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Everything posted by satori001

  1. Or just report your own post.
  2. dmiller, Yeah, that's the one, where he makes himself "available." I like the line at the end where he expresses gratitude for unconditional love. He's still capable of perceiving the "evils of TWI," yet his own slate is miraculously clean, cleansed by the... you know the routine. It's the typical self-serving garbage these people have served us up for decades. Still sounds convincing too, until you do a little parsing. Slick and sly as ever. I want some real contrition from these people. He should renounce his ordination(s) as a fraud, get on his knees and beg our forgiveness for virtually taking a $*@! on the grace of God. But that's just my humble opinion.
  3. satori001

    James Dungy

    I read that this was (at least) his second attempt.
  4. I heard that Wierwille's supposed reason for showing Rin Tin Skin (?) to the Corps was he thought it would harden them to the perversions of the adversary. I think he was the only one who experienced any hardening, unless you include the dog. -- By the way, let's never forget the principal role "Reverend" John Lynn played in Rochelle's last, lonely "relocation." He was responsible for inviting her to get out of Emporia (by sundown?). "Just following orders," right? Man, he thought he was great - just one more Way International jerk who drank his own moonshine. By the tone of his remarks to Greasespot several months back, the ensuing years haven't changed him much. I know... he's really, really changed. Well, once upon a time, he was really, really grrrrrreat, too. So I was told, and I did not trust my own instincts. I'm older and wiser. That doesn't make me bitter and angry. Just older and wiser.
  5. That is good. I'm going to share it with mah peepul. But if he did come back, after all that time in a pond...
  6. Mine is about a foot and a half from the ceiling, and about 3 feet off the floor. Looks like a huge tree from outside the windows, but it's only about 3 1/2 feet tall and sits on a 3 foot table covered in a special quilt. We've picked up ornaments from our travels, others souvenirs or mementos of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. year/anniversary of family events. That reminds me... I need to get busy. Even though it's small it dominates the room, and looks great with its red, green, blue, and white lights on and the room lights off. I occasionally call it the Christmas shrub, but it's a real tree, small, green and proud.
  7. Maybe they want to, and would, but can't swim. "Why not the promised land?" once lamented the dying showman and plaigiarizin' evangelizard, Vic Wierwille - was it sometime back around '84 or '85? (Did he think he was Moses? Moreover, did we??) Why not, indeed, Mr. Wierwille? He's been comparatively and refreshingly quiet for the last 20 years, and better behaved too. It took an oak box to keep the married preacher's hands clear of all those ladies (the young, the old, the firm, the infirm...) in his "congregation." Whatever works. If TWI needs a little Christmas cash (and who doesn't?) maybe there's still time to auction off a few of the founding and presidential leisure suits on eBAY. After all, he only needs the one he's wearing (and let's hope, for modesty's sake, it happens to be the flame retardant polyester). Does it seem like 20 years?
  8. The 30 butterflies should be for fooling around in the locker room (a normal kid thing, but also a "lack of discipline," especially when running late) and (presumably) making the team and coaches wait, and/or waste their own time. 11-year olds lack discipline, and experiences like this are how they gain it, if they can process the experience correctly. Most everyone here has presented a healthy context in which to understand what happened, and 11-year olds can understand, especially the bright ones like your hockey player. If he had to do an extra 30 butterflies every time he lacked discipline he'd eventually be the strongest kid in the school. He'd soon do 30 on one arm, and another 30 on the other. Boys can thrive on that sort of thing, as long as they don't become jaded or bitter, and as long as they believe they're not being singled out. If he was late on account of his dad, but scrambled to get ready as fast as possible, I don't see how they could, or should, punish him. As for discipline vs punishment. It's semantics, because the words are often used interchangably. Remember how The Way dopes might say "It's not condemnation, it's reproof." The team should have written rules and the coaches should follow them. If they do not, then the "disciplinary" actions are just arbitrary and that won't help the team, the kids, or anybody. The parents should try to notify the coaches in advance if they may be late. It may be necessary for the team to have a policy saying, "Every lateness, no matter what the reason, will result in 30 butterflies," or 30 laps, or whatever. That way, every kid sees the consistency. You don't have excuses. There's no temptation to make up a lie about it. Shut and do your 30. End of story. That might be the best approach. "Discipline" is a loaded word, and somewhat judgmental these days. In this context, it seems inappropriate. Just call it a freakin' "penalty." Hockey players understand penalties. Make sure he protects that great smile, ex.
  9. I think the right lesbian would be great for TWI. I'm not a big "Ellen" fan, but what a breath of fresh air she'd be, compared to Rivenbark. I'm sure there are lots of other fine candidates. Being a lesbian doesn't make Rosalie a bad president of a stupid cult. Being Rosalie Rivenbark makes her a bad president of a stupid cult. It probably makes her a bad lesbian too.
  10. satori001


