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Just thought I would update those of you who know and love me :D--> I've been flyin so I though I would tell you some of my highlights of travel. Since I am based in Chicago (damn its cold here ) I would normally fly around the midwest (btw, there is NOTHING MID about it) so at first I did close runs. One of my first overnighters was Grand Rapids MI so I got to see OEN, (Robin) the pleasure was all mine I assure you. We had lunch and he came back that evening and we went to dinner with the Captian of my crew. It was fun and always a pleasure to see someone when you are somewhere for any length of time. Another overnighter was to the frozen north of Marquette MI,, now talk about cold!! wow. The airlines contracts with a motel there that used to be an old Army Base, so we stayed (each crew member gets their OWN place/room)in old Bachelors Offers Quarters. It ended up being a 2 bdrm apartment!! Next time I know I am going to be there hopefully I will have a party and there is LOTS of room for anyone who would want to stay the night. I would love to see the town, or what THEY call a town up there. One thing about Marquette--the snow actually sparkles!! I have never seen sparkly snow before until going there, my captian said cause its colder and dryer than most places is why. It was beautiful, well what I saw, we got there at night and left weee hours of the morning so I only saw dark and snow (lots of it too). We left Marquette and went to Toledo OH, and I got to see my wonderful friend Katie Connelly. I went to her house and then she came to the hotel and spent the night with me. We got to laugh and have a blast together. She is good medicine! So far I have done 3-4 day trips but sometimes I get just a fly around trip, twice now I have gone to Ottowa Canada just for the QT (quick turn) and the little hops around the Chicago hub. One another trip I went to Bangor ME, there I realized my good friend Chris Newcomb was living close, so I called him and he came to get me, we went to a local pub and met some friends of his, the Whig and Courier pub. Then we went dancing. I haven't seen Chris since 87' so it was wonderful to visit with him. He is a talented man and I love him dearly so that was a treat for me! wish I would have gotten our picture together, but next time I will. One trip our crew went to Atlanta where I hooked up with Herbiejuan. He came with the whole crew out to dinner, it was New Years Eve so as much as we could party we did, mild partying since we had to leave Atlanta airport at 6am,,,,ewwww,(got there at 7pm) so me and Herbiejuan watched the peach drop at midnight (NYC has nothing on them...lol) and he left so I could attempt to sleep. (up by 4am eww) I got to go to Halifax, Nova Scotia, and that was so pretty, I can't wait to go back and see the lovely town. Since it was 10below ZERO! I didn't venture out much, I want to go back in the summer months. In-between my travels I get either 2 days off or once a month I get 4 days off. I want to do things on the 4 day gigs, but this month my husband is coming to see me in Chicago!! March I will go home and visit, April I am going to the Grand Canyon with Zshot, my room-mate here in Chicago and George. I would love to hook-up with any of you that would have me!! I am usually in a town from late afternoon until the next morning. My work provides my room, but that is it! So I usually hit the town and need to eat and IF any of you guys would want to visit with me let me know. I don't have Private Messaging here in GS so get in touch w/Geo and he can direct you my way. I look forward to meeting folks from the cafe' and if you know me from another life... It is well with my soul. flyin high suz
hey welcome Jay, I have a Jay who was a kid raised in TWI also, well he was a Jason, anyway your observations of a well adjusted kid who didn't buy the parents trip is good. Funny cause I had 2 kids in TWI, the one quite like you with not miserable memories, but moments of actual fun!! the 2nd kid won't even discuss the days of Whine and No Roses.... anyway welcome, you are great in your observations about the group think: "I find it odd that I hadn't thought about this stuff in years and then came across it here and found all this drama blown up. crazy. but I guess theres one thing thats true and often overlooked: people don't necessarily get smarter in groups." start a new discussion and see yourself where it goes. Use the philosophy or the psychology you know and love, it all becomes quite interesting!! "jargon is for idiots so none of it really stuck with me. at one end of the spectrum there is sense, and at the other, slogans." can't wait to hear from you!! suzie
