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Everything posted by suz
please let me clarify, my life is not my own, IF I am home, here, not gone, etc, you are welcome to stay here, we have a whole basement w/a foldout couch and its YOURS if I am here, just never know from day to day, from week to week, from moment to moment,,,etc, and hell April is a zillion light years away, for me anyway, suz
I drive by Sheraton 4 points everyday home from the airport...... In Seattle they have a 4 Seasons, forgive me.... I thought it was March last year, Time flys when your're having fun. Robin you have a car??? not sure I will be here that week-end, I have another offer... suz
UPDATE:: Because I am reserve I only find out maybe the day before where the heck I am even going! So last week I get a call from Schedueling, they say I am going to GRR, then to MAD, Mrq, and back to MAD, but alas, it wasn't so! the nice thing about the weather is that it changes flights, I know those of you who don't like to hear your flight is cancelled its a bitch, but for us it worked this time. We went to IAD (Wash Dulles) and it ended up we got to spend the night and had a long wonderful layover. I got to walk down the street from the hotel and see historic Hernandon, VA. It was lovely, an old city about 8 miles from Alexandria, VA. Then after a late start the next afternoon (= no wake-up call and a casual day of whatever I choose) we went a flyin around and ended up in COLOMBUS, to late for me to call the bluzeman, but we talked later. CLM ended up being a short overnighter, got there late, left early, but the next day we went to Madison WI and got there at 3:30pm and didn't have to leave until 7am! I got to do the treadmill, hot tub and lazzzzz around the room, early to bed. So sometimes its good, sometimes its short and just another room. I still like the job, but then its only been 3 months, I don't see much changing except someday when I know my scheduele more than the night before...... keep sending them phone numbers and places where you live so I can visit you sometime! (those of you who want to that is,,,lol, like everyone would want me to visit them) Ha SUZ
I'm confused, your anniversary is in April???? I swear it was March last year when my travels included the 4 Seasons in Chicago.... geeze, where have I gone wrong?? to bad none of these folks would consider my home as a hotel w/out the cost... thats what I get for being the baaaaadddd baaaaadddd stepchild of gs. suz
our spouses!! lucky they understand. I still think of poor George meeting you, Dave McQuillin, Hal Smith, Chris Gremlech, Paul Hurlburt, and I think Hal saying, "oh by the way George, (his first corpse week-lol)we have all slept with Suzie!" George laughed, remember that at a lunch or something?? the way I asked your wife if she remembered me was, "remember when you were at IC and there was a woman who had the balls to show her birth slides of her son being born during show and tell?" (or whatever the hell they called that gig where you uh,,uh,, SHARED something.... anyway she said, "oh yeah I sorta remember..." And you my friend teased me saying, "Suz the things I never knew about you....." geeze what the hell was I thinking?? keeping us w/out sleep really did skew our thinking obviously. anyway hopefully the next time we WILL hook-up. so close too, love ya MR GRAY suzie
I am in Chicago currently BUT, our house in WA where Geo is stil w/the 17yr old son..., the house and all that, is close to Everett. You must make sure you call him. HE can get private messaging, get in touch w/him and I am sure he would love to visit w/you. I am not sure when/where the wedding is in Detroit, but I believe its at the end of July, so maybe you will be around. anticipitating To Grey Now calling me and we can get together. I have known him since 75 so can't wait. btw, I also remember Lisa Wolfe. bring her along if/when you see me in GRR. suz
Easter?? http://media.euniverse.com/funpages/cms_co...n_egg_fight.swf
sounds good girl!! damn, Hawaii for a month, true paradise check out the yellow submarine... have a blast! suz
heartell Brad and his lovely wife are in WA state now, still in tho, they left Tulsa a few years ago. Becky is still in FL, Tampa area I believe.
