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Everything posted by PurpleDays

  1. I enjoyed it. Can't say I agreed with all of it, but really enjoyed reading it and seeing things from the author's point of view. I loved the way Papa showed that his foremost desire was an intimate relationship with each of his children and how readily approachable He is to each of us. It was a good read. PurpleDays
  2. Gorgeous baby, just like his mom and dad! PurpleDays
  3. Happiest of Happy Birthdays, dear friend! PurpleDays
  4. Hip Hip Hooray! What a wonderful day! PurpleDays
  5. Thinking of you and your family and keeping you all in my prayers. PurpleDays
  6. Love the facelift! PurpleDays
  7. PurpleDays

    Another Poll

    Pawtucket, My sincerest thanks to you for fulfilling your ministry here to provide a forum to tell the other side of the story, and have some fun while doing it. Many lives have been healed and set back on course, or chartered a new (and, hopefully, better) one, because of the information exchange here. You have fought the good fight, and been victorious. As this place has become a burden to you which outweighs the joy you receive from it, it seems like it is time for you to move on. God bless you as you blaze new paths in your life! The story will continue to be told as long as there is a need for the telling and re-telling. The exchange of ideas, conversations, validations, etc. will also continue as long as there is a need for them. It may not be at GSC, but there will be a place where the healing will continue. Thank you for taking up where WayDale left off. Seems it’s time for the next segment to begin under someone else’s loving, watchful, and patient eye. Thank you again for all you have done for so many. Your life will continue to be a blessing in the next segment of your journey, whatever that may be. Godspeed! PurpleDays
  8. PurpleDays

    My 1000th post

    Congratulations on your progress! Seems to be a common denominator for all of us who have been around for a while. Hope to see you again sometime soon (face-to-face versus post-to-post, that is)! PurpleDays
  9. Happy Birthday, you youngun you! Hope it's fantastic! PurpleDays
  10. Belated but happy wishes for your special day. PurpleDays
  11. Happy belated birthday greetings. Sorry I missed your special day. PurpleDays
  12. A fabulous time was had by all. Many thanks again to GSG and the Countess for a perfect day! PurpleDays
  13. I'll bet this one will be easy peasy. 4 pictures. PurpleDays
  14. Muscle, Flex Cat, meow, cat's meow, kitten Burl Ives Hmmmm . . . Thinking how unusual to see a hint by GSG without any boobs in it! :) My how things change when you're gone for a while. PurpleDays
  15. Bow, keel, dry dock Bill, duck bill Kill Bill would be my guess. PurpleDays
  16. PurpleDays


    Happy birthday! Hope you and yours have a grand day celebrating! PurpleDays
  17. Here's hoping your day is marvelous and all you desire! PurpleDays
  18. Happy Birthday! PurpleDays
  19. Happiest of birthdays with many more happy ones ahead! PurpleDays
  20. Happiest of birthdays to you! PurpleDays
  21. Happy Birthday, sweetest one! PurpleDays
  22. Happy Birthday, Sudo! I wrote a poem for you. Sudo is fixty six The day need hold no fear I'm too tired to give that many licks So CELEBRATE! The coast is clear. Yeah, I know, better keep my day time job. But here's wishing you a grand day! PurpleDays
  23. Pitcher E Jewel box, cup, protector Peas Hmmmmmmmmm . . . PD
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