UPDATE: Ended up getting 26" in the Boston area, it was the blizzard from hell, not as bad as 1978 which is record holder for snow, etc. BUT, since the runways weren't cleared I was stuck there until Monday night, along with the several other folks on the Saturday plane who ended up on the same flight as me Monday night. It took all day to clear enough runways for the air traffic to be workable. Scared me good as we sat on the plane (again) for a couple hours before we actually took off this time, got to Chicago at almost midnight. I unfourtanetly had on my uniform, I was thinking I should have changed immediately cause the Indians Were Restless on that plane when the Captian kept coming in w/BS reasons why we wern't leaving JUST YET>......geeze, burn me, stab me but don't lie to me. I thought I was going to be crucified. Our uniforms are identical to AA's uniforms, and I was just a passinger, not working the flight. anyway I did feel bad for the other folks that, like I said, were from the Saturday flight when I found out their luggage went sometime on Saturday, they had to pay for their own rooms for 2 days and buy anything that they wanted to wear besides the clothes on their backs. Sucky huh?? As I sit in my warm little house, drinking my coffee in my pj's, glad to be home in my own little bed for this ONE day off I get. Next time I will go south. I keep Hope's number with me.... flyin
you wanna talk snow!!! I first was in Raleigh Durham NC, they had 1" and were devastated by all the snow(lol) but to them it was shocking I say!! Then to Philly where it was windy and cold but OK, then to Halifax, Nova Scotia, lovely there but colder than well. When we left the next morning it was -20 C....buurrrrrr. Got to NY ok, Boston ok then I was suppossed to go home, deadhead to Chicago,,,,,suppossed to I say, we sat on the damn plane from 1:30pm until after 4pm when they FINALLY cancelled the flight. People flocking out of the plane and by then we had acquired about 2", while sitting on the plane wondering IF we were going to make it into the windy city, in vain we wondered. SO my company informs me I will stay in the hotel in Boston. And as I fell alseep AND when I got up I see Boston and the whole NE region,,,is in big time trouble!! MA I believe was and still is in state of emergency, shocking even to the locals. I guess they had another storm like this in 78, so for the 2nd day I am in Boston since the airport is closed!!! Philly airport was closed yesterday, first time in 9 yrs. The crew lounge here at the Holiday INN and the lounge is packed w/a zillion OTHER crews from every airlines imaginable. WE ALL are stuck here. So hopefully tomorrow I will be on my way back to the windy city (fingers and toes crossed) cause IF I was stuck here, they would have to wait 2 days cause oficially I am on call here, because I was deadheading home and I am into my 6th day tomorrow and they HAVE to give me 2 days off (like I am doing anything here but still on call, so wth, pay me then!) back to the weather. I didn't know until just a few hours ago that there was water across the street and a hill and buildings, etc. This is the first visability I have seen. The drifts are awesome, although awesome cause I am looking at them from an upper floor and don't have to drive in any of that crap. The winds have JUST slowed down and it is only now showing cars even on the roads. all my fault cause I was trying to get back to Chicago. anyway let it snow, maybe IF I am in Miami in 75+ weather stuck, yeah, that would be the life,,,, No such luck. oh well, my first month has been memorable anyway!! xxxooo flyin
317.4 is the best I can do, its them damn Nose Dives that stop me!! (at least I beat geo.....haha) suz
also note: ask them to please freeze the plates that smash your boobs to hell and back just to keep you awake during that lovely mammogram. also: when the doc crawls in to do the pap, make sure he has on his headgear with a flashlight and he goes in up to his elbows JUST to make sure he gets the full view, while he is scraping and grinding on the inside (just like the miners used to do, go for the gold!) :D--> oh my, such fun it is being a woman!! --> someday soon I too will go for the full meal deal, such joy!! (every year is recommended BUT not always available for us poor folk) suz
