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Everything posted by suz
Now I know I am old, I don't recognize Jimmy OR any of his guests...... whatsagirltodo?? And I have a 17 yr old who tries hard to keep her old mom hip,,,,,maybe I have heard one of the bands it mentions in the home page. I see also why I wouldn't recognize him, he is on at a wierd time, if in the middle of the day then hell, if at midnight then double hell. suz
I also wonder who Jimmy Kimmel is, older than me Tom--LOL maybe I can help you find that NW friend since I am right here in the beautiful lovely PNW which btw is making breaking weather. SUNSHINE (an object we don't usually see here) has been making appearances quite regular and even making a stay!! Its a miracle, thinking maybe the PNW IS the right place to be living IF Global Warming really is happening. I loved it being 84* on Sept 28th, nice, nice. suz :D-->
ahhh, the chickens. It was at the end of my second year. They would do these days when you changed your job for a day, just to be with a different group of people I guess. Or maybe to torture the staff so they had to re-train, re-teach, re-work what they had planned and let a novice do whatever it was that needed to be done. And remember IC was a working farm and there was ALWAYS work that needed to be done. At breakfast they asked, "who here has never slaughtered chickens yet?" Well I never had before (how did that lovely job slip by me??) So I raised my hand. There was a room in the alley and we all went in there. We got to pick what we wanted to do and it starts off like this. First there are these funnel things that you put the live chicken into, head comes thru and you get to slice off its neck and let it bleed right there. The next job is putting it into warm water and cleaning it off a little, next the rubber spinning thing, where you hold the dead, warm bird and the feathers get beat off its dead body. Next job pull out its guts, next job clean it up and wrap it... I got to pull out its warm guts. Quite an operation. I didn't mind, it was just difficult to eat chicken for dinner that night. Gail (my room mate and a black lady)absolutley was freaked out when she had to butcher the chickens. It probably pushed her the most in 2 yrs!! Just NOT a job she wanted to EVER in her life do. Wonder what Gail and LaToysa are doing now. She was a blast. She sang all the time, but I don't think she was singing when butchering chickens! The people who did this sort of thing all the time laughed at us novice's cause some were puking, others agahst at the site. Reaching your hand into a warm dead bird was vedddddddddy intesssstinggggggg. Suz
hey!!! are those Woodies diapers in the picture next to him??? depends ....... lol Couldn't he leave them at home just once??? (thinkin he needed them to laugh till he peeed his pants during the dance) wrote a song about it: peed his pants, during the dance, what you say? peed his way? I say who? with the kazoo? peed you say? then he plays? what a dance, what a night everything fun, everything right. ;)--> until NEXT year at Hawks..... whew, can't wait suz :D-->
thinkin this is our personal thread here Vic,,,,,lol, guessing we are boring the socks off folks. Oh well, boring someone never stopped me before....lol anyway one of my first jobs was garden crew. Tony Kleiwer(Cleaver prounced) was the coordinator, nice guy. One day a week we took our kids to work with us. My two year old ate the dirt and got so messy. Our stone hall smelled like cow manure for a week!! Remember he was still in diapers and in the process of being potty trained, (doncha think in rez is a great place do to that??) If it wasn't for Troy Watkins in childrens fellowship (his staff job-13 2 yr olds!) my kid probably still wouldn't be pottie trained. I had sooooo much time to teach him don't ya think!. And remember he has to be PERFECT while in rez. We expect that from our little waybots. Once during tomato picking time, the mosquitos ate me alive, NOTHING would help/stop/cure/keep me from being bite on bite. bitten alive...scratch city. I picked apples, up a tree, with the thing on my back, it was fun. Then we sorted them and put the ones w/stems in a storage place. Ate, canned and did whatever w/those w/out stems. I loved the work but it was HARDER than you can imagine. I never got to work in the dept that canned and preserved all the food, it always looked fun. I did get to learn how to make home made sausages tho, once. So when I hear littlehawk talk home made link sausages I know the work it takes. They had some great equiptment at IC for doing everything, so different from Uphoria. We had it all. I never had the job of cook either, only got to cook when our branch got the job on a sunday once. IC definately was the place for lots of good food and never leaving hungry or wanting. suz :D-->
