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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Or wait a couple of days and google. George
  2. The writers were David and Jerry Zucker and Jim Abrahams. John Landis was the director. If this was with the same director, I'd guess "Animal House," but it had different writers. John Belushi trademarked the obnoxious slob, which he used in "1941" and "The Blues Brothers," but I can't see Lee or Price as Bluto. Dean Wormer, perhaps, but then John Vernon never achieved much notoriety. His role in "Chained Heat" was similar. I think I'm in the right forest but barking up the wrong tree. George
  3. The only movies we've discussed which have "episodes" would be "Amazon Women on the Moon" and "Kentucky Fried Movie." (I suppose "History of the World, Part 1" might count.) AWOTM was in the late 80s, so the time frame is off. HOTWP1 was 1981, so it might fit. KFM was 1977, so it fits the time and has been an answer recently. The problem is, if the ANSWER movie was SUPPOSED to be one of the segments of KFM, then it WASN'T one of them, so I have no idea what it would be. George
  4. Ah. Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn George
  5. Michael Keaton Gung Ho Gedde Watanabe George
  6. Sounds like an ode to Elvis, but I don't recognize it. I'm sure WW's post was a clue. "Are You Ready" by AC/DC ? George
  7. I'm tempted to say "Star Wars" with Harrison Ford being the actor. Although he's done other kinds of movies, he's mostly an action/adventure hero. It would be hard to see Lee or Price as Han Solo, though; and there wasn't any reference to baseball in the movie. Am I at least on the right track? George
  8. As a long time Reds fan, I remember Pedro Borbon as the closer for the team in the 70s. Manny Mota played for the Pirates and the Dodgers. All this tells me is that the movie was probably from the 70s (which also would coincide with Lee and Price). Was there some sort of horror baseball film? George
  9. Bow-buh-buh-bow-buh-bow-buh-bow-bow Buh-buh-bow-buh-buh-dong-a-dang-a-dang-dang A-ding-a-dong-ding [title] George Note: "bow" pronounced like bough
  10. I believe I've heard of that movie, though I'm sure I haven't seen it. George
  11. Mr. Saturday Night David Paymer City Slickers George
  12. Still doesn't ring a bell. I doubt I've seen it. George
  13. I like doo-wop, but this one isn't coming to me. George
  14. Cary Elwes The Princess Bride Billy Crystal George
  15. Unlawful Entry Madeleine Stowe The Last of the Mohicans George
  16. Starsky and Hutch Owen Wilson Meet the Parents George
  17. Must be. Some "America" lyrics from WSS: I like to be in America Okay, buy me in America Everything free in America For a small fee in America George
  18. The Miracle Worker? That would be Anne Bancroft (1st) and Patty Duke (2nd) playing Annie Sullivan. George
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