    Exactly! Thank you for the demonstration. Jeez, how many times to I have to mention Martindale to have this thread stay in the About The Way forum? Ugly truths. The Way. Sexual impropriety. The Way. Sexual exploitation. The Way. Unseemliness. The Way. The Way, The Way, The Way.
  11. satori001


    I was afraid this topic might become the butt of some bad jokes.
  12. satori001


    I don't know if I "believe" in intelligent design, exactly. I just see it around me. I have not imposed intelligence upon a constellation of stars, or electrons. They know what they're doing whether or not I understand them, and they do it perfectly. Jim Croce wrote and sang of intelligent design when he affirmed "Ya don't spit into the wind..." Why not? The wind wins, that's why. Nature is predictable. Does that stop some people? No, it doesn't. -- If not for the bible, Genesis 18 in particular, we wouldn't have the word "sodomy." Relax, there are plenty of other words for it too, but invoking biblical authority, society has determined the proper word should chosen to honor the city responsible for making sodomy a biblical topic, if not necessarily a Sunday School topic. More of a seminary topic, these days. Who is qualified to speculate on the origin of this peculiar set of urges which express themselves in the act of sodomy? Craig Martindale certainly thought about the topic, long and hard. Would he be qualified? I don't see why not. By all accounts, his head was right up his --- most of the time, so he'd have alot of first hand knowledge. (And even we know what a PIA he could be, figuratively I hope.) Of course, he always said he was against it, or at least he objected the variety between two men. He was silent on the heterosexual variety, if it can be called such a thing. I'm sure Craig had reasons for all of his positions on sodomy, but they might not be your reasons, or mine. He isn't much of a standard when it comes to most aspects of clean livin' anyway. But considering all of this in the light of the presumption of intelligent design, I'll suggest an analogy (no pun intended). Most of us who drive have driven into a strange neighborhood and briefly driven the wrong way on a one-way street. It happens to the best of us. But it never happens when we know the neighborhood. We learn by repeated observation which way the traffic moves, and we obey the natural law, signs or no signs, that is, unless our head is up our... kinda like Martindale. But there will always be a contingent of contrarians, conspicuous or inconspicuous, who live for violating the natural order of things. Who is qualified to speculate on the origin of this peculiar set of urges? Not me, but it's there, and ever observant folk that we are, we do know it is. We hear rumors. And we've read Genesis 18. Martindale accused many in TWI. He called them "rump wranglers." That was before the lawsuit got his own rump removed (and wrangled?) from residency, not to mention the presidency. He might have found it uncomfortable to sit for quite a while thereafter. He's been pretty quiet by most accounts since then... Sodomy is sort of a joke in popular culture, but the sodomy of minors isn't funny at all. It turns snickers and smirks into sudden, resolute rage, as a matter of fact. Outrage is popular on TV with the "talking heads," but out and out rage is more reality than TV. When children are involved, suddenly Martindale's wrath seems an entirely reasonable response. And but for our strong laws and strong enforcement, a lot of priests would be at the negligible mercy of very angry, justifiably angry, mobs. But crimes like those of the pedophile priests are called "unspeakable" for a reason. They are really ugly, too ugly to be spoken of. So they are not spoken of. And each subsequent generation brings with it a new host of predators, and a new flock of unknowing, therefore unsuspecting, prey. We might need to look at the ugly a little more closely at the appropriate times, in the appropriate places. If our children learn to recognize it, even when it's called "beautiful" by someone else, someone who masquerades as a "man of God," we may save a few more little ones from an uglier fate. Just a thought.
  13. satori001

