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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. There was a charming book (over thirty years old now) called "The Last Catholic in America." It had a sequel (which I didn't read) called "Do Patent Leather Pumps Really Reflect Up?" (or something like that). Frankly, it was easier just standing next to a puddle (same effect, broader view)! :D--> George
  2. Based on the language, I'm guesing "Scarface." George P.S. You probably could have gone another day on the previous movie. Steve! has been tied up all weekend with the anniversary party, and Pirate doesn't log in much on the weekend.
  3. One last Bogey try: "The African Queen"? George
  4. It's probably too soon to tell. Sometimes (before) it was very quick. I haven't had any major slowdowns in the last couple of days, so maybe it's better. George
  5. Yeah. I realized my mistake on my way to work this morning. I was going to edit it before anyone found out :o--> but forgot all about it when I got here. I think I'm not getting enough sleep. George
  6. I agree with Lifted Up. Worth is an individual judgment comparing cost with benefit. No two of us had the exact same experience with TWI; and even if we did, the effects on the balance of our lives would be different. Answering for myself only, yes, it was worth it. George
  7. Oh, and my sister and I have birthdays on the same day of the month and three of four times on the same day of the week. Her birthday is Feb. 20; mine is Mar. 20. On leap year, our birthdays are not on the same day of the week. George
  8. In a group of 23 people, the odds are better than 50% that at least two will share a birthday. Start with one person. The odds that the next person will have the same birthday is 1/365. The odds that a third person would have the same birthday as one of the first two is 1/364, so the odds that any two of the three share a birthday is 1/365 +1/364. By the time you get to 23 people, the sum is greater than 1/2. George
  9. I've still got nothing here. Maybe another quote? George
  10. What have you tried? Two "brute force" methods would be to use the underscore (___)key for a whole line or to pull one of the symbols (there will be at least one line) and copy it over and over. George
  11. I doubt that this is correct. Bismuth IS denser than lead, but Pepto-Bismol is a solution of bismuth subsalicylate, which is NOT denser than lead. George
  12. I guess we take our victories where we can! :D--> :D--> :D--> George
  13. Darn! I was hoping to use the "Just because we're holding hands doesn't mean we'll be taking warm showers together until the wee hours of the morning" line. You are, of course, correct. George
  14. No, though that line might appear in several movies. Here's another from the one I have in mind: It'a a matter of mind over matter. We don't mind, because you no longer matter! George
  15. Upon being booted from TWI, I broke contact with a lot of friends because I didn't want to get them in trouble. After seven years, I said, What the heck, and called a few. Nobody hung up on me, and a couple of them actually were happy to hear from me. I say, Go for it. George
  16. In that case, Was I really that hard to live with? George
  17. I'm probably WAY off base, but "Christmas Story"? (I'm reminded of the "leg lamp" the Dad had in the window.) George
  18. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day, July 4 (1826). George
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