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Everything posted by suz
I'm still hoping that next year y'all don't pick a stupid month like September!! Have Supermom arrange it for the Summer months so ALL her kidletts can attend. Those of us w/teens will be glad to leave them home ;)--> but September is a bitch to get away!! my heart is broken I can't be there.... my achy breaky heart... y'all have fun yahear' I expect pictures. Who has the digital camera?? Can't wait. tho I be absent in the flesh, I be with you in spirit y'all. suz :D-->
Tom, you said, "How was I able to relatively enjoy in residence" I must admitt, we had a zainy wacky corpse, and we laughed a lot, I did also enjoy much of it....really I did. I mean the NYers were a blast!! Joe & Bonnie Phillips were the sweetest! and even tho Dot didn't enjoy BM he was ok to us!! Chris Newcomb was a genius and did some really great skits and was talented up the ying yang, I laughed with him so many times, loved him and still do tremendously!! The married men were wonderful to me, I mean they had their own wifes and kids but they still had a heart for us single moms and kids. And the wifes understood I think (cept for the NY wives.....) John Niece (staff) was an *** but was a great boss for me. I was the secretary for the maintenance dept and John treated me good, it was a great job. On LEAD one year me and Chris Newcomb relished our Mint Floss, it was flavor we could enjoy anytime! I really had some great folks that treated me and my boys wonderfully. And we had to depend on each other for help so often. I mean they would tell us we had to go to Dayton to do whateverthehell, so we would have to pawn off our kids with whoever wasn't going this time. Then we did the same for them when they had to go. Lemme tell you bout the skinny dipping thing. One night it was night off (BM & Dotty were out of town) Me and Linda Tokash decided to skinny dip in the pool. (small pool on top of the ground...thinking it was 4 ft high?) Well got to be midnight and the couples started heading home from night out. Bruce Peterson and Gino Tateo I believe....well they saw us swimming, told the wifes they were going in for a dip, and jumped in the pool. They didn't know we were nakee...... (them in undies) we tried to stay away from them....but its a small pool..... Bruce came up to me, put his hand on my back, then realized somehow that I had nothing on.....Linda decided to get OUT of the pool then...(she is a bit larger than me....) so then I HAD to get out, I mean there I was nakee in the pool w/2 married men.....(there was a 13th corpse girl there watching the whole thing) So I got OUT of the pool and decided to take the boys clothing....with me.........(I''ll show them!) well I lived in the Annex, real close, so I got as dressed as I could, took the boys clothes to the receptionist and told her I found them!! she said, "yeah, sure".... well the boys had to walk thru the ac dining room in wet undies to claim their clothes..... they got me back....later....at lunch one day... did you guys already know this story??? I don't believe I told the details before.... IF anyone is interested I will continue with the continuing saga.....of Suzie in the pool and payback time.... So I did also have fun. Alan Jewett was my drinking buddie. I would go to his room and his wife would say, " your girlfriend is here, want to go get beer with her?". Hal Smith (whose wife was corpse grad so he was in rez w/me) is my sweetheart. His wife would also refer to me as Hal's girlfriend, cause we loved...(we sat together in class and he would try to keep me awake) So I am thankful for the great folks that I got to love in Rez. Some great women and some great men that I loved dearly. We did some really wacky stuff to make it fun. Once when we were having baked potatoes, we took (everyone in the dining room) took their leftover potatoes to Alan's table, he must have had at least 25 potatoes to take back to the skullery. We had a water fight once at lunch too. Rebels we were....It also was the only way to put up with the insanity of what was expexted of us....... Once we had a flop of desert, something lemon...it was rubbery.....so me and Wilma Willman (married Charlie Parsons-11th) took plates of the leftover rubbery lemon glop and put a plate in front of every door, knocked and ran.... Once we short sheeted our pals...... Laughing was medicine Suz :D-->
David I still am looking for you. Our days before corpse in CA were sweet!! Anybody know where he is?? Heartell he has a brother out there somewhere. David went to USC, what a guy, what a guy! suz :D-->
I agree 100% with To Gray.... I also grieve. We did what was expected of us, to ourselves, our families, our children. I also am thankful to move on in life and re-discover truth. Its refreshing! Life is really to short to live and dwell in the past. I choose to move on in life. I do miss some of the folks though. Much better to move onward, upward!! I also wonder what did I get of my own 17 yrs in (72-89)besides "Nothing but a heartache". suz :D-->
