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Everything posted by jeast
Just to be sure credit is given to where credit is due. The bulk of my original post was taken from an article by John S. I am encouraged when I read a thread where the posts are lively but civil. Our understanding of what is meant by "scripture" is an important foundational building block otherwise we will all be refering to our own subjective datums. That's not to rule out the witness of the Holy Spirit but they both need to jive before we can say with confidence, thus sayeth the Lord. It would be great if every individual could independantly research all the texts of every language, know all the customs and figures of speech but then we run the risk of only seeing it from just our point of view. I would prefer to collectively provide input from our individual studies and research and then personally confirm the results with "scripture" and the Holy Spirit. This way we can take full advantage of each others strengths and move progressively forward instead of continually reinventing the wheel. Now that we have all seen how the bible and scripture can be manipulated and what damage that it has done to our lives I think it makes us uniquely more qualified than we were before.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOb8ihacSM4 Cry out to Jesus Third Day Cool video and even better song.
Just as the Body of Christ has many members I think it is important to realize we all have our different roles as per our gifts/God given talents. Some of you are great with researching, some with communicating etc and I truly respect that. It could not be more evident than here at GSC.
On the road. In God we still trust. Love Diamond Rio's harmony.
2 Timothy 2:15a (NIV) Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved. Wow, that is totally different than study. You see, the Greek word spudoso does not mean study. It means to apply a diligent effort. You could say, “Make a diligent effort to present yourself approved unto God.” Why does the King James Version say the word study? It says that because in 1611 when only 10% of the population could read you studied by being a disciple. A silver smith in 1611 did not become a silver smith by reading books. They studied, that is to say that they apprenticed with a silver smith. He would have them first build the right kind of fire. They might spend a year learning how to build it right. Then, they learn to melt the silver to the right temperature. A period of study occurred that might have gone on for years. Today, sometimes we call that understudy. In 1611, it is very important that you understand that at that time study did not mean read. It meant to understudy and make a diligent effort when you understudy the person. This is a snipit from an article by John S. So I guess there is more to it than just a head game.
Hey d, What is the guys name playing the guitar? Pretty darn good!
Glad to see you have found peace Roy, God Bless You in the name of Christ Jesus.
The WOW's that stayed over at our house had a profound affect on not only my life but my entire family. It has been a long time and I have never met anyone who could compare to them. They gave it all. It was not all for naught because many of us have and forever will blessed by their example.
jen-o Super, give Hershey a big scratch behind the ear for me.
"They got folks not to trust or believe in God" That says it all! The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. The same thing happened to the twig in Bedford when one of the girls who were sent to recruit for PFAL took a potential PFAL recruit to bed. I don't believe he ever took the class. Today this guy is a very well respected minister in our area. He has been coming down hard on TWI ever since. This was before I had heard anything about what was going on at HQ. I just thought it was an isolated incident at the time. There are many churches in our small town and I know of at least one just recently that has had a similar situation happen to them. Not of this magnitude of course but devastating none the less. So it is not just TWI it is anyone who dares to believe in Jesus Christ and are doing something as threatening as reconciling men and women to God. God bless you all! I still believe it is a spiritual battle and I am still trusting and believing in God with all the strength I can muster. Even though my heart truly aches for all that have been hurt more so because, "They got folks not to trust or believe in God" There will be justice!
Could not pass this one up.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6pphVs8bF0 Teach your children well C,S,N.
Glad to see you here Steveo, I am also relatively new to GSC and most of the folks have been great and I am still learning my way around. From what I can gather from your other posts you and I have quite a bit in common. My sons and I had a regional family band"New Frontier" for about 11 years. I am not sure what genre it would fall under because we tried to play anything that our abiltiies would allow. I guess it could have been called it baby boomer bluegrass. We perverted some old rock and roll , some current country, and some good old traditional stuff. Do you have any of your music available to listen to? Check out the Song of the Moment thread in the Open forum. I believe there are some really good musicians that visit GSC. All the best, Joe
Oldie but a goody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqdHpx-9b2s
I checked out the link, thanks again and it still has my interest. I have been on a pretty strict diet and have been taking several different supplements but the largest of these is the Omega 3's. The jury is still out but some of the differences I am noticing is I am usually very stiff in my back and thighs. I could barely tie my left shoe. It is not like I want to do handsprings yet but there is definitely a difference in my level of discomfort. The only thing I can attribute that to would be a reduction in inflammation. I go back in 4 weeks for another evaluation and I am interested in seeing how I feel then. I am also going to see a nurse practioner on some other issues so I am covering all the bases. I need some resolution before I get to the point of no return. All the best.
maybe offshoots are not best ???