Oh To Grey, sooooo kewel, called your lovely Mrs and gave her my cell number so I hope you call me!! and for you Grand Rapids folks, I do overnights there all the time!! anyone want to hook up with me?? I stay at the Hilton, sorry you can't private message me w/info but I am not allowed, only the chosen ones are and I am a baaaaaaaad baaaaaaad girl who isn't allowed. BUT my email is aegirl@gmail.com so email me w/your info if you want to hook up at the Hilton in GRR sometime. They have a great bar we could meet at, or a pool and hot tub!! let me know. OMG Patty talking about Gremlich, I have a story about him, wonder if I already told it or not?? oh well, once while he was at IC,,,,,after a long boring class we went to my room for coffee and cookies, you 11th were easy to impress...lol (since I had kidletts we needed such things for survival) anyway Chris came to my room, and of course there wern't any chairs, so we layed down in my bed and fell fast asleep. My room mate came in, SHOCKED,,,hell it was obvious we were dead tired, our coffee cold, cookie crumbs on our faces...like 2 dead girl scouts,,,lol, anyway the story goes I slept w/Chris... heardtell from the last leadership waycrapolla that they were still in, he is a leader now!!! he was in Duluth with my husband for a couple years after corpse. I also do Marquette layovers in case you MI folks know anyone up that far north. You guys are tough as nails doing the MI gig,,,DAMN its cold. I go through Traverse City but never an overnight yet, but GRR is a common one for me. Patty what happened to the Naylors?? I had heard they got divorced but didn't know where they landed. hey also Patty I will be in Detroit in July for a wedding, maybe you could come and find me where I am. another story??? once i decided i wanted to go to the athletes confrence. (hey i was single and looking at guys butts like the best of them, lol) so i went and some guy wanted to make out with me,,,,wth, so we were somewhere at euphoria making out,,,,,and we got busted. i tried playing stupid, but whoever it was that was on bust patrol knew me and said, "Suzie you know the rules". Dammit anyway, kind of ruined it for me being nobody believer not knowing the rules. it was funny, the guy had no idea i was corpse. i obviously didn't act like it. loved to break every rule i could if/when possible. i told you i was a baaaaad baaaaad girl. and you guys never told me the places to go and make out or anything. any of you remember Larry Hanson who was CD your last year in rez?? blue van, from PA just wonderin..... suz :D-->
original question: what do you do with one boob, hell I'm thinkin....... you marry him!!! love ya hon!
different Erb you are speaking of. i told you there were 2!
I'd come to your party Out There, and I'd guess Rev Exxie and Tom will too!!! a profitess---YOU ARE CORRECT ;)--> :D--> suzie
You have not been given the permission(s) to access this page. You require the following rights to view this page: 'Can Create/Edit Private Messages'. For a full list of permissions you have on this community, please visit your MySpace Permissions page. thats what mine says!!!
lately since I am on RAP, which means I sit home and they call me, 2 hrs prior, then I go and do whatever they say, yessir massah, whatever you want massah... so I have been doing qt's, quick turns, which they say will be a qt THEN.... for instance, they called me for a qt, i go to somewhere insignificant since I am coming right back, and when I arrive back they send me to another one, maybe with an hour in-between or 2. then I am off on another one, then home again that night. so nothing special or fun lately. JUST learning how to bid for travel, but being back of the bus doesn't give me a whole lotta pull or anything. when its lovely and spring I will put in for a Twin Cities overnight Vic, will let you know. flyin low (2 days off 24th & 25th Feb)
ahhh, the sibling gig, its oh so wonderful, I agree. I wish I was old enough to be a grandma ;)--> I know you will enjoy the whole thing!!! The last time all my kidletts got together, a Thanksgiving week-end, I also got to watch the sibling thingy. My youngest and my oldest have a 15 year spread. Once my youngest said, "well Jason isn't really my brother is he?" He didn't understand same mom, different dad. Anyway they never lived together, this guy drops in and visits and leaves. But this last time they were together, well it was different. Fun watching the older brother PLAY with the younger one, hear them talk, see them communicate....well it gets better and better Shell. And soon your baby girl will be an AUNTIE!!! always fun. As I watch my kids hit adulthood and communicate not only with me but with each other I see a different person in them. "Life is a hiway, I want to ride it all night long" enjoy these moments Shell, maybe even keep a journal... xxxooo suzie
