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Everything posted by cheranne

  1. It should have posted the side effects Suicidal Thoughts Depression Post trama Stress Beliving in Nothing or (NO God)after it is all said and done)for some people. Destruction of Family Life Hospital Bills/Therapy'
  2. cheranne


    From the album: Just For Fun!

  3. Just throwing this out there for someone http://www.rockyou.com/show_my_gallery.php?source=ppsl&instanceid=128938698
  4. http://www.rockyou.com/show_my_gallery.php?source=ppsl&instanceid=130438682
  5. http://www.slide.com/r/8HMrWwgooD8Iy13iRtOHeHbmQmMJ_NLU?previous_view=lt_embedded_url
  6. Make sure you COOK That Bird!
  7. At turkey boot camp, no need for a scrub brush The Associated Press NAPERVILLE, Ill. ADVERTISEMENT Workers at Butterball's turkey-tips hot line are used to oddball situations: _The woman who cleaned out her turkey with a scrub brush and asked if that was OK to do. (You don't need to do that.) _People who thaw a turkey in the bathtub while washing their kids. (Don't do that, either.) _A man looking for a quick way to cook his turkey who put it in the oven on the cleaning cycle. (Also not advisable.) For Butterball, the nation's top-selling turkey brand, preparing for such out-of-left-field calls is serious business. Each year, Butterball L.L.C. puts on Butterball University _ this year, five days of training for newcomers to the the hot line that answers 12,000 calls on Thanksgiving Day alone. Dozens of 3-inch-thick blue binders await trainees, all of whom are armed with degrees in nutrition, food science, or home economics. The binders are so stuffed with turkey information they weighed nearly as much as the bird itself. Through the nearly three decades the Turkey-Talk Line has been around, thousands of people have called in frantic moments to ask its experts everything. These binders anticipate it all: cooking temperatures, thawing techniques, cooking times, meat thermometers, carving knives, turkey sizes, presentation tips, food safety concerns and the eternal question of how much stuffing is too much. "On Thanksgiving Day alone, there is never a point in time where we can stop. There's always somebody waiting to talk to us," said Nicole Johnson, who delayed her honeymoon in 2001 to work her first shift on the hotline. The hot line (at 800-288-8372) functions year-round, mainly as an automated tip line. The goal is to position the nation's best-selling turkey brand as the expert in the field. But each November and December _ prime turkey-eating time _ the hot line goes live. Fifty-five operators are on hand as the hot line receives 100,000 calls. Before each live season starts, experts who have worked on the hot line for three years or less gather for several days of intensive turkey training from their turkey elders. Some of the women _ yes, they're all women _ have worked on the hot line since its inception. The dozen or so newer workers also learn about the brand from marketers from Butterball, which is based in Garner, N.C. Butterball is a joint venture of Maxwell Farms, LLC/Goldsboro Milling Co. Inc. and pork producer Smithfield Foods Inc. After a turkey overview that included information on buying and thawing turkeys, trainees get the day's main task. Each is assigned a turkey and given directions to make it with a different method, from an open pan to a cooking bag. The idea is to be familiar with all the ways people might make a turkey. Even in the microwave. And it's not just Butterballs they cook. The company trains specialists on different brands of turkeys, because anyone can call the hotline _ not just Butterball buyers. They pore through recipes, noting what's popular each year, because that's what callers will ask about. But they end up making the basics: roasters, ovens, and even grills and deep-fryers, which have grown in popularity. It's not just about cooking ability. Turkey-making is just as much about confidence. That's what Mary Clingman, director of the Turkey Talk-Line, likes to instill in her callers, many of whom are first-time turkey makers. "As you go through these things step by step ... they're feeling better about themselves because they realize what they're going to do is not as bad as they thought it was going to be."
  8. This is intresting,thought I would pass it along. Many have wondered if mega-businesses similar to this one, regardless of what any mega-business is selling, are in actuality, cults. That I can give some detail to, having in the early 70s studied how cults are formed as part of my work with endangered adults and children. You decide. These are some of the core characteristics of cults that wind up destructively depersonalizing human beings… the process of the development of a destructive cult often occurs in stages, rather than rising up full blown… As more malignant power is centered in one or two persons, the drive to power and more power feeds on itself, eventually choices and ideas and conduct of life being touted… fall far below what most would consider rational. The features below are all aimed toward bringing about dependency on the leader, as well as unearned adulation of the leader… and an infantilized sense of security thereby, in the follower. 1. A mother or father figure is often at its head. 2. An empty promise of love and acceptance that is ‘unconditional’ is given 3. A promise to understand in each member what no one else can understand 4. a doctrine that may or may not be benign, but which all are encouraged, expected/and finally forced to believe… or else they cannot attend, have shelter, belong, and will be expunged, turned out into the cold, shunned. 