jeast replied to dakotawind's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
Thanks, I will never turn down chied fricken. I will bring the sweet tea and mashed taters. What the heck bring your music and let's just make it a picnic. Regards -
Home to you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA-8xI2Xdsc One of my all time favorites
Thanks for the link Steveo. One of my big concerns with the traditional doctors that I have seen, especially one in particular is he really like to prescribe way to many drugs. My perception is a lot of them cater to the drug reps. In this one doctors office I believe a drug rep buys their lunch every day and the also keep an freezer stocked with ice cream. I don't recall ever walking out of his office without some sort of prescription. I finally stopped going. This is not to say that all doctors are like this one but it seems they are so overwhelmed with making money that they schedule too many patients therefore not being able to give the individual attention needed. I am going to finish out this current protocol that this functional medicine doctor has me doing and we will see if the outcome is any different.
I bought my wife a cat for Mother's day 15 years ago, he is now a big orange tiger cat named "Fearless" When I went to look at the kittens at the animal shelter he was the one that just stared at the latch on the door as if to will it open. Little did I realize he was really using mind control. To this day he will just stare at the door when he wants out and somehow the door gets opened, by me of course. Just to show me how much control he has he will make me open the front door to let him out then I'll go to the back door and I be darned if he don't want back in. The guys I work with make fun because they say I like cats. My answer to that is... I love my wife...my wife loves cats.... that's all I'm going to say about that.
Profound to say the least! My sincerest thanks to both Paw and Ralph. I wonder what our next 30 years will bring. My prayer is that this brings us to a better understanding of God's love and mercy. Respectfully, Joe
I am afraid to tell you about our 7 yd old Golden Retriever "Miss Shadow" because you may want to take her. She is a kleptopmaniac. One day we found a brand new 5th of Jack Daniels that she had stole from the neighbor. Then she brought home a cube of beer which already had a couple of beers taken out of it. She put it on her blanket on the deck. We have found everything buried in our mulch including small coolers, yard ornaments, shoes (both right and left) and recently one of those huge plastic leg braces that people wear when they break their leg. The vet asked me if I brushed her teeth because they were so clean from chewing on rocks. Oh yeah, I forgot about the time she brought a pair of the neighbor ladies panties home. The kids brought them to us thinking it was a pillow case. Yow!
maybe offshoots are not best ???
jeast replied to dakotawind's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
I hear ya Steveo, I feel a lot the same way. Religion, from my perspective has a way of screwing things up. If someone was wanting to undermine God what do you think would be the best way to do it. Let the suckers get as religious as they want and make sure they have a kazillion doctrines to fight over. Most honest folks see that and come to the conclusion they want no part of it. Right on! Many of us have come full circle in that we started out with a basic love for God and after a trip around the religious world we have come back to the love of God. It's taken me at least 30 years and I am still working on it. Some are caught up in being a bible scholar while losing sight of the real message. John Schoenheit of CES as was mentioned before just wrote a article on just that. Jesus loves us regardless and to me that is the message. By all means study the word to know God's will but if we don't learn to love one another we are pi**ing in the wind. Sounds too simple but just look around and see how many of us are missing it. -
Seeing what name she responds to is a great idea. Something sweet and simple. It would be hard to communicate with a dog with a name like Liberace or Henrietta.
maybe offshoots are not best ???
jeast replied to dakotawind's topic in Spirit and Truth Fellowship International
I have no affiliation with CES so I am not defending any organization. But whether it be John L or John S who I believe has did their best to study and learn and teach what they believed to be the truth. Along the course of their lives do they make some bad choices? Of course they do. And some of them may have been for selfish reasons but who is to judge. Not me! Just like a lot of folks on this site who have either been dooped or just plain made a very bad decision, I bet most of them were because they were trying to do something as opposed to just sitting back and doing nothing while watching everyone else make mistakes. If you see someone with scars and bruises it is probably because they have been out front tryin to clear the path while the rest of us have been following. And the guy out front is usually the one who steps on the land mine or booby trap. I am thankful for the person who is willing to take the lead because some of us are just not cut out for it. This don't just apply to folks at CES or the so called offshoots but also to those who make GSC possible. I just read one of John S's latest articles concerning his struggles (my words) with being over critical and trying to learn to love regardless of a persons doctrine. As far as difficulties go, Anyone ever tried to make a band work? That's very difficult and that pales as compared to running any kind of ministry. Offshoots? Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal,(all flavors). We all have something in common yet we all have our differences too. The Apostle Paul gave up a pretty lucrative job to move da word also. Excuse me while I go take the mote out of my eye. -
Hmmm let's see chocolate /coffee ....how about "Mocha" That is a hoot! I had no idea Jim was posting at the time. His time in was 6:35 and mine was 6:36. After I replied his was up. Cool, That is two for Mocha!