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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. So, should I get rid of all my 60s music because the artists used pot and acid? Should I get rid of my Sherlock Holmes books because Doyle was a spiritualist? Just how big of a "scorched earth" policy are we talking about here? Talk about a non sequitur! If you feel that the spiritual nature of 60's rock or Conan Doyle's writings are a concern, then, yes, YOU should get rid of all those items in your home. what that has to do with professional athletes cheating escapes me. --> George
  2. "Padding statistics" takes the fun out of the game for me. And you're right. Since you couldn't tell which at-bats were tainted by steroid use, they should ALL be thrown out for anyone proven to have used them. George
  3. The fellowship I attend is associated with Word Promotions (C. Geer's group). The tapes are available from Word Promotions. George
  4. P.S. 34 wins in a season is a new Big Ten record. George
  5. Thanks, David. Since almost nobody here actually knows me personally, I took the liberty of sneaking my birthday into the "Birthday number" thread, to see if anyone would notice. I'm glad you did. I'll be teaching at fellowship tomorrow morning, then, after lunch, I'll be listening to K.C. Pillai's Orientalisms tapes. For dinner, I'll be with all the stepkids AND MY GRANDSON! So, yes, it should be a great day (especially since the Illini won again). George P.S. I buy my own comics. It's hard for the others in the family to find the pre-1960 stuff I still need.
  6. The number one hitter (total hits) in baseball history was banned from baseball and the Hall of Fame. I doubt his gambling had any effect on the number of hits he made. If they can prove any of these steroid charges, ban them all. (I'd like to think that Sammy Sosa actually got his without the juice, but let the chips fall where they may.) George
  7. 34-1! This time the Illini actually played like a 34-1 team. Better than .500 from the paint, and perfect from the line. On to the Sweet Sixteen and ... Wisconsin-Milwaukee!? George
  8. 3/20/1956 = 1979 = 26 = 8 Me: problem-solver, yes Big shot, no. I only take charge when I have to. George
  9. Very enjoyable reading. Thanks, Belle! George
  10. 33-1! A lot scarier than it should have been, though. I'd like to see Illinois make history, but not by being the first #1 seed to lose in the first round! Farleigh-Dickinson made as many two-pointers as the Illini; but fortunately Illinois was better from the arc and the line. Illinois seems to play just well enough to win. Welcome, morey! George
  12. Why is it that all threads here eventually break down into a discourse about food? A forgiveness thread turned into brownies, and now the Prince of the Power of the Air has been replaced by pizza toppings! Note that the topic is "If Raf were the Devil." The use of the subjunctive implies a condition contrary to fact. Is that really the case, or has the God of This World blinded our eyes? George P.S.: maybe all the food references have to do with this being a CAFE?
  13. Not a requirement (yet), though I suppose it would be an advantage. No hablo Espanol. George
  14. Who says Steve! is the good? ;)--> George
  15. Lucy and I got booted (well, technically, I got booted and she came along) right after we got engaged, so we had to figure out what to do for spiritual enrichment and to arrange our wedding. Since I had never lost touch with old friends, it wasn't hard to find an "offshoot" fellowship to join. And the leader is ordained, so he handled the wedding. The odd thing was that we couldn't invite people we had considered our best friends. (We COULD HAVE, I suppose; but that would have only put them all in awkward situations.) Though TWI was a main part of my life for 20 years, it was never my WHOLE life. And Lucy was a relative "newbie" to TWI (about 2-3 years), so she had other interests, as well. We have plenty to keep us busy (even without fellowship 3-20 times a week). I don't know if Texas is "realer" south than where you are, but the people here are friendly, and there are still lots of jobs. George
  16. My roommate at MIT claims to have Asperger's. Of course, he believes EVERYBODY at MIT has it. The ability to tune out distractions is clearly an advantage there. I prefer to think of myself as having a well-ordered mind! George
  17. I remember when TWI first solicited donations for the "Victor Paul Wierwille Auditorium." I refused to give, since it was clearly a tribute to a man. (One I respected, but I still didn't think he needed a monument.) Then it was decided to call it the "Word Over the World Auditorium." Okay, I could live with that, so I sent in a donation. Not two months later, the name was changed again, this time to the "Victor Paul Wierwille Word Over the World Auditorium." So I wound up paying for the monument, anyway. --> George
  18. 32-1! Sometimes, you win with defense. Since the Illini's first game with Iowa, teams have tried to contain them by slowing the pace. That HAS kept Illinois from big wins, but it hasn't stopped them from winning. Honestly, mstar1, basketball isn't my favorite game, either. I am just happy to see my alma mater (well, one of them -- but MIT doesn't field division 1 teams) doing so well. (And considering the football team the last few years...) George
  19. GeorgeStGeorge

    E-mail Scams

    It is possible to send an e-mail with a flag that tells the sender if a message was read (like a postal "return receipt"). When I receive such an e-mail, my Norton Internet Security program asks me if I want to send the return receipt. (Usually, I don't.) I imagine that other virus protection software does the same thing. George
  20. It doesn't seem likely at this point; but if, by some strange twist of fate, I happen to visit my family (or my boss in Buffalo Grove) at the right time, I'd like to make it. George
  21. Having showered with others of my gender in high school and college, I didn't feel uncomfortable in the ROA showers. The horrible part (in the early years) was the requirement to use the biodegradable "soap" that was supplied in order not to foul the septic system. It would not, I repeat, NOT, get one's hair clean. (There was a lot of smuggled shampoo, especially late in the week.) ;)--> Thank God for Ray D*ttm*n, who, during his time in the 13th Corps, re-designed the septic system to handle real soap! George
  22. You know, there seem to be a lot of you ACC-ers out there. Are there any other Illini fans lurking? (As I write this, this site HAS had over 240 views.) George
  23. 31-1! The Illini still didn't play as well as they should have, though perhaps the loss of their coach's mom had something to do with it. Again, a win is a win. Where did Georgia Tech come from? ;)--> George
  24. 30-1! Of course, the Illini are going to have to do better from the free-throw line when they face some real competition; but, a win is a win. I see that UNC overcame a scare from "resurgent" Clemson. Let's see what Saturday brings! George
  25. Well, if you smoke again, you haven't quit; you've only paused! My mom tried to quit several times bu never succeeded. My dad just decided that he was done wih it one Christmas, and he was! He said the hardest thing to overcome wasn't the desire to smoke a cigarette but the habit of having one in his hand. I took one puff on a cigarette when I was seven. It's all the smoking I ever want to do!! Keep at it. I'm praying for you. George
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