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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Good. Maybe I'll get to see it then. (It's down as of 12:45 CDT 7/2/05.) George
  2. I find it interesting that they use WESTERN commodes! Though commodes are in use in the Orient, the traditional Asian toilet is not much more than a ceramic- or metal-covered trench that one squats over, rather than sitting upon. Think how much MORE exciting it would be to dine in THAT style! George
  3. It's basically the First Law of Thermodynamics. If you take in more calories than you expend, you will gain weight; if you expend mare than you take in, you will lose weight. This is why EXERCISE is so important for losing weight (and maintaining the loss). Also, muscle requires more energy to maintain, so an increase in lean muscle mass will allow you to burn calories more easily. Cowgirl's mix of aerobic and weight exercise is a good one, though you'll need to determine how much you can handle, especially if you haven't been particularly active. (One hard workout at the gym and then a week in bed recovering won't do it!) Consult a physician; but the basic gist is EAT LESS, EXERCISE MORE. P.S. My wife tried the cabbage soup diet a few years ago. She lost about five pounds in the first week from a bad case of the runs! :D--> George
  4. If this is actually a fact (and not a "factoid"), I find it horrifying. It would mean that there are only 2800 Americans with a debt load less than SEVEN MONTHS of income!!!! Boy, talk about the few, the proud! Even accounting for mortgages, this CAN'T be true. George
  5. I would tend to agree. Most of the personal material had already been deleted from the individual posts, anyway. I think a lot of valuable learning may have been lost. :(--> George
  6. I posted to it today. I wonder where it went, too. Paw? George
  7. I was wondering where Sharon was. She always seems to get my clues! You're up, Babe! George
  8. Well, I THOUGHT those would give it away! Here are a couple more: "Say this word." "I don't want to say it!" "You CAN'T say it, because this is a PG movie!" "I've killed lots of guys, but Moe ... Zart?" George
  9. Happy birthday, old man! (Well, hey, you DID remember Clutch Cargo!) George
  10. Well done, Reikilady! George
  11. "The Last Seduction 2." It wasn't particularly better or worse than "The Last Seduction." There's just something wrong with having a sequel to the last of anything! George
  12. My father-in-law (God rest his soul) was known on occasion to drive up on the curb to try to hit squirrels! George
  13. Speed of lightning, power of thunder, Fighting all who rob or plunder, Underdog, U-U-U-U-UNDERDOG! Sorry, I just don't know as many Superman songs as you guys. :(--> :D--> George
  14. Oh, No! Let's not make any more guesses until George gives us the EASY clues! Weenies! These two will give it away: You know, tar actually STICKS to some people! There's an animated cat in the squad room! George
  15. Here's another clue: Silent, but deadly! That's still a BIT obscure. I'll make it easier tomorrow, if no one gets it. George
  16. That was quick! You're up again, Steve!. George
  17. Both interesting guesses, but incorrect. George
  18. "Me, working for YOU??" "Signs" by Tesla. And the door burst open wide, and my father stepped inside. George
  19. Especially since it was his response to Mel Brooks asking him to be in the movie! George So how about Rubber baby buggy bumpers!
  20. "Silent Movie." The only word spoken was by the mime Marcel Marceau. (I thought of using this one myself.) Since I'm SURE that's the movie Steve! had in mind, try this: Rubber baby buggy bumpers! George
  21. Right you are, Steve!! In the TZ segment where Frank Converse becomes the various objects of his bigotry, he's a Vietnamese in the brush when a couple of lost soldiers remark that they wished they hadn't killed their CO, Niedermeyer. In the end of AH, when the various characters' lives after college are presaged, for Doug Niedermeyer it says "Killed by his own troops in Vietnam." What a cute homage! George
  22. Back to Petticoat Junction for a minute. I checked IMDB and see that Pat Woodell played Bobbi Jo before Lori Saunders. So Chatty had the right church, just the wrong pew! George Feel free to resume Branson memories.
  23. This line will make it obvious. Whoever gets it (first), see if you can remember the tie-in to, yes, Animal House. Want to see something REALLY scary? George
  24. Some of the lines are reminiscent of the old Dixieland tune, "Bourbon Street Parade"; but obviously that's not it! George
  25. No, and No. This line is from a fairly well-known movie. The beauty of it is its relationship to an earlier movie. George
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