    Plasma or LCD

    Typical on line retailer
  14. Stop me, before I kill again.
  15. Okay staffers! Now you know what to get Rosalie for Ho Ho. A ho! Hey, just kidding.
  16. Some of those old letters will cut you down a few notches, won't they? Thanks for the reminder. I wasn't too heroic back then, however the memory serves to amplify my petty rebellions into the heroic showdowns they were not. Some did fight the good fight, toe to toe with their adversaries (name a leader). When I saw the writing on the wall, I mostly just "eased out soft and slow," to quote the great old blues tune "One Way Out." I'd had a gut full of fanaticism. You don't pick fights with drunks, or Wayfers. Neither of them are capable of reason. Or that's what I told myself, and tell myself still...Not that I listen.
  17. HCW, all sarcasm is warranted when it comes to oldiesman, but some of us would like to know more, if you know more.
  18. You never knew when some version of Wierwille's hysterical hyperbole would bug its way out of some wig-whacked Way Corps's face and into your own. The name tag was their badge. "Reproof" was their nightstick.Not all Corps did it of course. The hapless majority of the Corps was the easiest target for the real nut jobs temperamentally suited to Wierwille's meshuggah militia (like Geer), and those with temporary insanity (like anybody else on a bad day). "You're crucifying Christ afresh!" Wish I could remember more of my favorites. I should have written them down. It would make a good thread. Or maybe it has. At those times I was perpetually suckered into thinking I always had to have a good biblical come back, and if not I had to hold my peace. Oh, not so. "You're a friggin' moron!" would have sufficed just as well, if not better. Better yet, I could have written down a few comebacks and practiced them for just such occasions. Hmm, let's see... "We all have a place in the body, you must be applying for the position of @sshole!" And so on. But at the time I wasn't trying to be M&A'd. At least, not consciously. It took a long time for me to realize that a ministry-style "biblical" confrontation is a fraud, inherently weak, which is why it attempts to come from a position of emotional strength, by surprise or intensity, usually both, to get (you) the target off balance, and itself may be easily confronted to turn the tables. If you think back to some of the most traumatic confrontations you may have encountered, they were nothing but cowardy ambushes, kangaroo courts, artifice, by weak individuals in unwarranted, undeserved "authority." It's what weasels do, the human variety. Their last resort is always, "You're possessed." So it's often best to lead with that one yourself: "Am I speaking to Reverend Schmuck, or the devil spirits? I'll assume Reverend Schmuck is naked and beaten and tied to a chair in the back of his little brain while the spirits have free reign with his big mouth, because no decent human being would arrange this ridiculous spectacle and call it 'counseling' or 'reproof' or whatever you've planned for today, would they Schmuck?"
  19. Grammond reminds me of the accounts of Vic Wierwille, with his well-reported "spiritual healing" seduction line.
  20. You are charged for air time, but not long distance. Some plans include long distance, some don't. It can get expensive if your plan is local only. If you don't have a nationwide plan, and if you are calling from outside your home calling area, you may also be charged a roaming charge. If you are roaming and you make a local call, whether it's a block from your car, or a block from your home, you will be charged long distance in addition to roaming. If you are roaming in someone else's back yard, in addition to roaming, and/or long distance, you may be charged with trespassing.
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