed them, kind of like feeding pigeons. Some of them do approach the size of pigeons out there in Ohio. On a side note, food services may have taken to experimenting with fly larvae, being a natural source of protein, and very economical. With MSG and a little pepper, they reportedly taste a bit like chicken. Staffers should know that the small amount of insecticide found in maggots is probably not toxic, and anyway, it's blessed, so that's where their believing should be.
  8. Probably looking for friends he hasn't screwed met yet.
  9. Craig Martindale, former minister (did he get de-focked, I mean frocked?), Corps coordinator, and President of The Way International - Biblical Research, Teaching and Fellowship Ministry, used to say that if you didn't give more than 10% of your gross income to TWI, "God wouldn't even spit in your direction." There you have it. Research at its best. TWI followers seemed to think that Craig and TWI's other leaders were so tight and buddy-buddy with God, they could say things like that, and it was okay. So we learned to say them to, sometimes. Imagine the dismay of Christians not as enlightened as we, to hear something like that. I think the success or failure of a cult depends not on how closely its leadership follows the various brain-washing techniques of the KGB, but on something far more effective - INTUITION - and the intuitive strategies that evolve out of any little tribe like TWI, strategies then imposed by indoctrination, intimidation, and peer pressure. Trial and error is part of it, but if you get a charismatic group of folks together, usually behind one in particular, in league with a common ideal, cause or faith, who are natural manipulators, they will be a lot more effective than anyone trying to do it "by the book," if such a book exists. One of TWI's great successes was to alienate and isolate us from "the world" around us. This included the public, the smaller communities of other Christians (a.k.a. "Christendumb"), fellow employees ("body and soul" wastes of our oxygen), and even our own families. The wedge between us and the world was our willingness to offend. To offend. Martindale was (and probably is) truly the champion offender of TWI. Wierwille could be a lot nastier, but Martindale's bluster was on nearly constantly. To Craig, offense was the sword of the spirit and shield of righteousness (or whatever) in action. It was God's love, but God's "tough love." "Meat," rather than milk. And so it was for us who followed. Maybe "the truth needs no defense," but we (as a group) became pretty defensive when somebody dared contradict the rightly divided yada yada yada... in our presence. You're talking about family, man!! My Daddy! They needed a good face-melting, didn't they? But with the love of God, of course. Insanity. Most of us would not take it so far as Martindale, but it was always at the ready, in case of... emergency. And there were the Martinclones, leadership & Corps mostly, who became possessed with the spirit of Martinface at the touch of some hair-trigger offense - the license (as if they needed one) to offend. So this thread is about the wonderful ways TWI offends the world, to this day, not to reform it but to HIDE from it, to become isolated from it, and thus to keep itself and its followers safely ensconced from the hazards of reasoning together with others. Guarding truth means (figuratively speaking) shooting all tresspassers.
  10. Do innies get PO'd? Apparently, it isn't the outties who are taking a leak in the Fountain of Living Waters. Some have had it up to here, having received and retained so much to .... them off, they can't help but release. They have (some say) formed a little club, and one of its initiation rites is to refresh the P in VPW, who rests somewhere beneath the fountain's foaming waters. So far, nobody's been caught. Now, it would be more of a scandal, but since the occasional drunken trustee or cabinet member has relieved himself there after an envigorating believers' meeting, security is more relaxed than we might have thought. Rosalie is believed not to mind, as long as "offenders" leave the seat down.
  11. Howard Allen has never been accused of being too "dapper," except when his Corps aids dress him up to be presentable, but in recent years he has gotten pretty seedy. Could it be from hanging around with... the wrong seeds? For instance he's sometimes noticed walking around with toilet paper stuck to his shoe, or that's what it looks like from satellite photos. Staffers show as much discretion as they can muster and stifle laughter until he's out of earshot.
  12. The same buyer went for this too: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...bayphotohosting
  13. satori001

    Breathtaking !!

    If so, try Allegra.
