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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. He's been in a lot of movies and TV shows. Here's his write-up in IMDB: Jeff Daniels George
  2. Chances are, if you've posted that much of a song, and nobody gets it, nobody's going to get it! George
  3. That was a hoot! I couldn't make out the voice, so I looked it up. I must admit, I wouldn't have guessed it!! It was the kind of song that Martin Mull would have done years ago. George
  4. My turntable and rotary-dial phone are obsolete, too. What's your point? ;)--> George
  5. I thought that "learning revelation the hard way" was to blow revelation, get in trouble, and then remember what God had told you. The next time, hopefully, one would be more attentive. George
  6. This actually IS a rather interesting question. If LCM still thinks of himself as the MOGFOT, then he would not be giving anything. If he has decided that all the tithing stuff he ran down everyone's throat was a scam, then he wouldn't give anything. But, if by some odd quirk he actually BELIEVED what he taught, he should be giving to TWI, because it is, after all, the one true ministry of God. --> ;)--> George
  7. How about "Wipeout"? Then, they would have had to change only ONE word? George
  8. Sounds like "CSI: Camelot"! :D--> George
  9. In the words of Jerry Howard, "Woo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo! Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuck!" George P.S. In Italian, would that be "Gnucch, Gnucch, Gnucch"?
  10. Bliss, I don't know how good your friends are, so I won't get into the "you don't owe them anything" shtick. When our Founding fathers decided to leave the British Empire, they deemed it appropriate to set forth the reasons that impelled them to the separation. Hence, the Declaration of Independence. Of course, the response to THAT letter was a bit hostile. You may do some of them good by letting them know why you're out, but don't expect a lot of positive response. George
  11. One thing that I've noticed is that the more recently someone has left, the angrier he is (in general). So, if you're still in, you'll probably be REALLY PO-ed when you DO leave! George
  12. They would have changed those words, too; and we'd STILL be having this discussion! --> George
  13. I assume that "Beautiful Ohio" is in the public domain, and so adapting it is not a crime. (As opposed to, say, "Surfin' USA," which was "Sweet Little Sixteen" with different words. It took Chuck Berry about twenty years to get credit for the song.) And it was apparent to me from the very first time I heard the TWI version that it wasn't the original words. George
  14. I had never heard that version before, though I knew about it. Say what you will about Bill S., he has certainly continued to be employed, even after forty-plus years! "Boston Legal" is a stitch! George
  15. Indeed. TWI never claimed it as original. You might as well claim they plagiarized the "Star Spangled Banner" since they used it every day at flag-raising! George
  16. I PT'ed her a couple days ago. Haven't heard back. George
  17. That's not ever how I took it. It says in 2 Cor. 4 that "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." There are TWO things to glean from this verse: 1.) that the power IS OF GOD; and 2.) that WE HAVE IT. Perhaps the renewed mind is NOT the key to power; but it's not idolatrous to say that it's the believer who utilizes the power. George
  18. Seems more likely than my guess, though that "morning light" line keeps sonind like Aretha in my "spiritual ears"! Hopefully, Sharon will confirm soon. George
  19. Biblically, a false prophet is either one whose prophecies don't come true or one whose prophecies come true but still lead people away from the true God. George
  20. I take it, then, that neither of these things happened? --> George
  21. All this talk about rain at the early Rocks reminds me of the corn cobs they used to throw down in a vain attempt to cover the mud. At least they weren't using them in the port-a-potties! :D--> And, speaking of the port-a-potties, how many other guys used the towel dispenser as a mirror so you could shave with COLD water? George
  22. Hopefully, you're also now locking your door? George
  23. "(You Make Me Feel Like a) Natural Woman"? If so, the artist could be Carole King, Aretha Franklin, or even The Captain and Tenille. George
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