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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. All right, but this won't be nearly as clever as my last puzzle: George By, the way, Raf, I'm impressed that you recognized Bill Cullen!
  2. Other than Moses, I think only one other person in the Bible was called "the man of God"; and that was an OT prophet whose name wasn't even given, because his office was more important (to the record) than his name. Even in the OT, there were usually several prophets active simultaneously, so declaring one to be THE man of God would be out of order. George
  3. My warmest wishes, and thanks for GS Cafe! George
  4. As originally planned, the murderer was going to be the police detective that was hunting Dr. Kimble. It became so obvious to everybody, that they switched it up, so that it actually WAS the one-armed man who did it. George
  5. Hoping beyond hope, I suppose. "Rocky IV"? George
  6. No, not "Peter Pan." Another clue: A British bank is run with precision; a British home requires nothing less. Tradition, discipline and rules must be the tools. Without them: disorder, catastrophe, anarchy; in short, you have a ghastly mess! George
  7. Okay. That was from "The Formula." It was one of those flicks propagating the silly idea that the oil companies were hiding a secret formula for a low-cost fuel that would replace gasoline. When an assistant points out to Marlon Brando, as the CEO of "Titan Oil," that they could blame a gasoline price increase on the Arabs, he retorts, "Ah, Arthur, you're missing the point: We ARE the Arabs." Try this one, instead. It's pretty easy, but I have a LOT of quotes from this one, if we need them. "Michael, we are not a codfish." George
  8. Cowgirl, I was about to reply that schools SHOULD be closed tomorrow, since it's THANKSGIVING! Then I remembered that you're in Canada. Never mind. George
  9. "Gravel Swing?" Actually, I'm pretty sure I know what it is, but I'll pass for now in the hope that SOMEONE else will play! George
  10. You weenies are beginning to tick me off!! All right, riddle me THIS: In case you don't recognize the actors, I MAY give clues later on. George P.S. It took just over six minutes to find and post these pictures.
  11. I recognize Belle's song; I just don't remember the title or artist. :( Whenever I heard "Down on the Corner," I always thought the lyric was "You don't need a pinhead just to hang around." It wan't until the first time I sang it in a karaoke bar that I found out what the real lyric was. (I still think "pinhead" would be better -- it's even less than a penny.) George
  12. I, for one, have no desire to return to my "pre-TWI, true historical self": and I'm certainly not about to pay someone to "assist" me in that way. George
  13. Yes, WELCOME BACK! Now, get over to "Movie Pictionary" and post a puzzle! George
  14. Okay, let's add a bit more context: "The people will accept the 12 cents now because we can blame it on the Arabs!" "Ah, Arthur, you're missing the point: We ARE the Arabs." George
  15. It's not "This Guy," so it must be ... George ;)
  16. Oldies, If someone says that he's not responsible for his actions, and that it's all TWI's fault, then MAYBE you have a reason for a diatribe like the one above. I don't see that in this thread, though. TWI may have inspired arrogance in its leaders, but no one here is excusing TJ for joining in. George
  17. I believe Rick means that the lead character in the show whose sound clip he posted was a doctor named Joe. George I would guess Joe Gannon (Chad Everett).
  18. "Key Largo" by Bertie Higgins? George
  19. Let's sum up: It's possible that the Richard Chamberlain vehicle is Kathy's clip. In that case, I guess his role in "The Thorn Birds" is the other show she meant. Of course a lot of women swooned over Vince Edwards ("Ben Casey") as well, but he didn't have a big role in the 80's that I remember. Rick's clue must come from a cop show, but that doesn't narrow it down much, does it! :D And Ohio State is the "Bucks"; Tampa Bay is the "Bucs." George
  20. "Stripes." I didn't recognize the first clue at all, though. Here's one from an older movie (More than 20 years). I didn't see the movie, but I remember this clip from its Academy Award nomination: Arthur, you're missing the point. We ARE the arabs! George
  21. You ran off into prophecy. The actual interpretation is "Oliver!" For your penance, post another puzzle! George
  22. Just out of curiosity (not that I agree with the assessment), who was that "best damn band in teh land"? The Ohio State Band (and Chorus)? George
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