  14. Well since her Adam was cast out of paradise, Eve's been in quite a pickle. Rumor has it, the reverse is also true.
  15. It's tough to find fresh and stimulating reading material around HQ. After the nightly bible study, what to read... what to read? It's been suggested that some of The Way's most outspoken critics of "the world" and its corrupt ways have their magazine subscriptions sent to fake names, at PO boxes in nearby towns. Which magazines they subscribe to is difficult to say, due to the brown paper wrappers. National Geographic? Maybe not, but stimulating for sure.
  16. Ma~, by way of confirmation, seems to be making a crude, but effective, confession, bearing witness of the lugacious behavior. Shootitouttame 5:23 They that believeth in rumors shall not be disappointed in their expectorations. John Linder will be on the trail, investigating every hock shop from NK to LA. When it comes to hocking loogies, the one who tops the list of usual suspects would have to be His Royal Heinous, the Spandex Spitfire himself. Will Linder figger it out?
  17. Has anyone heard there are some disaffected local ex-wayfers who've made their mission in life to launch loogies into Rosalie's pool? Sad, but possibly true. One fellow claims he holds the current loogie-raid record for most loogies over the fence in a single raid (37), but confirmation is undertandably difficult. (He must have had some cold!!) I know, it's hard to believe, but some people get their payback in the strangest ways. How they supposedly accomplish this is hard to say, because there is presumably some security. But the challenge might make it all the more fun, no? We're eagerly awaiting confirmation. If you look closely, you might see one floating behind the ladder.
  18. Possibly so, Ma~, possibly so. There's just no telling. But I hear it was made of rubber, and informed insiders might surmise it was also rechargable.
  19. Now here's a fine example. Notice how he:1. attempts glibness, emulating heroes 2. manipulates phrasing to change the meaning, thus to manipulate the reader 3. appoints himself defender of TWI (delusions of something important, if not grandeur) 4. has no problem twisting and changing the meaning to deceive, as long as it suits his advantage 5. shows no remorse or empathy toward those harmed by his "leaders." Not all sociopaths are leaders. Most prefer to cheer from the sidelines.
  20. Now, we all know that TWI doesn't exactly "celebrate" Halloween. It's devilish, is why. Everybody knows that. But it's hard not to get caught up in the spirit of the season, right? That may explain why a certain president of a certain cult, and her companion, were seen last year at a Dayton (?) masquerade party dressed as Groucho and Harpo. They were inseparable! Groucho did most of the talking, naturally, and yes, it was a real cigar. Or so goes the rumor.
  21. Kidding? Of course not, but for now it's just a rumor. Or is it? I'm wondering if anyone else has heard this: TWI now has a "don't ask, don't tell" policy for Corps who go on food-stamps to supplement their incomes. In the past, it was condemned as antithetical to their "God is your sufficiency" doctrine, however you can't eat a teaching. Corps living in areas where the cost of living is high have been quietly signing up for the food stamps, and then shopping out of the area where they are unlikely to be seen. Or that's how the rumor goes, anyway. Anyone who's ever tried "government cheese" knows it tastes not a lot like chicken. More like Velveeta, if I recall. (I tried it once when a WOW brought it home to use for PFAL refreshements once.) That was a long time ago. It's not likely we'll hear the Corps is swapping government cheese recipes, but unlikely events have surprised us in the past. Of course, Rosalie doesn't eat government cheese, but brie is expensive, so if the Corps eats Velveeta, more brie for Rosalie! As for flying fur, she'd better not find any in the brie.
  22. Somebody find out if the fallen angels ever mated with crustaceans. I think it's a nephilobster. You can see little horns, if you look closely enough.
  23. No, I'm trying to get you to start one.
  24. Has anyone heard that bless patrol (or its equivalent) has been finding sacrificed animal carcasses in the Way Woods? Who's doing it? "Off" spring, chafing at the TWI bit? Are high-ranking parental units covering up? What's it like living at HQ these days? While the Way World experience might be incomparable, for the fearful and brow-beaten staffers it always suffices to say - it "tastes like chicken." And now, chicken heads, chicken bones, chicken blood, chicken feathers - if we can believe it.
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