methinks most of the 11th have a life and came in, they saw, they vent, they move on in life. methinks (unlike YOUR senior corpse) that us 11th and such don't need to just come in and say things like :D-->, or, ;)--> or _____________. the f7 I know don't even feel the need to come in here, let alone tell stories of pain, laughter, etc. Wish I could go wireless. I travel too, but don't make enough $$ to get me a laptop. I also don't understand how/what/who etc to hook- up to TO EVEN GO WIRELESS. well someday I will have enough $$ and possibly even understand. suzie
I don't have your yahoo anymore Psalmie, since I moved to Chicago I don't have anything that I had at home, well a few clothes since its cold here. lucky you are used to humidity, I noticed Mikey didn't mention how you will sweat like a pig , oh wait.... anyway its a bit warmer down there, thats why they call it HOTlanta. practice up on that sackbutt so I don't have to give you any lessons if/when I visit. (a private joke for all the old time chatters and you) I am going home to visit next month so I will try to find your info there, otherwise I will call sometime this weekend if my brain dead self remembers. I am excited for you lady!! I know you haven't been real happy for a long time there in BM (lol, BaltiMore) so Hotlanta it is! see ya here, there, or in the air, GipGop Suz Flyin
can't wait to hear updates on this little guy. I wonder if he will be as big as his brother?? such great news you two!! suzie
hey Lady good news!!! hey now that I fly...just MAYBE, when I am in the Atlanta area we could visit. are you close to the airport?? wish I could private message you but I am not allowed private messaging, darn it so I will have to call you since I have your number programed into my phone, I will have to call until its to late!!! (end of march right?) i should have called when I overnighted in DC..drat and double drat. well lady, will try to hook up w/you soon, love, suzie
George, not sure if you are talking to me in this,,,,but YOU KNOW MY GEORGE, if he wasn't corpse does that make him less of a man>>??? maybe the 11th corpse men didn't see me LOVING GOD, like your LUCY, maybe my priorites were (and rightfully so) taking care of my two sons, BUT!!!!>>>>>> the 11th corpse MEN were looking to the cutsie, single, non-mom, YOUNGER women and we did NOT have that to offer from IC. we were women who were single with kids, older, more mature, not necessarly cutsie (not me anyway)and we had a mission in life that IF included men, well we wern't going to sit aside and say, "yes dear". Most of us were determined to KNOW what the hell we were getting into and we didn't want ANOTHER failed marriage or another failed father for our children. So maybe we emitted not, "loving God enough" but in my opinion we wern't subserviant enough. We could run a ship w/out the captian, we could do what was called upon w/out the need of a husband for advice. Scared the hell out of most of those boys that came thru.....scared them good!! No dissing you guys,,,but it seemed that way, I even had an 11th corpse bud who said, "you in a wife would be fine, but instant father is not what I want/need right now, to young for that" and I KNEW he was right. so I never thought corpse was for me, EVER, and I didn't choose corpse, BUT I choose a friend, a great guy who is a great provider, is a great father and most of all we laugh a lot. Life is to short NOT to laugh. just to short, my thoughts on arranged marriages differ, I just saw to many waythink marriages that were a disaster from moment one. The counseling was, "sex before marriage, if it works then it works" (had that counselling myself....... I say). but then I say that a lot....lol flyin
I wonder if my mom and yours were related????? tryin to call you girl, where you be?? xxxooo flyin