5. Exercises that are of a physical endurance nature, such as sitting late into the night without being allowed to rest, forced fasts, having odd or no truly nourishing food available for long periods of time, having to listen to long boring readings or speeches, not being allowed to use the bathroom when needed, not being allowed to wash, or having sleep interrupted at someone else’s will, having one’s feelings of becoming faint or sick ignored, being ‘confronted’ persistently or aggressively about perceived wrong thinking or wrong action… all ‘for the good of’ the acolyte. 6. Subtly or aggressively ordering members to cut off ties to family and friends, for ‘they’ cannot be ‘the real deal’ if the family and friends protest the cult-master’s ideas, or if ‘they’ have realistic fears for the self-sovereignty of their children or adult loved ones… which proves how weak the family and friends are… so family and friends must be cut off. “We are your family, your friends, and we are the only ones who understand you and give you what you need/ want.” 6a. Also included are steep fees, tithings, ‘donations’ that literally deplete the resources of the members so all resources are now centered in the bank account or tax dodge of the leader only. 7. Increasingly harsh or negligent vigilance by the leader(s) of the members, including various forms of punishment for not complying (not being allowed to “advance to the next level,” having to pay extra money, do extra menial labor to ‘pay their way, etc.’ 7.a. Aggressive and unwarranted trigger ‘therapy,’ meant to destabilize but offered/compelled under the benign guise of ‘getting rid of your hangups’… which can lead vulnerable people as well as well-put-together people into the unconscious where all manner of psychic land mines might be hiding. Some of these exercises are meant to break the person into tears and deep grief, and often afterward, leaves souls deeply hurt and depressed. This ‘coming undone’ is usually praised, and it is said that now the member has ‘passed a test,’ and can now be enfolded in the next venture/ step. For the price of more money. 8. Sexual intrusion by/with various members, sometimes including men as well as women. Arrangements about who will be celibate, who will have sex and when and with whom, all decided by the father/ mother of the group who often arrange incestuous relationships with their members… and it is considered an honor to sleep with the leader. 9. Changing of names from given names to ‘new names’ to continue to break ties with the past. Calling the leader by a special name that is usually ordered by the leader. 10. A pervasive, “daddy/ mommy knows best’ atmosphere in which members are infantilized, and become increasingly dependent on both supporting the ‘leader’s’ ill vision, preening the ‘leader’s’ massive ego, ministering to the ‘leader’s’ every whim, providing the ‘leader’ with servants, and/or giving over to the ‘leader’ all or most of one’s financial assets. 11. Often the leader of a depersonalizing cult grows increasingly filled with hubris and hedonism, both… while followers become docile, with lost ability to measure and weigh matters in their own self interest, most everything decided by what the ‘leader’ says must be done, where and how, instead of what one’s own instincts and soul calls one to. 12. A cult that is destructive is meant to break down its members’ “think for yourself” boundaries to make them dependent on returning person and resources again and again to the leader… while the leader holds out a special language and often fatuous belief system…. all under the guise of ‘family love,’ ‘understanding at long last,’ ‘belonging.’ To persons who are still in a fugue state of adoration of a malignant cult leader, defending that leader can be paramount for some followers, for they have been made dependent and cannot be without their cult parent. Three other characteristics I’ve noticed about depersonalizing cults that in slick and shiny ways promote and promise what only amounts to a cheap depersonalized care to adults…. are these: –The cults never seem to have merciful outreach to the poor, or the ill, the homeless, or the needy. Despite the cult’s huge wealth centered in the leader, the cult is turned in on itself instead. –Secondly, a destructive cult philosophy attempts to explain away irresponsibility, intrusiveness, criminal neglect by the leader or others in charge of the often naive members, by insisting that deprivation is exactly what “god” or “higher power” ordered, and that this irresponsible behavior on the part of leaders is exactly what is needed for members to be ‘cured’ and ’strengthened’… when in fact, for any leader with heart and soul in the first position, they’d likely discern that persons afflicted are often in need of ‘careful care’ of a completely different kind. –Lastly, a depersonalizing cult often goes to extreme means to harass, hound, trick, punish any member who wakes up and leaves the cult, preferring to be free and under their own power, rather than remain nailed into a belief system that revolves around the often character-disordered psyche of the ‘leader.’ Those who are most vulnerable to being ’sold’ into a depersonalizing cult, sadly, are those who often have broken hearts, who are estranged from family, abused by someone, weakened momentarily in a significant way. People of known wealth are sometimes purposely targeted for membership, also. In all cases, I have seen, such souls deserved far more than a self-centered, inflated ‘leader’ acting as dictator. Charisma can be a cheap commodity… and it is not the same as a charism, which is a gift from God that is to be lived out to serve others. Charisma in the undeveloped, only asks to be admired. Following a charism takes stones… a person consciously carrying a true charism, first and foremost, admires others. _____________________ Correction: An earlier post wrongly stated the estimated amount taken in from participants attending the recent James Ray event in Sedona. The correct estimate is $450,000.00 not $4,500,000.00. I apologize for the error and it is now corrected in the text. Thanks Christopher. Dr. E., Deputy Managing Editor, TMV
  9. cheranne


    From the album: Just For Fun!

