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Everything posted by jeast

  1. Anyone had any experience with Functional Medicine. My initial evaluation consisted of an analysis of my saliva and my urine. The most positive result was my adrenal system still strong. I was dehydrated at least my cells said so and my kidneys and liver was toxic. I have drastically changed my diet and although I have not been on this program very long I have been pleasantly surprised to find my joints to seemed to be aching as they normally do. Also taking several different supplements. We will see how it goes. Any input would be appreciated.
  2. jeast


    I just read where skidboot died in March of 2007
  3. jeast

    Song of the moment

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r-iH4I6unQ Same old star McBride and the Ride
  4. jeast

    Monkey on acid

    http://texashuntfish.com/thf/app/videos/40...C739E75952639CF 10 ft tall and bullet proof.
  5. jeast

    Song of the moment

    I could not pass this one up. 2 yr old singing Lord's prayer
  6. jeast

    Animal Farm

    http://www.george-orwell.org/Animal_Farm/index.html Most people have read this short story by George Orwell. I read it when I was in this R&D organization and submitted to the group that we had a lot of things in common with this book. They kicked me out. Does this remind you of any organizations you know about? Four legs good two legs bad.
  7. T-Bone, I really appreciate the scriptures and I also believe it is our Christian duty to aggressively take a stand against those who use their liberty as a cloak of maliciousness. Maybe I am just catching on but your description of how this should be approached has been the most sensible and scriptural I have found yet. I could say more but I will close with just saying thanks and you made sense out of an often chaotic situation.
  8. jeast

    Killer rabbit

    JeffSjo, I believe you are right I bet the rabbit was protecting it's nest. I really liked the video and wanted to share it.
  9. Only imagine...if salvation is by God's grace and not by works. Why would ever do anything for God? What the heck you already have eternal life right? Then the more you realize what we have been delivered from and the immense price that was paid for your salvation you become ever more thankful. You try to wrap your mind around God's love and mercy. You find yourself doing good works less from fear and guilt and more out of shear gratitude. You begin to understand how it is possible to love your neighbor as yourself. Then you start to really understand verses that you have read before like.....perfect love cast out fear....for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God. Strangely enough you begin to see fruits such as love, joy, peace, meekness etc. When an injustice has been done to you, you will think of how it compares to the injustices done to Jesus Christ and why would anyone put themselves through such agony. If that's not love there is no such thing. Even knowing that there are rewards for good works it becomes more out of thankfulness and for Christ sake. Talk about peace, Talk about joy, Now you can almost bring yourself to stand before God without and guilt or condemnation knowing that for Christ sake you have life eternal. Only imagine.
  10. Waysider, Because you took the time to look up the thread for I made it a point to read the whole thing. My eyes are falling out of my head. I plan on going back to review some of Wordwolfs posts because I would like a little more understanding but I am currently on info overload. Thanks,
  11. Thanks waysider, Point taken. As misguided as this may seem to some there is something in me that won't allow me to despise or hate. By all means we should be held accountable. But when I look back at some of the things I have done it makes me cringe. And if my life was judged by that snapshot in time, well you get my drift. It would not be wise to go into details but it some ways there are similarities and in some ways it could be worse. Thank God I was given another chance. I sincerely believe that I am much wiser and have become a better husband and father because I have learned from those stupid mistakes. I also think that I am not the only one who can say these things. I am not trying to defend anyone's actions but none of us can truly judge another without judging ourselves. I apologize if this may be redundant for some but it is important to me. As much as some of us deserve it, is it possible to really stop loving someone. Bless ya,
  12. jeast

    I've been blessed

    Thanks George, We got started early for sure. I got very lucky and married an incredible person and our family is really tight. We will have been married for 38 years this month. I'd say we have defied the odds. Respectfully, Joe
  13. I feel compelled to share this because of all the things I knew or thought I knew has been shaken. I've always enjoyed reading John's articles and had followed his whereabouts since I left TWI. Several years ago I found out he was going to be teaching at someones house in a place (believe it or not) called Buffalo Bottoms. A little flat spot in the road close to Sparksville, IN. I was really excited to see him partly because I had not had any contact with anyone who had left TWI. As is the custom we went around the room introducing ourselves and when it came to me I mentioned that I used to be in TW. John immediately shot back with a sarcastic comment that left me dazed. Later after the teaching he offered to give each of us personal prophesies and I decided to go for it. If I am not mistaken we even recorded it. John had put an envelope or something like that on the kitchen table for us to put money in. I think it was for a pamphlet or maybe the cassette tape. Anyway as he walked by me he asked me if I was sure that I had put my money in for the tape. Again I was stunned and hurt because I felt like he thought I was stealing. Now that I have read what has happened since then with John it really breaks my heart. For him and Elizabeth. If David could have Bethsheba's husband killed and still end up being a man after God's own heart then maybe there is hope.
  14. OKLAHOMA CITY WOW 78 I am not sure if this was meant to actually bring this thread back to life but I am glad you did. Now where do we go from here?
  15. jeast