we did NADA, well we worked together that day, that was special. The house we were working on, nice folks, ordered Chinese food and we ate with them. On the following Saturday we walked all over downtown tho, and Geo got a new hat.... then we had lunch together,,,, does that count?? Then we rented Chicago and saw lots of T & A...hows that??? thinking maybe on our 20th we will celebrate then. suz :D-->
No I never thought you even came close to making it personal against me, I honestly don't now or never did care who did/does/doesn't like or dislike me. As for hitting our kids, once again it was expected for us to make sure our kids were, "in subjection" and it was something we were taught to do! (God forgive me once again) I was just trying to show you the climate there at RC. Women (single)(and married) were expected to leave their kids and when they came home the kids just didn't get it. Many women were under a lot of stress. ( I know that is the same same as any campus) I understand about being sick too. When I was sick I was still supossed to get my kids to meals, when they were sick, once I even had to miss a class cause my kids temp was 105. When the tc came to visit he was his tigger bouncy self and he thought I was looking for an excuse to stay out of the riviting class I was missing. When I went on lightbearers I came home to find out my oldest had blood poisining, and God forbid if he could get any help until my babysitter came up with the $50 to pay the doc. Twi wasn't going to dish out any money!!! I think the way the "leadership" at RC was no different than any twi people. It ran downhill, they did what they were taught, they were who they imitated.(BM, JL, CM, vpw) none of them were any different in my opinion. Hey on lead Billy Grahme got in a car wreck and had to come home cause she broke her leg. They made a special lead for her....(and they were the original people who owned Tinny NM) We also had a girl, on lead, who got her eye poked and had to wear a patch on it...she still had to belay down the mtn... my back pack on lead was much to heavy hiking in, I fell over numerous times,(turtle effect face down) then I got dry heaves and had hypothermia type symptoms, they (mighty big of them) decided that maybe a back pack that weighed 180# was a bit to heavy for a girl of 120#. Once again, mighty big of them to relieve some of it. And lead were no different than any of the leaders. So it just didnt' matter where we were, they were groomed to make life hell for most. The only fun I had at Emporia was pretending I didn't know the rules and breaking them...lol gotta love that, but then I did it also at RC and HQ whenever I could. Anyway I will not take up any more time on this tread, its sposed to be fun, not a big whine. But if you find Dave Hanson tell him I love him dearly. suz :D-->
So I tried to go to sleep and couldn't. Bear with me I just need to add one thing, or maybe two. I meant you 11th corpse women didn't understand us SINGLE moms. That WC program you were in--we were also. I got up at 4am to run, so I could do laundry at 5am (against the rules) so that I could get ready for whatever the day held. You got up in the morning and got your own a$$ ready for the day, I did it for 3. You ate breakfast and went to your class or job, I had to take one kid to the school bus and one to the West Wing for childrens activities, THEN get my butt to wherever. Lunch I picked up a kid to eat with us THEN get him to take his little nap so I could either go to job or work. Dinner I had 3 at the table, once again little expexted waybots that were supposed to be perfect. I went LEAD and LIGHTBEARERS, HQ for a week, Surrounding area gigs, I moved whenever they called to change our ROOMS, usually 2 rooms subjecting myself to room mates not of my choice and sometimes my children got the same thing. I had to write a research paper, while juggling whoever would take my little ones so I could. My kids spent more time with strangers than their own mother!! So while we were with them to ENJOY them was most difficult. I had to get my tuition just like you singles, PLUS pay for 2 kids, intrim year-expenses for 3 of us. Lucky I was with Nancy Kegle. She loved my boys and we had a ball together in NJ. But otherwise I guess the guys of the 11th corpse liked my boys so I was lucky. Maybe they saw us single women struggle as single moms, which brings me to my 2nd point. Single women with kids. Most of us didn't date either. Not just cause we were exausted...It was the 11th corpse guys-99% of them were afraid of us. Why?? In Dave Hanson's words, "You are to strong and being an instant Dad scares me". Dave was a doll, much to young for me anyway, but a sweety and I appreciated his honesty about us women with children. We didn't date cause also when we got a night off usually it was to spend with our kids! If we wern't running off to save the world somewhere we tried our best to be moms. Our expextations from leadership was absolutely stupid to be perfect little waycorpse and to have these