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Everything posted by kimberly

  1. Nehvuh ehvuh have I claimed to be a "Christian." And I nehvuh ehvuh will considering how "Christians" have given that word a really bad name. We have post police on here? Well somebody forgot to read me my rights. I don't call anybody out in these or any other posts. I am a master in overall observation. I forgot to include the word pharisee(s) in my previous infamous post. If the flip flop fits.....we all know the rest of that story. Life is just too darn good...........
  2. Congratulations Eyes on your book. I haven't read it. I tried to click on the excerpt but my funky little puter wouldn't do it or perhaps it is my puter illiteracy. I am working on a book myself. I teach cooking and sewing classes. One of my students exclaimed, "You are a wealth of knowledge. You need to write a book." That set me on my adventure. It may come into fruition when my baby graduates highschool in 3 years. At 51, I am throws of highschool and all its activities and in love with every second of it. I intend to have a very large chapter about motherhood wisdom from the later years. I think in all these post's cman said it best in post #33. On another thought, some folks don't know how to treat others. It is amazing to me how folks claim to know the scripture and think they are so avant garde about sin. They point their finger at others, while pointing out scripture, yet they sin themselves because they are so unloving. They salivate at being contentious. Then there are those that don't know scripture but are ravenous about being contentious. Actually, the word is hateful. I have seen some hateful posts on here. But then again we live in the good ole USA and that is their right. Eyes I am not referring to you. Regardless, of beliefs we are to love one another. Some folks need to love a little more. Then again maybe some folks need a little more love in their life. And just for the record I hold one absolute truth that can not be disputed. Seed is seed. The seed you plant is what you get. You plant a kernel of corn you get corn. You plant a Kentucky Wonder greenbean seed you get greenbeans. My grandpa taught me that when I was 6 years old. I have never forgotten that. Love to all
  3. How is it that NASA in Houston can clearly communicate with astronauts in outer space but in the drive-thru it is many times impossible. There needs to be some sharing of technology. Then again, it could be encounters like Jim had.
  4. I wonder if they will be doing baptisms?!?!!
  5. Ain't nobody disrespecting the single mother due to divorce. Been there, lived that. But you want to have a baby and not be married? Sorry, that is not an option in my family with my children. And they know that. My children even know that living together before marriage is not an acceptable life style. And yes, we are a biblical family. We don't care about statistics, or being "progressive" (we have that insurance company). My first born was married just this year at the age of 27. He had his own apartment and his fiance lived with her mother. Does that mean we condemn anyone who is not married and live together and/or has a baby out of wedlock? You bet your sweet bippy we do. Ha! Ha! Just kidding. Heckaroonie no!! Just because we don't live someone else's life style doesn't give us the right or privilege to condemn them. I may not live that or believe that but I won't hurt you because of it. It is called love, sister honey girlfriend.
  6. kimberly


    Lawdy hassa muhcey, honey, in the business world women are the first to betray?!?! Been in the business world long enough to know that women are the most cut throat. And before a female gets a hitch in her giddy-up let me clarify by saying that does not mean all women. There are some exceptions to the rule. But they are few and far between. Just speaking here from experience. Why women don't stick together in the business world to help each other out is a mystery to me. I would rather work with men any day. It is cut and dry. We have a job to do. Let's do it.
  7. Yippy skippy dippy doo, the gas is methane. It is the same gas we humans produce when we flatulate. Ain't life funny!!?!!
  8. The phone number I posted earlier is on the keypad. Spell it out. Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
  9. Can you make a frog or do you know anyone who can?
  10. I am right there with you about the wondering. Mine is more wondering what people think about where they is. Folks on the road is thinking they is at Daytona or Indy.
  11. Calling the stork is the way to go. The number is 227-846-3623.
  12. Maybe, the single parent homes are demographic. Also, I think they are a sign of the (proverbial) times, i. e. the break down of the family unit. Where I live in the sunny south, in my sunny town, in my sunny neighborhood all of the children come from a two parent family except one. There are twelve families with children that are my sons friends his age. There are many homes that have college age children and the parents are still together. There are 60 plus homes of folks that are retired and still married to the same spouse for all those years. I have a revolutionary idea. How about no sex outside of the benefit of marriage. Did I just say that?!?!? I wonder where I read that. Some much is the family culture you are raised in. Remember the days when it was a disgrace for an unwed girl/woman to become pregnant. I was raised that way. I raised my children, boys included, that there is something higher to attain to and that is marriage and the family unit. Sex and children are meant for marriage. Sex is God's wedding gift. Those values are still very much alive with many, many folks in our country. There are many non-Christian cultures where this is the absolute norm. Shame on us.