    Short people

    Hey dmiller what are you smiling at? Howd you like me to jump up and punch you in the knee cap? Can you picture little Jimmy Dickens playing a Banjo?
  16. jeast

    Killer rabbit

    http://texashuntfish.com/thf/app/videos/3906/Rabbit-vs-Snake This is one mad rabbit
  17. jeast

    Gun Talk

    http://texashuntfish.com/thf/app/videos/27...ber-bounce-back http://texashuntfish.com/thf/app/videos/2798/recoil If you like guns you need to check out this site of you haven't already.
  18. jeast

    Song of the moment

    Need for speed. Ricky Skaggs & Boston Pops Pig in a pen. Add a little culture to the mix.
  19. Another example to add to the list. I was a in my early 20's with a wonderful wife and 4 kids. I just about walked away from it all to follow what at that time I believed to be the man of God. I wish I could tell you I stood strong and defied the temptation but that would not be totally honest. I got lucky! I did not know how lucky until I learned from some of these good people what was really going on. Many of us were fooled but hopefully with all these witnesses we can spare someone else the grief.
  20. jeast


    One thing that I found through many years of fluctuating concerning stretching, nutrition etc. It really pays to stay on top of your exercises. I would go a while and get better then slack off and wonder why I was hurting more. Knee or hip pain will cause us to put more stress on other parts of our body in order to compensate or try to relieve the affected area. In my case my hip has caused me to have back issues. It is important to keep the surrounding muscles strong and flexible. This may sound like a no brainer but it is easy to let it go but you will pay the price later. Another thing for you to consider may be orthotics or special footwear. My son had a pretty nasty motorcycle wreck in 95. Really messed up his left foot and leg. We found this shoe called Z -Coil which is a really funky looking shoe but it has helped his back and legs a bunch. One of the hardest things for those of us with bad wheels is finding a way to keep aerobically fit. I have had ACL surgery on my right knee and at the time I was very fit and I believe my recovery was made much easier because I had good blood flow. But now with my hip I struggle to keep my fitness up and my muscles in that area are getting weaker and smaller. All of this is meant to encourage you. I am by no means an authority on the subject but I have dealt with a similar issue for over 45 years. I am not sure if any of this will work for you but I wanted to throw it out there for your consideration. Good luck
  21. jeast

    Song of the moment

    Talking Candy bar blues This is in honor of my good friend Mike Moody who taught me this song about 30 years ago. It is also a little cross talk referencing the post by dmiller Critique or Criticize. This song is a satirical jab about being too critical.
  22. "But there's no requirement on this board to be understandable or coherent." Good call Oakspear, If that wasn't the case this old boy would have been gone a long time ago. I just leave people scratchin their heads. To steal a line from the Walking Candy Bar Blues....But I'll grow up, I'll learn the way, so in my later days I will be prosperous, chocolate covered, if I don't bite off more than I can hide. Now there is a song about being too CRITICAL. all the best
  23. jeast


    I have yet to try an eliptical machine, I am now 55 and have just toughed it out trying to run, bike etc, to stay fit...I was in the 2nd grade when the discovered it and I wore a sling to hold my leg up and was on crutches for two years. They also gave me calcium supplements to take. I can relate to what Cindy is going through. Maybe together we can come with some better solutions. My range of motion has become very limited and I have difficulty tying my shoe on my left foot. Hang in there Cindy, you may not totally eliminate the discomfort but I am confident you will find a way to make it managable.
  24. My wife still makes it a couple times a year. She learned how to make it from her grandmother and is it good. She puts chocolate icing on it and put that with some vanilla ice cream and you will say life is good.
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