hey I am always available to help any of you drink your special wine..... not going to Narobi Ev, noticed you didn't invite me to help you drink your stash :(--> guess I will have to stay with the son and drink at Howl' at the Moon on Burbon street instead---well I tried!! xxxooo Suzie
not to worry David, I am gonna Kick Z's foot when I see him in April.... Chicago this week, eww, not as bad as you BUTTTTTTTTT. Didn't want to leave till it was warm today...4.5 degrees at 2pm, colder tonight, hopefully I won't have to leave AT ALL tomorrow. buuurrrrr, only 6 more weeks of this lovely stuff. suz
gotta love them vino deals!! maybe next time you fly to Africa you will take one with you....you know you can take it on the airplane with you and have them (the flight attendant) serve you?? As long as you don't try to smuggle it and drink it yourself, just give it to the FA, tell that person to serve you and sleep, sweet sleep on that LONG flight to your beloved destination. (hey anything to help the uncomfortable plane ride-unless you fly first class??) anyway good job, maybe I should come visit you and help you drink your wine?? I could you know. suz
Belle, I read your whole story. Amazing!! My heart breaks hearing of your marriage being controlled by TWI, sad, so sad. I am always amazed at the people who got IN in the 90's, that is after we left. See it started so much before that, but I see it got progressivley worse in the 90's. There were so many marriages ruined, so many that should never have been in the first place and so many that never even GOT married because they were waiting for the perfect person (who btw doesn't exist!). Anyway glad you are on the mend!! It really does take a long time to heal when you leave a situation such as you left. Don't beat yourself up for making a wrong decision, you are making the right decisions now and you will get progressivley better every day!! So much to be thankful for girl!! I fly around, it would be fun to see you sometime but I don't know where you live. I am not allowed private messaging either so maybe if you want you could email me. I stay in different cities and sometimes hook-up with gs'ers and/or old friends. geoaar46@foxinternet.com is my email if you want to let me know. suzie
and then there are those of us who are NOT allowed Private Messaging...... so consider yourself the privledged ones. suz :P-->
wish they would have told me to leave when I was a wow, would have saved me 14 years!! welcome Frankeeeeeeeee, where you from?? when wow?? where'd ya go?? all of the normal questions here,,,,, jump right in, join the show, what a show, here's your hat, your an honerary Chatskateer!! suz :D-->
Welcome Joey, geeze I knew you when you were a little guy and now you are all grown up!! I was in NJ for a year and I, like Linda loved your dad very much. Your family was (and is) a great example of a wonderful loving Christian family, your dad was an example of what a husband, father and leader should be!! He loved your mom and you kids more than words could say. I don't know your younger sister but I hear she is as good looking as the rest of you! I am now living in the Chicago area and hopefully will get to see your mom again someday. I pray you and your family are all doing well, I wish you Gods best! love, Suzie (Wickler) Aar (was family 7)
"The Sin of Homosexuality"??????? Sin is sin and we are all sinners!! Some of us choose our sins, others don't. God is God, some of us choose our God and others don't. Life is life, we live with it or choose to ignore it and hope it will all change someday, so that we can "be" what society deems as correct, or right, or wrong, or sinfull. I still believe God looks on the heart of man, not his "sinfull nature". I personally know sweet Daryl and I don't care if he is an Ape, or a Communist, or a Buddist, or anything else! He is the sweetest guy!!! Polite, kind, generous and lives and projects more "christianity" than the saintliest of saints! So if thats living sin then bring on the sinners, Like Billy Joel sings, the sinners are much more fun, bring on the sinners, rather than the "religious" "judgemental" "christians" any o'l time! Daryl my friend, I love you! suzie, the sinful Democrat :D-->
