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Everything posted by suz
Earl and Nancy are in Virginia. Greg and Cindy Bernidini are in Petaluma CA Burtons info should be easy, get on the "related links" and find the Courtright page, I believe easy info to come by.
my daughter, who works in a theatre saw it, and loved it, I am going THURSDAY,,,,,,with the pastors wife even!!! thinking its going to be good from what I have read and heard,,,,,so no comment YET. I am NOT one to comment and have an opinion UNTIL I have seen it, BUT I do suggest, you that are of such powers, move this forum to the movie thread. 1searcher did you know there was a forum just for movies, books and humor??? thanks, suz
damn Curmudgeon, but remember he didn't see it on the large screen and it definately was better at the movies. also the last scene where the samuri is dying, it didn't show him visualizing the cherry blossem's (like earlier when he said they are perfect and you could spend your lifetime looking for perfect-like some of our posters I might add) I think Tom did a great job. And who says she fell in love with him?, hell she just dressed him, quite a sexy scene w/out sex I might add. Her kids loved him but if she loved him why wern't they rolling in the hey, or in the rice fields then??? suz
I recommend to the guys a sudden tooth ache with possible root canal.... :D--> My daughter works in the theatre and can't wait to see this, especially the kissing in the rain part, lol, but then she is 18 and a hopeless romantic. --> suz
darn Mr P you gave away most of the movie!!! I tried not to reveal what happens at the end. SINCE I HAVE seen it and feel fit to comment w/out the digs from those who have nor "won't give their money to Moore", I also wanted to say another thing. Our Military need our prayers, support, etc. THEY need to steal their minds while in a war situation. I am a military brat and I know the theory they usually carry with them while in the service. Yes it showed the gung ho over there, killing, etc. It shocked me though to see actual military THERE, fighting and killing and still hating it!!! Its not the normal military attitude. The letter from the son before he died even revealed how stupid it is to be there!! And that line about part of your soul dieing when you kill someone, that was good. I also know war makes money, for the haves and the have mores. Like I said, I am not either of those. No white tie dinners for me. Michael was on 60 minutes last night and he said he HATES to be an upfront guy, hates doing confrontations, hates being in the spotlight. But he does it for the bigger reason. (yeah I know he is getting rich too off this stuff, but for this film I believe its getting to people for a different reason) I never saw this film as a "Lets Hate Bush Together" film, I viewed it as more the Iraq war, who is fighting it, why, and who is profiting from it. The other great thing the film does IS to show how people (well MOST, not all as we WELL know) can and do change thier opinion. When you are a living part of it, well you have a different view, not the view thru the rose colored glasses view, but reality view. Guess I could have seen Dodgeball instead. suz :D-->
you guys bicker on about what is true and what you would or wouldn't do, none of this moves me. Green is good! suz :D--> PS I said ANY AMERICAN, not EVERY, 1st you change a word.....then.....
before this turns into a twosome of Zix verses the "other WRONG side" I will voice my 2 cents worth. I also saw it today. Really any American should see the film. All of the information wasn't OLD news for me. I appreciated what he said and how he approached the information. (MM) Guessing Zix will be the first to sign up HIS SON For the war then....lol (see he won't see it so he doesn't know what I mean here) BUT I thought it was all very interesting. Moore does say its not a fair movie, he admitted on The Daily Show that it isn't fair. UNLIKE life, which is always fair and UNPREDJUIDICE. (oh please correct my spelling if its wrong, I have missed corrections) My main dislike of the movie was having to see GW's face so often. The mother of course broke my heart. Lets encourage our youth to see that show, especially voting age 18+ kids. Also any minorities. I am not a "have, or a have more" so I can say these things. suz :D-->
Hell I don't know if he's OUT, those that do the off shoots talk wayspeak so much its hard to tell the difference, what do I know anyway, remember I'M NOT 11th corpse....just happen to know a few of them... love, suz
hell I thought you were ONLY allowing 7th corpseys there, NOW you open it up to all of CA???? wth happened???? suz????? just wondering, many folk wanted to go, but you said.......
Steve I remember Dave O, funny I just read some of this beginning of the 11th corpse stuff, so you were in NJ then??? Dave was there on his intram year (so was I) he was a wow there, I was in Trenton, only 3 of the corpse that year in NJ were NOT wow's, Nancy Kegley, Lou Guigu and Me. So were you with Dave then??? 81-82?? oh btw I believe he is still out east there doing shades of the way (off shoot). suz :D--> remember I am NOT 11th corpse, just the same year.(s)F7 I was spared the yelling from Craig and those at Emporia, we only had Bob M yelling at us...but then not to much, it was the ones that traveled thru that yelled more.