perfect little children whom we had to subject to the wierdest conditions a mother would ever give a kid. I had to apologize to my children when they got older. Some of it was good, some really really bad. So once again your perspective was from a woman who dropped in on a situation (RC) and only saw one little part of it. I wish you could have seen my kids when I came home. It took sometimes weeks before they didn't re-act to me even leaving for class!! The little guy just didnt' understand! Hell I didn't either! I think most of our kids were scared for life! Dillard always got a kick out of my youngest cause he ate lunch at my table. He was always understanding of the woes of single women with their little ones. The Mosers also seemed to like the little kids, but not having any themselves at that time was different for them. I bet they have changed now!. The guy who married Alison Heaney watched my kids once for a week, he got my room all to himself and loved taking care of my kids. I never remember any 11th corpse women ever offering to help with the kids. I'm sure someone tackled you for help, depending where you lived, but I never had any offers from women. Anyway somehow I too graduated. Even paid my tuition for the 3 of us! God forgive me for ever being there and putting my kids thru the living hell they must have gone thru at times. My hindsite is a different perspective for sure. Those of you with kids NOW think about going in the corpse with twi's expectations and YOURs. We were good little waybots wern't we??
We have been looking for Patricia for a long time too. Let me know Vic when you find her. I know where some of the others from that era are but not Patricia, and NO it isn't spelled Swayze. I don't believe she is still in WA state tho. suz :D-->
I guess the men who I knew from the 11th corpse were the ones who loved RC. I guess you single women just didn't understand us moms. It wasn't an easy road, having to leave our children on a regular basis, come home and take control again, and again. You can't imagine the heartache of having to ask a stranger to take care of our kids, possibly even someone who we NEVER would ask, but we HAD to do it. It was tough on all of us. Once my 2 yr old was running down the isle (6am morning teaching) in the chapel and BM yelled, "Daniel Wickler you get back there to your mom NOW!" he got the idea and skedaddled back to my lap. Now I have to laugh. You guys that are moms now think about having to live as a corpse person AND try raising kids, deprive them of their extended families and having to keep them under subjection a zillion times more than your own selves. Leagalistic group f7?? funny, the time I was skinny dipping in the pool out back I never though of myself as legalistic. BTW the family I believe you were refering to was Bo and Joanne Marples. BUT I was also one of the hairdressers, much to the dismay of Sue Peterson, who was from NY and also one of the hairdressers. My license was expired and she really didn't like me working there. But I loved it. When I didn't have anyone's hair to cut I would walk the campus and find staff or someone who had time and have them come up, just to stay busy. There were some pretty haughty f7 but then I always found them in every corpse, NOT just f7 thats for sure, and if you would have met any f5 you would have known what f7 were imitating themselves after, talk about leagalistic!. Funny you see JL different than me. I always felt he was just a little bit better than the others, IN HIS OWN MIND. (not mine) Interesting the viewpoints of campus's. I hated Emporia, hated the feel of it, hated all the rules and the policing of the campus, hated the narcs (11th corpse that would "remind" me of what I was doing wrong) Mind you I only "got" to go there a little, since my darlings kept me at RC.... One of my own corpse sisters years after graduation told me she commended me for being in the corpse with a 2 yr old and an 8 yr old. She only had a teen when she was in, and after she got out-decided I must have been superwoman to be in the corpse with little kids. (she was Jenkensen's sister even). So perspective is everything. I was a rebel IN the coprse, still maintaining that standard in life. [This message was edited by suz on August 27, 2003 at 11:42.]
Well I guess I could include my name in this anniversary gig.... guess
Help! Terminal cancer patient needs alternatives
suz replied to Mary Cate's topic in Health, Wellness, and Fitness
I knew a young man who was terminal. Believe it or not Marajuana helped the best. And it helped the attitude. I know this would be an out of this world suggestion for a mom, but maybe. Any relief would be better than nothing. -
Only 18 years of me and you are still here!! its a miracle! (Aug 21st) Thought I would say it here instead of talking to your back while you are on the puter reading. Hopefully we can run off somewhere and celebrate. Maybe do more than our first couple anniversary's. Favorite Wifey, Suzie ;)--> [This message was edited by suz on August 18, 2003 at 13:40.]