so sorry, I won't be able to make it BUT I just found out my first solo is in writing! I start off with going to Grand Rapids tonight (thur night) and spend the night so tomorrow OEN is joining me for lunch. I fly to NW Arkansas (damn wish i could find Arkie) spend the night again, From NW AR I go to Atlanta also to spend the night so me and Herbiejuan are going to bring in the New Years together! (he says we watch the peach drop?) I am thrilled to be uhhh (was gonna say on the road but....)in the air for the New Year. Thinking the skys are safer than the roads with sober pilots and flight attendants ;)-->, I have the 2nd and 3rd off. Is your whole household back to school/work by the 3rd or are you gonna be around that day? anyway Happy New year! :D--> Once again, thanks for feeding me and my handsome date. We'll all have to go out sometime...geeze, my scheduele is tooooo wierd isn't it? I do get to go home and visit my husband Jan 9-12th!! (I refuse to clean his mess tho....) anyway love you guys, glad I am in the hood! suz
THANKS FOR A GREAT TIME MRS. WALL & THE WHOLE FLAM DAMILY!!! It was a blast to be with the kids and all the toys, all the food, and damn YUM food at that!! so thanks for having me, and the gift is greatly appreciated, Diane and I are enjoying it!! YUM again!! love you guys, ps. it looks like I am on call News Years Eve, but maybe after my on call is off call...a quick drink meebe?? xxxooo
well coolness fer shur, I"LL be there. somehow my ojt, with the other fa's (flight attendants) got over WED night and the computer info didn't get to the scheduling folks till Firday, SO they gave me all weekend off, so I will be picking up Mr Handsome and we will be there!! toooooo coool, not only that I get to party and so my ONLY Christmas gig...BUT that I am only on call, so its to damn kewel, not sure when I will be the lone f.a. on a flight, they pay me to be on call tho....hells bells, sounds good huh?? we will see you nice and early folks, love, suz and daryl
you ARE hitting old home week, geeze Vic these folks were in TWI in the early 70's, you really think anybody in GS knows them?? HA, surely you jest.... Try Spokane phone book girl. Ellsworths anyway will still be around there, oh btw, heartell Brad is back in the Spokane area, and his lovely wife, they left Tulsa and moved back!! still in tho...so sad, love, suz
Vic, you will have to talk to me about this. I just talked to mom (Pat) and all the kids EXCEPT Lynn live around mom and dad, they live in Tigred OR, just outside Portland. I talked to mom when I was a traveling sales person. call me on christmas, free cell time!! hooray, love you girl, suz
I am guessing its time for me to come out now and be honest.... I have allowed God to make me a Democrat. I sure hope I DON'T get judged by anyone here. (I would loose sleep over it for sure ;)--> ) Daryl, I love ya man, and YOU know it!! xxxooo Suz If we all could be so honest as Daryl, not JUST in our minds but openly as my brother does in this thread.
hey chinny chin chin, I am trying to buy a car tomorrow. Know anyone who is selling one?? IF I have the day off and IF I have transportation I would love to come. you will need to send me the info again, you can't private message me anymore since I got kicked off PMing, so you will have to call or email or something with directions. it would be a blast! suz oh I'm sorr--Mrs chinny chin chin
I prayed for you to get your job today Robin --not that my prayers to God are any more than anyone elses, but I am ohhhh soooo thankful you got a job, you deserve the best Mr. I am proud of you! suz
my sweet suSie, you are wonderful, talented AND Smart. what a combination!! I am proud of you girl! xxxooo suZie
I'll let you know if I am in town for sure. Not sure if I will have transportation by then but I know this guy who lives close to O'Hare....will find out if he is going. suz
Notice its the ladies that mostly nap? guessing cause we raised the kids, we are the ones awake at the sound of anything unusual, we don't sleep thru the night much during pg, after babies are born, during teen years, during physical stress or medical stuff, during womenly stuff, during menopause, and the list goes on and on. Naps are of GOD!!! I learned in my corpse years that 20 minutes of nap could change my life!! 15 hr days became bearable (not fun but bearable) In my new job thinking naps are out of the question, unless of course I am stranded at an airport for an unseen layover. Us older women are looking forward to the day/time/season, when we "FALL ASLEEP". How sweet it sounds to me! flyin by-Suz