  13. As far as I know, there are 4 pregnant girls graduating this year from my son's highschool. There are 2 nineth graders that had babies this year. Four girls graduating this year already have babies. I know of two girls that already had babies when they graduated last year. One had two babies when she graduated. With tongue in cheek, I asked my son if it is a rule that you have to have a baby in order to graduate highschool.
  14. Today as I was sitting on the patio I noticed the birds, Cardinals in particular. They are mates for life, you know. One male and one female. We have mostly Cardinals nesting around us. Their diligence impresses me. We had a nest of Towhees. The mom and dad worked to build the nest on the patio arbor. They took turns sitting on the beautiful blue eggs. They worked like crazy to feed those four beautiful babies. We have 10 Dove mates (20) that have lived around us for years. Their children are close by. They are mates for life also. Male and female. We have plenty of squirrels, too. There are several nests in the Oak trees. The babies sure have a loud screech. The parents scamper up and down the trees all day long. Sorry, but I can't tell the difference between mom and dad. All squirrels look alike to me. Who wrote their constitution? The critter kingdom gets it where the human kingdom is found wanting and hanging in the balance.
  15. Luuuhhhseee. Lucille Ball. The best. I am still kind of wondering about that whip, though.
  16. Fellow gardeners on this site!!! Blessings abound! We better garden considering the price of fuel. Hopefully folks know how to can and have deep freezers to hold you over until next summer. Remember, don't buy hybrids. You want to keep seed. Hybrids don't reproduce and if they do they are reluctant and are mutant. Above all don't use chemicals in the garden. Compost, compost, compost. The romaine and green leaf has been abundant. Clip it back and it keeps on coming. These kind of greens require considerable attention. They love water and need nutrition to continue producing. Thank God for compost. The early snow (an oxymoron here in the deep sunny south) peas were sweet because we have had rain. Gonna harvest cabbage in a couple of weeks. I make kraut. It cures what ails ya. It freezes very well, also. The wonderful thing about greens they can be produced and harvested twice a year. In the cool coming off of winter and the cool going into winter. Many, many foods are in this category. Wonder if Father God had a reason when He created these foods...hhhmmm...
  17. Okey dokey, I am new around here. So, that is why I ask this. Someone is kicked out of TWI because they post on GSP. How does TWI find out someone posts here?
  18. Thanks, WordWolf for the very helpful information. This explains it and helps tremendously. Happy Face.
  19. Shiftthis, Time for a new keyboard. Your shift key is non-operative as well as your punctuation keys.
  20. Well, Copenhagen now that you mention the word loyalist I must say that I am to a degree. Not to vp, though. But to that season in my life. Despite all the control I did learn how to research the Word for myself. I did learn about the Mystery. Growing up in a Southern Baptist home I never knew that. I never knew about the Body of Christ. The greatest part of my loyalty lives in the 30 plus years I have with those friendships that were formed from those days. We are bound together. It is the living Truth of the Word that holds us together. For that one little simple blessing I would never change my days in TWI.
  21. As I was viewing a slide show this little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it appeared on the bottom right hand side of the screen. The dialogue box said, "Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process memory requests for some applications may be denied. For more information see help." The only other time this has happened was when I was viewing the slide show of my son's wedding on the phototgrapher's web site. What does this mean? Thanks for your help. Lovies, Kimberly
  22. Copenhagen, How well I remember that control. In TWI it was done through my husband. The men had the power and we women were barely worthy of the crumbs on the dirt floor. I was reminded everyday that he (my husband) was the man of Gawd(!!!) and I was to be submissive. If I wasn't I was posessed, or out of fellowship or tricked. I remember the verbage. You are right....it is God's Word. And we are Family. You are in my heart and prayers. Blessings, Kimberly
  23. Thank you all so much for your help and information. It is a lot since I am not real up on the terminology. But I am a quick and determined learner. I have learned much just from trial and error. I am just scared that I will hit the wrong key and send something I shouldn't and get in trouble. I am doofy like that sometimes. O.k., I think I inserted my personal statement correctly but I am not so sure about my picture. I went to my pictures because there is one there I like. I suppose we shall find out if I inserted it correctly when this posts. Thanks muchy, Kimberly
  24. avatars???? I went there but did not understand. What is URL?
  25. Out of a 10 I am a 1/2 when it comes to computer literate. O. k., when I log on to Greasespot, how do I get to my account? I see folks have added little quotations at the end of their posts. How do I do that? I just noticed tonight that under my name it says, wants to eat at the counter. What does that mean? I noticed that other posts on this site deal with more complicated stuff than I am asking. I hope this is the proper site to ask this. I appreciate your help. Lovies, Kimberly
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