Go see it a second time, it really is good the 2nd time around, I agree with suSie about out bad guy getting punched, well worth it. two scenes come to life the 2nd time around. 1)when Lupin has the class doing the Bogart thing and what happens to Harry & Him and you will understand WHY after you see it a 2nd time. 2)the classroom scene when Hermoine explains what it is Snape is asking about....REALLY explains so many things, its just the first time you just think its her being her knowitall self! such a cool movie. Can't wait for the next one. wonder what Harry will be playing with under the covers in the first scene next time??? suz :D-->
a Janis from GA??? I noticed you are in the corpse thread,,,, so which corpse??? btw, you left at the BEST time, the Exodus, suz (f7/11th corpse years)
I LOVED IT!!!! I didn't think it was darker at all, I did notice it was fast moving and just different. You can tell its a different director right away. I loved how the depicted the dementors sucking life out of them,,,it was erie and cool and well done all at the same time! anyway I am a big kid, I thought it was great. They didn't need to get into the people and their lives, that was already set. I liked the subtleness of Ron & Hermoine,,,,,ahh, so cute. I also loved that you saw them in regular clothes when they wern't required to be in robes. I just thought it moved quicker and I forgot large sums of the book, so when Sirious turned into the dog, it was well done, AND when the professor turned into the Warewolf during the full moon, that was good. Harry realizing his own greatness, well I hope all young men do that at some point in their lives. I miss Richard Harris tho.... suz
I tried calling all those SC Linda's AND tried finding Ian, I remembered her boys name btw, remember she was my first room mate in Stone hall, oh what a joy, me and Linda with our 4 boys....geeze anyway most of the SC numbers were disconnected or they wern't her. I thought she told me Ian was moving to OR so I tried there, to no avail. I tried Tokash in NY like I said, where did you find Ian's name?? As I recall he is doing quite well with his career and he finished college etc. But Linda is not to be found in SC that I know of, Guess I could call the Prides in NC and see if they know. thanks for helping you guys, I will tell her hi for you George, I remember her fondly talking of you before. (and of course My Geo knows you too!) suz
My daughter works in a Theatre and got to preview it, she also (like her mother) is a fan. Her main disappointment was.... the quiditch team captian (forget his name) only has a quick cameo in the end.... she also said the Weasley brothers got cute!!! the twins that is, she says Hermione is as beautiful as expected. I will go tomorrow night, hope Melissa is working so I can go to lots of shows...lol suz
Looking for my friend Linda, she used to live in SC, moved there to take care of her folks who both died and now she is gone. She was considering moving to NC around the folks in the mountians, she loves them dearly, (The Prides) but last I talked to her she had just had a heart attack and now I can't find her. My daughter sent a graduation thingy and it came back. I tried calling NY to her ex-his name is Tokash, but can't find him either, lots of them in NY, and I called many..... but can't find Linda Boyd in SC, tried all that are listed. Anybody know where my friend is??? Please do tell if you do! thanks, suzie
Jesusfreaky take a peak! See! 5/28 is your birthday!
suz replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Hey my NJ pal!!!! Happy Birthday to you girl! I hope its the best ever!!! So much to be thankful for lady. Suz ps did I tell you I was in NO during the final 4 and of course was rooting for your Vols?? me and one other in the whole town!! the rest were from CT and, well, you know what happened, but was thinking of you and here it is your birthday!! 30 isn't so bad....... --> enjoy it, :D--> -
Happy Birthday girl!!! Just got home and found out so hope I didn't miss the party!! My old WA buddie, Happiest Birthday to YOU!! xxxooo Suzie
Dear Rascal 5/23 -- Happy birthday from us to thee!
suz replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Hey Cath, here's wishing you the Best Birthday Ever girl!! I hope you enjoy, soooooooo much to be thankful for. Happy Birthday to you. and Many more... love, suzie -
I saw this movie and loved it, typical Cohn (cohen?) Brothers movie, I love the way they go back in time, it was a great show in many ways. suz
Lets all give a hearty, hardy hip hip horray for JEN-O who just got her masters-with HONORS in Bilingual/multicultural Education!!! A single mom, going to school, graduating with HONORS, WOW JEN, GOOD JOB!!! love, Suzie
she's right, I do have a psyco problems..... --> but I'm trustworthy!!! :D--> xxxooo suz sorry, I can't help but it seems you need to learn a lesson in life so you DON'T HAVE TO REPETE IT anymore.
My sweet Lovie Dovie, Happiest Birthday Girl. sooooooooooo much to be thankful for. love, suzie
Happy Birthday Sunday Donner !!!!!!!!!!!!!
suz replied to dougie73's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday Lady, hope your day is special and fun and filled with LOVE. So much to be thankful for, suzie xxxooo -
It seems like just yesterday she turned 21..... or meebe it was just yesterday......hmmm anyway you sweet thang I shur hope it was the bestest!! Why, because I loves you thats why...And because you deserve the BEST Lady, Happy Days are here again, Happy Birthdays too xxxooo love, suzie