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Everything posted by jeast
I don't think there is a day that goes by that some sort of doubt and fear is not trying to seep through any cracks in our believing. It is truly our freedom of will to believe in God or not. Although I believe what one of the poster stated that by looking at our surroundings we can see evidence of God's work, I believe it goes quite a bit deeper than that. As sure as there is a physical law such as gravity I believe there are spritual laws or principles that yield just as consistent results. But if our hearts are hardened no matter how hard the wind blows or how hard it rains we will be like a stone and never feel or be able to acknowledge the truth because we have been made afraid believe. I understand that God has said to the effect that in our weakness his love and mercy is made known. On the other hand what if we choose to let ourselves become like a fragile plant knowing we will be more vulnerable to all the storms and troubles the world can throw at us, we will also be able to begin feel the most gentle breeze and the lightest rain. I have by my free will consciously chosen to believe there is a God. I am becoming more convinced every day, by listening, watching, reading the GS posts etc, and seeing what results each one of the principles (of God or not) that people are applying. If you want to live a life of peace, joy etc, God can deliver but only if you are willing to trust him. I did not understand this to the extent that I do today and I trust I will understand even more as I learn not to trust in the flesh. Here are some specific examples of what I believe are the direct result of God in my life. These things of course are intertwined. Ever growing peace, My relationship with my wife, children and granchildren. Actually learning how you could possibly love your neighbor as yourself. (I thought I knew before). Loving (but not respecting) those that have hurt me in the past. My relationship with my co-workers, even the boss. More aware of the all the subtle things that God has created for us to enjoy. Even after TWI, I still believe that all things work together for the good of them that love God. Does it hurt when people scoff, laugh and ridicule of course it does. But because of Christ's example I am beginning to understand why. I still can't comprehend his mercy, we sure don't deserve it. Those that choose not to believe in God does not change the truth. And evidence of God is realized by those of us who believe.
After my son was nailed while riding his Harley I swore I would never overlook another biker. But sure enough after about a year or so and the bikes were just starting to show up in the spring, I pulled out in front of a guy. It wasn't that close but I was so put off at myself. Be safe.
Mathews Bows are probably the most popular compound bows in this area. We have lots of 3D shoots that start this time of year. It is something most of my family enjoys including several of the grandkids. I have an older Ultra 2 Mathews, 72# pull, very fast but not nearly as quiet and easy to draw as some of the new ones. G-5 sight, Victory arrows with duravane fletching and I use a Scott little goose release.
My current favorite pistol is my Thompson Center Encore 308 with a 15" Barrel. As of now it is legal to hunt deer with that caliber in Indiana.
He took your place Flatt & Scruggs
Please take this as intended, only to be helpful. My humble opinion, base on some experience, not as much as some and maybe little more than others. If healing is really what we are trying achieve then after we get weary of kickin arses at some point we have to give up the flesh and blood battle. Yeah there are certain principles that get certain results! Handling injustice, real and perceived has always been a big roadblock for me. If there is one profound example that I have learned (still learning) from the the sacrifice of Jesus. It's not living a sinless life, being baptized, or crucified. How could someone die to save the very people who had done more injustice to him than anything we will ever know. Did he heal? Beyond our wildest imagination. Not his will but his Father's will. I guess that means he had to disregard what he wanted and felt in order for all of us to be healed. To the flesh that makes no sense at all. But the results are undeniable! Peace and mercy to us all,
greg123, I am very interested in reading more of what you have to say about this topic. Please continue.
This little boy was misbehaving in church and after a while the mother had enough so she bent over and whispered something to the little boy. He immediately straightened up and did not say another word. While shaking hands after the service the pastor told the mother, I could not help but notice how you disciplined your son. May I ask what you said to him? She replied, I simply told him that if he did not shut up that he would cause you to lose your place and you would have to start all over from the beginning.
Oops! Sorry Belle, I did not mean to throw cold water on your post. I thought the thread was suppose to be "Just Plain Silly".