No begging ex, If you were never there while in rez you would never know how great it was for the 11th corpse who came there, didn't have to listen to someone telling them to only fart in the stalls, and the food was great! They did however, weather they wanted to or not have to eat with crumbsnatchers, rugratts, noisey sometimes fussy kidletts. Part of the fun. I used to leave almost every day at lunch my first year to take a nap with my 2 yr old..... it helped those 4am-midnight corpse days, just a 20 min snooze, ahhh, how sweet. Naps are of God. suz :D-->
It figures all you 11th are having all the fun in your thread BUT WHEN YOU CAME TO IC TO BE W/US F7 CORPSE YOU LOVED IT! Being an F7/same year as 11th I think I should be able to post here since nobody that had faimilies obviously learned how to post in the F7 thread. And F7 had some kewel people in it too, I felt F7 and 11th were as nutty as each other. Want my funny story? oh well, sorry, I tried, I have many anyway since I had a 2 yr old my first year,(plus an 8 yr old) then they were obviously older my last year. Kids are funny, try being IN Rez with them. I miss my 11th corpse buds, Corpus, Eric Jensen, Bob Sull, Charlie Parsons,,,,there are many. (all guy buds, hmm, mabye being a single mom in corpse was ok....) Naw, just a co inky dink. But while at IC if you wanted cookies and coffee I was the girl. Once, one of you came to my room to eat cookies, we made coffee, layed on my bed (no chairs) and fell asleep! My room mate came in the room and made a loud, HUM HUM, clearing of the throat. Not my fault we were exausted! more funny stories.........like I said, many more that is IF you want to hear them. (The 9th corpse that passed thru IC btw were to stuffy for me.) Loved the 11th corpse gang! Suzie Wickler (then)
The imagination was vivid.... IF you get together with Jewel and Phil have Jewel let me know. Its been years but I also would love to talk. Glad to hear you are out of both bondages Dale. Suzie
Yeah Vince was a sweetie, he definately went on the trip Vicki, he rode in the VW w/Fran. I have a picture of him & her w/my Jason asleep in the back on top of a heap of stuff!! Funny I don't remember your Ex being there Dale. It seems she stayed home, her work kept her in Seattle, it seems (so long ago tho, maybe she did) Are you out now Dale or do you just lurk here? Suz [This message was edited by suz on August 15, 2003 at 10:41.]
I saw it & it was kewel, didn't want to wait till the next time.... Suz :D-->
Chuck has at least one kid, a daughter, he has a church in the Los Angeles area AND is a principle of a school. Look him up in whitepages.com I know someone who goes to his church (an exwayfer) but has others also in his church (non twi). suz
They are still in OR Tony, just south of you a bit. I just saw them in Jan when I was in Portland for a wedding. They are considering moving, better get on it man, email me and maybe I can find you out some more info if you want. Suz :D-->
Jane is a sweety, All the Swedlunds were sweeties :D--> anyway I don't know where she is currently, but her dad was a Dr at the Mayo clinic in WI so I am guessing you could find the parents number and find out where all the kids are. If you talk to Jane tell her Suzie Wickler says hi and ask where all her brothers are. Suz :D--> is the way you are spelling the last name correct?
Sorry John, Jerry died a few years ago. His wife, Kathy is known as flysweets here in the cafe. I am sure you could look up her email or do a private email with me and I will gladly give you her info. suz
To my hubby of almost 18 years. JULY 10th is the day. :D--> :(-->??? :P--> :P--> Happy Birthday to you. and now for your other fans to reply.....
Hey Steve, Hope your Birthday was GREAT. I was out of town, didn't know... anyway, still I say, so much to be thankful for. love, suzie :D-->
Dear Wytedove 5/11 happy birthday from Heaven!
suz replied to Kit Sober's topic in Birthdays and Anniversaries
Happy Birthday sweet Lovie Dovie, So much to be thankful for, you are a mom, a grandma, a wife and to me a friend, Enjoy your special day- oh one with many titles! Suz :D--> :D--> -
How about Patricia Waring?? anybody know her whereabouts??? I thought she was living in PA but not sure if that is true. I know she got married long ago, great girl. We sat next to each other in the corpse, would love to find her. Suz