OMG, I forgot. We get there and its almost harvest time butofcourse, so we take all of us, the whole flam damily and spread out in the field and pick rocks!! wth?? we line up and pick the sob's and put them in piles. thinking we were searching for the holy grail ..... in search of the perfect rock....lol I'd forgotten, it was wild with kids running, and us bending and grunting and growning, and piling and pickin.... so they could plant the garden. which of course we ate in later days. we were lucky to have that great garden, we got the BEST food at IC, fresh veggies, fresh beef and pork, honey, homemade sasuage, fresh chickens (whole nother thread killing them chickens....) I also had a job as secretary for John Neice. He was in charge of Maintenance. When they called MY Name after all the guys names, I was thinkin, damn not sure if I know my screwdrivers, let alone any other tools, wonder what they want with me. It ended up being a great job, had a blast, took care of them menfolk but took care of John too. How bout our jobs....I had some doozies.... did I tell you about the garden crew??? suz :D-->
well once at the end of my second year....that o'l blesssss patrol. One of the NY husbands that I was with had beer in his trunk, so we drank beer....that was fun. at IC i found the hiding place above the chapel AND I got to go in the forbidden tunnels and forbidden attic....it was fun love being the rebel. heck at IC the middle of the night everyone was up dealing with kidletts. Isn't that always when kids are sick??? I mean when we wern't "believing God for health for our kids....." which happened once or twice..... Like I said that time I was off somewhere my kid had a streak running up his leg (blood poisining) and luckly the girl watching him had money to pay the Doctor. I remember someone getting Cancer too. Terry was the womans name, they hid it from us, made it out like she was just a little sickly.... I think they told me, but it was a hush hush deal. anyway being sneaky was fun. we could go to the bathrooms whenever we wanted, lucky for us. suz :D-->
lets talk bleeeessss patrol. wth??? I mean IF we were "believing God" for protection, IF we were the chozen ones...... IF IF IF, why why why??? did we need to patrol those "hallowed grounds?" Up at 2am to patrol till 5am (or 11pm till 2am) to have to stay up to do whatever so you could do your daily activities .....made staying awake for the night teaching IMPOSSIBLE. Not that I ever stayed away anyway,, Poor Hal, he continuously tried to help keep me awake, to no avail. I understand HQ needing to watch their butts, but why the other campus's????? It was a joke, another part to keep us wore out, wore down, eaisly moldable to do what they wanted. What a crock. " BLEEEEEEESSSSSSS You !!!" suz
btw Vic, 9th corpse was never MY elder corpse, thankyouverymuch ;)--> suz :D-->
I sure miss all the old crew from Pasadena, specifically Mary Bangham, was married to Jim. Anyone know Marys new name, where she lives or even Jims info?? Please private topic me and let me know. I will be there soon and would LOVE to find Mary. Our kids were the cutest years ago, I want to show her the old pictures, I haven't seen or heard from her since 80! suzie (wickler) suz :D--> or suzie aar (now)
Napkin Lady are you HIDING your birthday DAY?? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Well I too want to wish you the Best Birthday EVER!!!!!!!!!!! So whoop it up and enjoy your special day. so much to be thankful for. suzie :D-->
I just thought I would expound on some of our bs that we allowed them to do to us. Lets start with moving!! OMG did we have to move about 4 times each year or what?? Let me give you an idea of what it was like at IC with our little darlings around. (and for us single moms w/1,2,3 or more kids) Box scramble, babysit someone elses kid(s) while they take their boxes over to their new room, they babysit your kid(s) while you try to get to your kids new room to find out last kids aren't out yet, go back to pack and babysit someone elses kids who's kids room IS available for them to move boxes, get knock on door and complaints YOU aren't out yet, get THEM to babysit while YOU try to go to the room your kids are sposed to be in, to find they have only moved 3 boxes and room is trashed, Truck back to your room, your kids, plus the ones you are babysitting to find that the new people are already moving in YOUR room. (sometimes leaving our kids alone to vend for themselves, on moving day, fun, funny) Whew, so NOW you get to go to lunch, wonderful loving crowd there, really "bleeessseeedddd". Eat and get, no time to digest, back to the pack. Lucky YOU, your room is ready, so you can try to lug thru the halls w/kids