I heard someone attribute this to an old Irish saying.....May the wind at your back never be your own.
Excellent point! Now this is what I have been looking for. I too have been troubled with "the abundance of accusations", but I am still looking forward to listening and learning. I am pretty simple so I try to narrow things down to the basics. You know like, Believing...Faith or Fear. What kind of fruit is coming off this tree. Love, joy, peace etc, or bitterness, confusion and contention. I am encouraged when I read your post. Thanks.
And I thought learning how to play When the Storm is Over was hard. Most people don't appreciate the amount of discipline and hard work it takes to pull something like that off. Well done!
I few years back this guy was jogging down around the Crane Naval Warfare Depot in Southern Indiana and a coyote attacked him. He screamed and kicked and it finally ran off. My son-in-law had two coyotes follow him into his tree stand. They disappeared for a moment only to return. He shot one of them with a bow.
Yes, I sure do have my old KJV bible. And I am just like a few of the others on this thread. It took me several years before I could even pick it up and read it. I have got a bunch of notes in the margin, marked out some of the italicized words etc. Slowly I began to study again but I still would not get involved with other organizations. I mostly tried to hang back and observe everything and see how it all matched up to what I thought I knew. Over time (approximately 25 years) A lot of what I learned at PFAL was valid. And thanks to sites like GSC, CES and STF I am still learning. I am not afraid or bitter. I cannot say that wholesale markouts in my KJV was the wisest thing to do but when I bought my first NIV bible and compared the two of them it really through me for a loop. I guess in essence they have done the same thing and it seems to be cool with most folks. Whatever I read, hear or see I try to compare it to what I understand of the Word. Does it truly reflect the love of God. I still have trouble with words like church and religion because of the connotation that most people read into it. I am currently attending a local Christian denomination and even though I struggle a bit with it I really love the people there and as a whole they are very loving bunch. Just like TWI, which I now believe that I was there for purpose. The KJV or the NIV and whatever they come up with next, hopefully I will use it for their attended purpose. As a side note...if you want to see where someone has really went over the line look at one of the Slayer heavy metal band CD covers. I had one of my guitar students show it to me. It will make you cringe.
I thought that is why they invented deer season so I could sit in a tree stand for hours on end and reflect. I been married for 37 yrs and we have a bunch of youngins so I put a premium on the quiet life also. I guess we all learn to adapt.
Oh yeah! I bet you can't top the family harmony! Ain't this silly? I've already got a good bird dog. I will have to confess, she still has a little trouble on the landings.
Thanks Fiddlepicker, I will keep an eye out and if I happen to run onto something I will let Cindy know.
Awesome thread! Allison's voice is inspirational. Well done.
Appreciated the shout out, Thanks. I don't want my life story to be between the grave and glory I don't want to sit here on the fence. I don't want my life to tell another dead end story. I want to walk with God before I rest.
That is just plain good stuff!
You can talk guitar on my post anytime. I am very fond of my 000 style Greven. Little guitar, big sound.
This might not be such a good idea but what the heck. First of all in keeping with full disclosure. I am a Hoosier, somewhat of a redneck and as most of us I am proud of it. True story about a guy that just retired from where I work. This guy went deer hunting. Colder than a mother-in-laws kiss and slicker than deer guts on a door knob. He climbed into his tree stand and mother nature gave notice. (he had to poop). He then climbed all the way back down the tree walk away about 100 yds so as not to disturb the surroundings with his smell. Pulled down his coveralls and done his thing. He then decided the did not want to climb back into the tree stand because it was so cold. He went back to the truck to wait on his buddies to get through hunting. Started the truck up and turned on the heater. It was not long before he realized he had pooped in the hood of his coveralls. Not a pretty picture. Lord forgive me for this.
I would say that he was. I got aquainted with him in Bloomington through Mike and Jane Moody. He was in this area for a short while and I have not heard much of him since. Thanks for the welcome, All the best, Thanks, Keep on the sunny side