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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. In that case, please send my regards! George
  2. After a month of kindergarten, I was moved up to the first grade. I did fine. In fact, my teacher suggested that I skip grades 2 and 3. This was vetoed by my parents, and I'm glad. The social aspects won't really kick in until high school. Being about the only junior not to have a driver's license was a bit of a drag, but imagine being twelve or thirteen while all your friend are driving, dating, etc. And sports would probably be out, too. One year age difference -- not a big problem. But I wouldn't accelerate a child more than that. George
  3. Well, put glasses and a moustache on my avatar, and it's a pretty good likeness. George Oh, are TheEvan, Eagle, and Mr. Hammeroni triplets?
  4. Unfortunately, the only mental images I have of most Greasespotters are their avatars. (Radar O' Reilly take note!) So I always think of Excathedra as a saucy redhead. Maybe someday she'll post a picture in that forum. George
  5. I had my wisdom teeth pulled several years ago. The dentist did a fine job, so there was almost no pain after the initial meds wore off. I did make the mistake of going to see "The Addams Family" the next day. In the scene where Wednesday and Pugsley are performing a skit on stage, I laughed so hard I almost pulled the sutures loose! George
  6. Comedian Larry Miller once remarked that if women could read our minds, they'd never stop slapping us! :D--> Honestly, it's not like that. My wife and I are almost 50, and we still have our "moments"; but it's the rest of the time we share that keeps us together. Which reminds me...time to get off the computer! George
  7. Yes, WordWolf, "all with distinction" and "all without distinction" should mean different things. Unfortunately, the latter phrase was stolen from Bullinger and confused people, because it carried the idea of "all without distinction in a certain class." (As BiblefanDave points out.) Since a distinction is made between classes, however, it was easier to understand if re-phrased as "all with distinction." There really wasn't a change in doctrine; the "with distinction" terminology just more clearly represents the concept. George
  8. I got that. I just wanted to point out that there is a lot of truth in the idea, and the irony of how it related to TWI leadership. George
  9. Or, I guess, one could knowingly continue to sin without repentance. This is known as a reprobate mind. George
  10. I believe the point was that if someone knowingly sins, he'll develop a doctrinal "cover" to explain it away. For example, a "man of God" commits adultery. If he can twist an OT reference where a king commits adultery along with the medieval practice of "droit de seigneur," and then somehow contrive that a religious leader equals the "king" of our day, then BOOM! It's okay for him to be an adulterer. Practical error has led to doctrinal error. Does this mean that it ALWAYS happens? No. The sinner could simple recognize his sin and repent. Or, it could be pointed out to him (as Nathan did to David in the OT record alluded to above); and he could repent. Without godly sorrow, though, doctrinal error is almost sure to follow. George
  11. Many of the early copies of Ephesians omit the words "at Ephesus." This could mean that it was addressed to all who are saints, or that the letter was circulated to several cities. Either way, a broader group than just the Christians at Ephesus are addressed. On the other hand, all the manuscripts of the other epistles contain the names of the cities they were sent to. George
  12. P.S.: Chlorine bleach will kill the bacteria that make a septic tank work. If you use chlonie bleach in your laundry, however, it's not a problem, especially in hot water washes, because the bleach is all decomposed by the time the wash is done. George
  13. I was going to make a cautionary comment about mixing bleach with other cleansers, but it seems to have already come up a few times. For the uninitiate, chlorine bleach products react with amines (especially ammonia) to make chloramine, a highly toxic gas. Many a housewife has been hospitalized (or worse) by mixing her two best cleansers to make a "super-cleanser." Peroxide cleansers (Oxy-Clean, etc.)won't react the way chlorine bleaches do, but I still wouldn't recommend mixing them with other cleansers. (Interestingly, if you mix chlorine bleach with a peroxide bleach, oxygen fizzes out, and you get no cleanser at all!) Leave chemistry to us professionals! George
  14. Let me elaborate. By "Adam," I mean before the fall. Adam WAS righteous by creation; all he (and Eve) had to do was not screw it up. They enjoyed God's promises by believing to stay in fellowship with Him. They did not look forward to a redeemer, because they didn't need one. After the fall, Adam and the patriarchs received revelation on an individual basis. They enjoyed God's promises by acting on the revelation. They were aware of the promised redeemer; but if that knowledge was essential to their righteousness, it's not stated in the Bible. Israel (I mean, after Sinai) had a specific, codified revelation from God detailing what He required of them. They enjoyed God's promises when they DID the law. God's grace covered for them, by allowing them to perform sacrifices to gain His forgiveness. They had a fuller understanding of the redeemer than most, if not all, of the people had during the patriarchal period; but, again, their righteousness was not dependent on it. After Pentecost, God's promises are enjoyed by believing in the lordship and resurrection of that redeemer. The old law was supplanted with one: love one another (thereby showing one's love for God, as well). The epistles tell us how to do this; and, of course, Jesus's life, as recorded in the gospels, is the perfect example of living in love. Indeed, Christ died for all; but the rules have changed from time to time, even within "this present, evil age." George
  15. Belle and Song, I wasn't clear. I haven't spoken to anyone in my old twig in years. I was referring to others I know in other parts of the country who are still "in." George
  16. Let me jump into the fray here. Deut. 6:25 "And it shall be our (Israel's) righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as He hath commanded us." Rom. 10:9,10 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Clearly, two different conditions for righteousness. Of course, no one could do all the commandments. (Rom. 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.") So Israel had to offer sacrifices, according to the law, which demonstrated their reliance on God's grace to forgive their sins. As stated in Hebrews, their sacrifices were a foreshadowing of Christ's sacrifice. That's not the same as saying that Israel was saved by faith in Jesus Christ, as alfakat suggests with his parenthetical insertion, "Hebrews 11 makes it quite plain that faith(in and upon Christ) unites *all* "believers" from Abel all the way through Jesus' first appearance and ministry and all the way up to today." It IS fair to say that faith in God's promises unites believers from the beginning, but the application of that belief was different for Adam, the patriarchs, Israel, and the Christian church. George
  17. Incidentally, all my recent conversations with those still in The Way have been quite pleasant, though I think, sadly, that it's because they've all been screwed over enough to be compassionate. --> George
  18. Now, Satori, how about giving us the EXPANDED version, according to usage? :D--> George
  19. Raf, "The Twelve Pains of Christmas" gets a little airtime on the oldies station here. I think it's my favorite, too, although "Walking in Women's Underwear" (to the tune of "Winter Wonderland") is close. George :D-->
  20. They were in Houston several years ago, but I haven't seen or spoken with them in over ten years. I don't think they're still around here. Sorry. George
  21. Actually, a cubit is the length from a man's elbow to his figertips, usually given as about 18 inches; an a span is the distance between the tip of the thumb and the tip of the pinky when the fingers are separated as much as possible, usually given as nine inches. So Goliath would be about 9'9", still quite large. (Of course a cubit and a span would both be larger on someone that tall -- and Goliath DID have six fingers on his hand! ;)-->) George
  22. Valerie, Did you ever find Sherry? George
  23. Eagle, As I recall, it was you who started this thread by asking what we believe. I'm not sure it's accurate to say that I WANT to believe that the Devil has children, just that my reading of the scriptures convince me of it. As is obvious from this thread, I'm NOT the only one who believes it. You, too, may believe what YOU choose to. George
  24. The pay was lousy, but the perks were GREAT! George
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