Sorry, Im not trying to beat a dead horse here, but I know especially since I left the ministry, I have done willful sinning, I have even developed somewhat of a problem with smoking weed (is that considered a willful sin) with what I have read now, does that mean all hope for me is lost??? But even when I sin knowingly, I ask forgiveness and for grace and mercy. And this brings up another point, I was taught, as we all were, that when Hewbrews talks about there being no more sacrifices for them that have come into a knowledge of the truth, does that mean someone who has been taught the truth, but disregards it, or are we talking about a born believer. Again, I am sorry to keep this going, but I am doing my best to get through this and stomp out the fear I have of this subject. BEcause TWI had answered this question for me, but now I am unsure. A side note here, I had talked to Rev Shroyer before he passed, and he assured me that I was saved, he shared alot of the things that we have went over on this topic, but in the light of Christ died for me, I accepted him as my Savior, and am awaiting his return, and that salvation and enternal life couldn't be taken from me under any circumstance. I was also taught that when hebrews talks about there being no more sacrifices for the willfull sinner, it is because the ultimate sacrifice was already given by Jesus, and that a person could not be saved twice, once they accepted Christ, they were sealed, that Jesus was the bottomline sacrifice, jesus could not be crucified again as a sacrifice, because we already had all the forgiveness from sin from the sacrifice that God made avaible through Jesus's sacrifice. I am trying to do my best in be a better Christian, but I just have an ominious feeling that I may have already damed myself by what I have been doing, becaue my walk with God hasn't been exactly tight if you know what I mean. IF I have burned you guys out already, I understand if you don't want to post, this has been a very obsessive and fearful subject for me.