in tow and try to get stuff in your little corner, whatever your space is, not sure cause what is your room-mate(s) going to say about who gets what bed, where, dresser, etc.. oh boy oh boy. Top bunk, the kids LOVE this, I am not to excited. Kids across the hall, close, nice. So on to your kids room hoping maybe its ready. IT IS!! and all this only has to be done in 3 more hours, unpack your boxes in your room and take empty boxes (with people in halls begging for them) to kids room to try to unload/load and truck back thru the halls w/kids in tow to unload their stuff. It goes on and on....Sound like Fun Dot?? makes your moving day sound easy in comparison doesn't it?? Bottom line, Eventually I move into my kids room so I don't have to sleep w/5 room mates who have alarm clocks going off at all hours of the night for "bless patrol", work, whatever. Most of us single moms, kids coming in all hours of the day/night for mom, sorry you single women in the room, hope you like kids. I sleep with the 2 yr old, bottom bunk. Oh boy oh boy.(2 yr old who still wets the bed) getting a great nights sleep.... Its kind of like having my own room, just a little crowded. Rooms at IC for the kids were about the size of a large walk in closet, bunk bed & dresser. The End Lets talk "bless patrol" next you guys and gals. Whole nother subject. Did you learn ANYTHING about moving from hall to hall, room to room? (cept who snores?) Did they (mngmt) have a camera somewhere so they could watch us like mice in a maze?? who got the last laugh? Not me Suz :D-->
ok don't try to be nice Vic, but see your private topics PLEASE, suz :D-->
I was 18 when I went on my first snipe hunt, on the beach in NC,,,,when my dear o'l dad heard about it he laughed his butt off!! Rascal is right Shell, rules is rules. Darn you chatladies, IF you got MIKEY red undies this year, I mean what is to follow??? Can't wait for the next one, specially if he's gonna model for us. So now instead of "where's the beef?" were gonna say, "where's the bacon?" even tho Paw and Tess, heartell the "bacon" showd up in full colors later that night.... Birdman was saying next year in his back yard, he has instant cabins, and even seats for the campfire area-- AND NO PURING AWAY GOOD DRINK, unless of course its pouring it DOWN a throat. Not sure about snipe hunting in his back yard tho.... Well I am hoping my little get together next JULY is as much fun. I am taking notes. suz :D--> PS. also green with envy that TN isn't closer for me to attend (like Hope)
Dale, all her info is posted in private topics. Suz :D--> PS I don't have any of your info, email or anything, Jewel is still waiting for you to call btw.....
sorry Verbie, your SOL. as it was Paw and Sudo had to go to a local internet cafe' and with only a small amount of time they got the picture in before it closed down. If y'all notice--No Herbal Mikey, where is he anyway???? lol This is going to be a film, a documentry and butofcourse, will be even better than the ROA film!! Put in your orders now for the upcoming video of Fun at the Park in Tennessee with GreaseSpotCafe, ie Where's Mike for ONLY $19.95 but Wait, you can also recieve w/every order still shots of campside sing alongs, cooking & eating at camp, individual shots of everyone (except Mike of course). Order now, time is running out. Only a chosen few of these films will be produced. Y'all know Supermom has a zillion kids (Rascal) and now you can see! Littlehawk brought his boy also but he is standing w/the adults (and I see on a rock to look taller too!) Jardinero does look lovely in front of all those guys, (good call girl). Shell leaves her kids at home and in the picture is holding a baby!! Sudo is the skinny guy on the left holding a dog leash--but didn't bring his kids....(and has lost many # on Atkins). Ttessa hiding in the backrow. Woodie definately looks the part w/that TN hat on. What fun for the gang to be gathered together. I sent jokes for Shell to read at the campfire. It will be a blast to get reports on everyone tomorrow, I also am seeing an empty chatroom! So welcome back you TN gatherer's. Let the stories roll. (ordering information soon) suz :D-->
hey Sudo a tenderizer tip for the stew. Boil your stewmeat, onions and garlic in a can of beer and let it set for a bit.....will tenderize up that meat quick and of course the alcohol boils off, but leaves the meat tender and tasty. Saves loads of time, wishin I was gonna be there to taste your cookin,,,,do you put novicane in any of your stew?? thinking you may have to if you add them thar peas. Hey Sudo convince Geo to fly out there with his lovely wife butofcourse..... tell him you want to check out his loose crown (both of them....lol) suz :D--> [This message was edited by suz on September 16, 2003 at 18:43.]
