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Hi all, I was wondering about this topic...being born again. I know the Way's stand on it, but I know I have often times even wondered if I am born again. Does this mean i have no faith???? I am very confused. I get so paniced about this often, and it doesn't help I am already on anxiety meds for a long running anxiety disorder (runs in my family...hooray). I am really trying to figure this out. I know what Romans 10:9,10 says, but I have had people tell me that is goes deeper than that....like what? I was also told that you can lose your salvation once you are born again...and of course this floored me, scared the dang out of me. Because for me, God has been the only real contant in my life, and now I feel like I am losing touch with Him, I find myself even wondering if he is out there, or if He still accepts me. THis has turned into a faith crisis for me, and is seriously affecting my life on a daily basis. I may have touched on this in another post, but if anyone can shed some true light here, I would be very much love to have that feeling of safety I once had with God. Is this something I have worked up in my head? Can people fall from grace? I know I am not without sin, and I know I still sin through my human weakness. But I always makes sure to ask God for forgiveness, but does He eventually close His grace off to us if we sin too much, or give into too many temptations. I won't lie, I have givien into temptations I knew were wrong, but I did it anyway...am I lost!!!!!
Blaspheme the Holy Spirit
ChuckLuck74 replied to ChuckLuck74's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
Sorry, Im not trying to beat a dead horse here, but I know especially since I left the ministry, I have done willful sinning, I have even developed somewhat of a problem with smoking weed (is that considered a willful sin) with what I have read now, does that mean all hope for me is lost??? But even when I sin knowingly, I ask forgiveness and for grace and mercy. And this brings up another point, I was taught, as we all were, that when Hewbrews talks about there being no more sacrifices for them that have come into a knowledge of the truth, does that mean someone who has been taught the truth, but disregards it, or are we talking about a born believer. Again, I am sorry to keep this going, but I am doing my best to get through this and stomp out the fear I have of this subject. BEcause TWI had answered this question for me, but now I am unsure. A side note here, I had talked to Rev Shroyer before he passed, and he assured me that I was saved, he shared alot of the things that we have went over on this topic, but in the light of Christ died for me, I accepted him as my Savior, and am awaiting his return, and that salvation and enternal life couldn't be taken from me under any circumstance. I was also taught that when hebrews talks about there being no more sacrifices for the willfull sinner, it is because the ultimate sacrifice was already given by Jesus, and that a person could not be saved twice, once they accepted Christ, they were sealed, that Jesus was the bottomline sacrifice, jesus could not be crucified again as a sacrifice, because we already had all the forgiveness from sin from the sacrifice that God made avaible through Jesus's sacrifice. I am trying to do my best in be a better Christian, but I just have an ominious feeling that I may have already damed myself by what I have been doing, becaue my walk with God hasn't been exactly tight if you know what I mean. IF I have burned you guys out already, I understand if you don't want to post, this has been a very obsessive and fearful subject for me. -
Blaspheme the Holy Spirit
ChuckLuck74 replied to ChuckLuck74's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
But isn't a sin a willful one, I mean is there a sin that is considered unwillful?? I know there are believers out there who have willfully sinned, I know I have, but I know the bible teaches that if we confess our sins, he willl forgive, because we are still beings of the flesh. I dunno, I am just trying to dispell some of the wrong teachings I have had. Becaue I desire to know as much of the truth as I can, so I can help speak it properly and without error or hypocrisy. And I do appreciate you guys taking the time to read and respond to my posts, this has been some stuff that has been bothering for some time now. -
Blaspheme the Holy Spirit
ChuckLuck74 replied to ChuckLuck74's topic in Doctrinal: Exploring the Bible
So then I am confused, what is considered a spiritual sin as oppsed to a fleshly sin? And do you mean by a lifestyle against God like some one who holds genuine hate toward God, and manifest that hate by what he says and how he lives? I can remember one time a few years back I was going through a really dark depression, and I remmber saying to my wife that I wish God would just kill me and get it over with, I was truly angry. Is that an unforgiveable spiritual sin????? -
I know this has been touched on here and there on the doctrinal forums, but I am still confused on what it means to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit. I mean I know the TWI take on the a person can chose to be born of either God's seed or the Devil's seed, and this decision to accept either seed is permanent and cannot be undone, but is this really the case. I have even went as far as to ask other people from other denominations, and I get even a wider array of answers such as blapheming the holy spirit is commiting sucide, or it is not accepting Christ as your savior. What also intrigues me is when CHrist spoke of this blaspheming, he said (to the acussing Pharasies) they are of their father the devil, is that because they didn't accept him as the son of God. Is it because they sought to murder him without any consideration that they might be actually murdering God's only son? There doesn't seem to be any clear cut scriptures about it. I have often wondered if we don't know what blasphemeing the holy spirit is, then how do we know we haven't done it, losing all hope of salvation and acceptance by God. TWI answer to this question was simply this: You can speak in tongues, so you are saved no matter what? ANd is that even possible, is being saved a one time deal, or is salvation something you can lose due to your carnal sins. BEcause I know I am not without sin, THis is the kind of stuff the keeps me up at night, but when I think of my everlasting life and existence with the heavealy Father, and that it might not happen, it chills me to the bone.
I left the way in 1999 and since then I have often questioned the authenticity of what I was taught about speaking in toungues, is it real, is it a real gift of God and proves my salvation? I still speak in tognues from time to time but how do I know it is real? And what about the other manifestations? Are they what we were taught them to be. I have thought on these things and wrestled with them so heavily that I know have to be on antidepressents because I am unsure if I am even saved. I believe there has to be a God, but since I left the ministry, I feel like I have no connection with Him, was this all a sham. anyone please help me here, I am at my wit's end.