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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. When I would occasionally post on WayDale, I used the pseudonymn lantrn because Green lantrn was always my favorite comic book hero. I had my '67 Chevelle painted green with his insignia on the hood. Unfortunately, Texas only allows six letters or numbers on a license plate, so I went for LANTRN. (The beauty of that, for comic-book afficionados, is that it can be pronounced "lantern" or "lantrin," as the 1940's Green Lantern was called by his sidekick.) But I digress. I now simply use my own name. (Yes, that really IS my name!) I picked what to me looks like a spaceman avatar, because it was the most comic-book-y. If I figure out how to use the Green Lantern insignia (and hopefully avoid copyright issues), I'll probably change to that. George St. George
  2. Wonder1, I don't feel any more hurt from my experience with TWI (except for maybe the inability to find old friends). I don't use this site for healing, either. I just find it interesting to see the spectrum of views expressed by the Cafe visitors. I'm sure you'll find that there are many who don't "bash" TWI at every opportunity, and you'll find that there are many who do. (Sometimes, when they post on the same thread, it's like watching people from different parts of the world who are unable to understand each other's viewpoint. "How can you say that?" "Oh, yeah? How can you say THAT?" ad nauseam.) Stick around, if you like, but don't expaect the "bashing" to go away any time soon.
  3. As I've come to read many of the posts by believers who were personally hurt by VPW, I'm more than a little saddened. I never thought he was perfect, of course; but I knew him as the man whose class taught me to love the Word. His teachings weren't always accurate, but they were passionate and challenged me to think outside my Roman Catholic box. I'm not like a few of the Cafe dwellers who refuse to acknowledge the wrongs he did, but I also choose to remember that MY life is better for his ministry. In the last day, all the "stubble and hay" in our lives will be burnt away, and we'll have the "gold and silver" of our lives for eternity. (1 Cor. 3:12-15) I can wait until then to find out how much of each there was.
  4. OldiesMan, As Hope points out, there is a godly purpose for "marking and avoiding." And there were many, as you point out, who were openly defying the leadership of TWI, yet expected to keep their ministerial posts. LCM was wrong to demand an oath of fealty, but he was the President of the organization. If I spent all my time publicly defaming the leaders of the company I work for, I shouldn't be surprised if I were asked to leave it. Unfortunately, many of us WANTED to stay in but were forced to leave for reasons which weren't biblical or even reasonable. I suppose I should post "my story" elsewhere, but because I wasn't a homosexual and had no debt (and I tithed AND abundantly shared), they had to find some reason to get rid of me, because I kept asking too many questions. In my final "drumhead" meeting, I was chastised by the branch coordinator for 1.) leading songs that not everybody knew; 2.) refusing to sell my house (which I owned free and clear) and move into a Way Home; and 3.) questioning LCM's statement that the only reason for a space program is military dominance! (Ironically, my twig coordinator at the time worked for NASA! Actually, a perfectly good reason for a space program is Psalm 19:1!) Anyway, I was expelled. My fiancee was given the "option" of leaving me or TWI. Praise God, she chose the latter -- we've been married over six years now, and fellowshipping with other believers in the Houston area. So, OM, was my being M&A'ed a bad thing? YES. It hurt horribly, and it never should have happened. Am I living a fulfilling life outside of TWI, YES.
  5. Started attending twig in 1978. (I was in grad school.) Was tossed out in 1997, about a month after getting engaged. My fiancee was given the choice of leaving TWI or leaving me. She chose the former. We've been married six years. Oh, and I really enjoyed MOST of the 19 years I was in.
  6. Back in the day, I was a good friend of Donna Shea (15th Corps). She was from Vermont (in fact was Miss Vermontabout 20 years ago); but the last time I was in touch with her (about seven years ago), she was in Missouri. When I was "marked and avoided," I lost touch with her. She was a real sweetheart. Does anybody out there know where she is? There are too many Donna Sheas in the phone book; and, of course, her name might not be Shea anymore.
  7. Have you tried one of the Internet "phone books"? I use www.switchboard.com. There are a couple of Raymond Dittmans in Illinois. You could try them both. (I expect that they are father and son.) Anyway, if you do get in touch with him, say Hello for me. He took over my twig at the University of Illinois during his apprentice year.
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