  10. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
  11. Delicate,Time Comsuming Work object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfz3Op3tsX8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfz3Op3tsX8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dfz3Op3tsX8&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  12. Good Idea to have a Q and A for (Non Members,I am sure they have loads of questions) Bring It.
  13. cheranne

    Your Fridge

    :o Milk and more Milk,Eggs, Cheese,Beer(in the vegetable bins!) Ice Cream,Frozen Pizza(always!)someones leftovers always and Juice.
  14. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>As I watch the detail that goes into these sculptures I am amazed at time and energy put into it and how very fragile they are and easily broken. with touch or the warmth of the sun. I'm just saying (symbolically speaking )
  15. Oh My God! He said to abandon your child!!!! So.. I wonder how many people down the road before that were abandoned or given up because of whatever..that is sick sick sick.
  16. Throwing this in for those abused by any "mog" or other SCUM. quiveringdaughters.blogspot.com
  17. I am putting this here for people trying to understand there freinds or family member that were in or out of The Way International. I have it (my thoughts and words together now)I have posted this before split up in pieces. I hope it remains so on down the road as people get OUT of TWI others will better understand what happened to US. The feeling i felt after years of having left The Way was as if my mind was under ice. such as to a victim who ice dives and the oxygen cuts off,like a freak accident,the victim looks for an opening while struggling to survive,and dependeing on the depth of the dive results in whether he will make it to the exit cut in the ice above. Under ice hypothermia can set in very easily if the conditionals are at the slightest bit altered or tampered with causing the BODY temperature to slow down but still function enough to survive in a coma like state. In this situation the victim may see the opening exit but,not be able to get their because of hypothernmia. I say all this top get to the point which is very hard to understand yet explain to one who has never experianced being involved in an alternative religion,cult whatever you may call it. Now,i know their are books about cults and what they believe but few take you down thru the eyes of one captured,by the bait of TWI the lures and hooks that leave scars deep down in your soul,that only time can heal. Websters define hypothermia as subnormal body temperature or the ARTIFICIAL REDUCTION OF BODY TEMPERATURE TO SLOW METABOLIC PROCESSES,usualy to assist the progress of HEART SURGERY. I believe this is a better description of what brainwashing really is in this case. In 1959 and 60 the US government sent a group of ARMY ENGINEERS to Greenland. There job was to build a city inside the ICE SHEET. The city called CAMP CENTURY would serve two purposes. One was to protect the united states in case of attack,missiles could be hide in the tunnels of the ice. the other purpose was to gather information about glaciers and about living in extreme cold. Special plow cut rooms into thick ice. Tunnels connected groups of rooms. Corrugaled steel arches lined the ceilings to prevent melting and for support. Soldiers were staioned at Camp Century for several months at a time. They called themselves ICEWORMS . After they left. scientist came to study the ice. ,the walls searching for clues about Greenlands past natural history. Each year,new snow pressed CAMP century about 1 and a half feet DEEPER INTO THE ICE. The walls also pressed INWARD because ice as thick as greenland ice sheet moves slowly. ,the scientist didn't worry about the ceiling caving in. THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WAS THE ONGOING PROCESS OF DIGGING DEEP DOWN INTO THE CAMP AS NEW SNOW ACCUMMULATED. Eventually,digging thru the deep snow to reach the camp became difficult. The camp no longer used has been buried by many feet if ice and has probably collapsed.(end of artical) As camp century was designed so are ice sculptures,in the heart and minds of a cult victim,not knowing the damage inviolved for the future adult life. With each new ice sheet digging for victims and rescue of that which is LOST INSIDE GETS MORE DIFFICULT(year after year) WITH windows and drapes shut so to speak not being able to speak about twi,not to breath the word cult around any co workers never mind your family,you can laugh it off and say yeah man i did some pretty crazy things when i was young ! (BUT YOUR NOT LAUGHING ON THE INSIDE)IF ....IF you try to go to a church they don't have a clue! (see symbolic thinking from me) the reaccuring dreams you had,people that remind you of someone,movies,food,cars and so forth, so if you keep the window shut and the drapes closed you will not heal...slowly OPEN THAT UP.this is a great avenue for that and for other people to learn what it's like,how you feel or NOT FEEL. Most of us already got out but their are a lot more still in even if they are out! They desire to be healed like you,like myself and its not a mirage ...there is really an oasis out here,don't be tricked by the mirage of the direction of dissociation.decomposition and death ,..mimic your desires and your heart will take you there!
  18. This is where I got the idea that I felt we at TWI were like Ice Sculptures. There are 4 parts to this and they have Nothing at all to do with TWI but when I came out of TWI and I would see stuff in film or maybe just a walk in the woods (having PTSD and DID which I had NO idea I even had this is HOW my brain worked and thought(so what you say?.....who cares!) I am just throwing this out there to express How MY experience coming out was and how I had to rearrange my thinking patterns. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  19. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
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