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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Yes. It's the scene where Tom Hulce has an underage Dean Wormser's daughter at the toga party. He brings her up to his room; she passes out... Remember now? :o--> George
  2. My other guess would be "American Beauty." George
  3. Let's not forget that the song also featured prominently in "Animal House"! George
  4. I can think of two possibilities. The more obvious one is "The Rose." George
  5. Well, I HAVE been to sporting events, but I've certainly never heard these WORDS. Is this the song that has low brass playing a slow, downward chromatic scale? (Daahhhh, di-daahhhh, di-daahhh, di-dah, dun-dun) George
  7. I honestly haven't looked, but have you tried TWI's website? Seems a logical place to start. George
  8. Well, we're not doing a traditional Labor Day, though it may seem that way. It just happens to be my son-in-law's birthday, so we're barbecuing some shish-kabobs at our place. All that matters to me is that I get to play with my grandson! (Check the pics I've posted of "My Pal.") Since the kids' dad and stepmom have moved to Connecticut, and my son-in-law's folks are now in Chicago, we're the grandparents that get all the time with Jacob. Hee-hee-hee! :D--> George
  9. I was in the chatroom once, over a year ago. If any other "GeorgeStGeorge" has been chatting with you, it ain't me! George
  10. Don't know this one, either. I presume it's about the future. George
  11. Chim-chim-chiree, Dude! You're up. George
  12. Kathy, I applaud your successful posting, but the song was completely unfamiliar to me. George
  13. This is the only mention of her in the trivia section. I heard Marni on an episode of "Prairie Home Companion." She sang a song that gave me the impression she had dubbed Julie Andrews. This site, however, mentions her dubbing assignments and that she MET Julie Andrews on "Sound of Music," but nothing about dubbing her. Marni Nixon George
  14. Wasn't there a "The Preacher's Wife"? That's my guess. George
  15. Gee, people say they can't make it and others are sorry to hear it. What ever happened to "Where's your commitment?" ;)--> :D--> George Which reminds me...The 18th annual "Thank God I'm Not a Pig" pig roast will be held Saturday, Oct. 8 at Quintana Beach Park (one hour south of Houston). (Not a GS event, but all GS'ers are welcome!)
  16. Interestingly, when I googled for images of "sick," I got all sorts of perversions. I finally just went with "hospital bed." George
  17. Gee, Radar, at 1 AM maybe they were all asleep at their computers! :D--> George
  18. What's new with YOU, Chas? Haven't seen your posts in a while! George
  19. That's swell, Bill! Hey, are you still living in Louisiana? You might NEED some ABS!! :D--> George
  20. The last picture shows someone in a hospital bed. George
  21. I see plenty of heated discussion, but nothing that strikes me as a "recruitment drive." Maybe it's too subtle for me! :D--> George
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