Yeah it was a great year. Nancy and I had a great group of folks. Plus the freedom to do things since we wern't WOW's. I was twig area coordinator so me and Nanc had our own twigs but we lived together with my two boys, which she loved and they loved her. We lived in the heart of Trenton, when Joe would come to visit he would say, "this is fun having two pretty girls here in Trenton". Lou Gigue (sp?) lived in Toms River and I got to visit him once and the three of us went to LV. A week of it. He also was not a WOW, only 3 of us intrim corps in the state that wern't WOW's. But it was a great year. We did whatever we wanted and had a blast. Nancy was not religious our uppity, which is good cause I'm kinda down to earth. It was a great year and I feel privledged to have lived under Joe's true leadership. He knew it was a struggle for people to have to work, raise families, go to functions, be leaders (whatever that means). He was a wonderful example. I miss him so! I still talk to Nancy. She has 2 boys of her own now. She is back in school and she is still a nurse. I was lucky to be with her too! suz :D-->
I loved Paul dearly. I even wrote a poem about him. What a wonderful gentle man. I don't believe he was from CA, think twi sent him there. I will pray for him Dot, it breaks my heart to think of him as homeless. Can't imagine telling stories from that year (75-76) w/out puking. Wayne was an actual mental case, craiggers imitator wannabe, run a wow program and treat folks like crap, expect everyone to worship YOU....kinda like the rest of the corpse leadership!! Wayne and Shirley broke up after that year and she re-married someone who was the same!! Paul was one of those guys who kept me sane, loved me when the branch was told NOT TO TALK to me and treat me like crap hoping I would leave. I think thats why somehow God knew NOT to send me wow on my interim year, Might have pushed me over the edge...Instead was privledged to be under Guarini in NJ with Nancy Kegley. Please see your private topic Gray.... suz :D-->
Eddie and Gloria were F5, my senior corpse. They were sweeties, actually used Eddies' research paper on Forgiveness for a basis of my own research paper. Well let me continue the saga of the skinnydipping....(since Vicki INSISTS) Well the receptionist was laughing her head off having to hand over the clothes to the guys in the wet undies. She was great. The guys of course knew my room so they came to take pieces of my flesh. Knowing they would KILL Me I was hiding out in another room, listening to them pound on my door and insisting I was there. My room mate, Gail, a black lady told them I wasn't there so they left. I sat in horror for weeks, wouldn't stay in my room for fear. So I hid out in other rooms for a long time. Rumor mill had all the facts about the incident, I was a marked woman. And the one wife was mad at me, like I knew they would get in the pool....oh well. Anyway one day at lunch, I was sitting w/Katie Connelly eating and low and behold they came at me. Lunch on this Sunday afternoon was sit anywhere, bbq type thingy, so I wanted to be with Katie. Then I looked up, and they were coming at me. I couldn't escape!! They picked me up, (the whole crowd laughing and knowing I was in for it) and took me out to the pool and threw me in! Could have been worse. But thank God it was over then. Think BM was wondering what was happening, but he had his a$$ lickers that I am sure told him what the rumor mill had produced. Anyway it was pretty funny. Think the wife is still mad at me....lol. The 13th corpse girl was releived to see us all act normal. To her we were senior corpse and being there was to much once again for a single girl. We all went out one night, to a local bar in Kendalville. I wanted to dance, so I danced with the coat rack. (Not as good as Fred Astair, but it was fun.) BM heard about that and teased me about it the next day... I want to discuss some of the corpse things we did next time!! The bogus assignments and the stupid expectations. But for now you all can imagine me dancing w/a coat rack or getting thrown in a pool. Suz :D-->