Geo remembered you and all you girls in AL, he said you were all so young :D-->. He said, "yeah a good deed never got missed as a chance to reem someone." funny guy, shelia's maiden name was mc donald. she was 9th corpse. phil diasparra's wife was also shelia, they had a son named paul, that shelia was also very pretty with long hair. DeMers, Jenny and Ray geeze they were my corps coordinators when I went to WI. (after graduation) We were there with Roy Sweudland also ( All the Swedulands were a sweet family) Joe and Bonnie also had 2 girls, they were wonderful. they live in VA now Chip and Pat Estey were wonderful, they are in ID now I believe. All the people I knew and loved I have since re-connected with. Life is to short NOT to find the gems in your heart, people who impacted you with a gentle spirit, a kind heart, a true person who loved YOU not IF/WHEN you knew your stupid PFAL books, etc. Linda Tokash-she had 2 boys in rez, we were always buds and I still talk to her once in a while, also Laura Rellinger, she had one son Chris. I have seen her lately even, what a kick to re-connect with people. You could go to whitepages.com and look up Slim, just put in TX and see who shows up. I have found, called and re-connected with many that way. Do you remember Sam Coburn?? him and his wife had 3 daughters in rez, he found me from posting in here!! Same with Kris Weeks!! so you never know what/who/when will re-touch your heart in some way or another. I guess we are hogging this forum!! oh well, 11th corpses should join in the fun anyway, and I have given up on f7, they are gonners....like you said, we all were the same corpse...just different locations! Geo and I are still married, my job has only taken me to Chicago, he came to visit me last week and I will go there in a couple weeks to see him and my kidletts, me and Geo had 2, our daughter will be 19 in a few weeks and my BABY--turned 17 in Dec. So Geo is home with the kidlett (jr in hs). works for me :D--> suzie
that farm you mentioned PS??? I believe it was ours. Geo (yes same one, I just got a new job as a flight attendant and I changed my profile so others could see I hang with cool dudes like Steve, Cindy and Daryl) and I had a farm house in Buckland. It was huge and we love living there, far enough away and a nice place for not much money. We did a party once but not many people showed up. If you were laughing it probably was with me at my house, we had a huge kitchen w/a huge table in it, a keg, and party food! Joe and Bonnie Phillips f7, Short, red haired guy, Bonnie, little petite. Sweet couple. I knew Clarks well, it was way over a year ago he died, his wife said she thought it was of a broken heart, they both were sweeties, especially him. Alan was married to Chris and yes she was a looker. Chris Newcomb was married to a girl named Robin, they had two girls like Joe & Bonnie. Zylstra, he was a fun guy, George worked with him on staff when we were there. Hal Smiths wifes name was Nancy, like I said she was like 4th corpse grad. Hal was sweet and quiet, but I love(d) him so! well he loved me too...lol The Diaspara's were a kick too, all the NYers were fun. so you wern't there when we did the pool thing then ps??? a whole nother story... I am a bbbaaaaaadddd baaaadddd girl. Do you remember Shelia from AR then ps?? she married a guy named Rod Wedner (non corpse God forbid). how bout Cindy and husband Moser?? I was a Wickler and so thankful NOT to sit in the front rows. Once our first year someone passed around a sexually explicit letter during the class where they teach us to cut our hair, that sort of crap, forget what it was called? anyway that note went around and we were all cracking up so hard, damn felt sorry for the teacher. I used to sleep so bad during class and Hal would try to wake me ALL the TIME. Once after class Phil Diasparra asked if I need to be ministered to, I asked why and he said from whiplash from my head bobbing so badly in class. I think God helped me sleep so I didn't listen to the .... on a regular basis. well getting up at 4am had a lot to do with it too.... :D--> Nancy Kegley was with me on our intrim year in NJ, did you know that?? she was a beauty. (still is!) she married DJ Moran and they live in NC. I remember Slim, I also wonder what happened to him, he was a nice guy.
MY private topics got pruned so far that I can't even post private anymore!!!! so it worked!!!! (well he did it long before this so maybe he was "starting" the process then!!!) ;)-->