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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Just FYI, Cowgirl, if it was a big C&W hit it would still be probably off my radar! George
  2. Okay, boys and girls, this SHOULD be easy: George
  3. Not so much a version as a "theme and variations." Very nice. I especially liked the "breakdown" at about three minutes. George
  4. There are two that come to mind. I suppose it's against the rules to give two guesses simultaneously, but they're almost the same title, so I'm going to try "Shattered" or maybe "Shattered Glass." George
  5. There I was... I was eating breakfast in the Student Union at the University of Illinois in early summer of 1978. Two college kids sat down next to me and started chatting. Eventually, the Bible came up, and though I'd been a "good Catholic" for over 20 years, I thought it would be good to know about the Bible, so I agreed to got to their fellowship. They said they would take me, but I insisted that they just give me the address and time. A couple days late, I got a phone call saying the location had been changed, would I like a ride? No, thanks. Just give me the address. Well, Monday night comes around (Twig night), and the Baseball Game of the Week is supposed to be the Reds vs. the Pirates. Being a big Reds fan, i decided to watch the game. I turn on the TV, only to hear "Live from Comiskey Park, it's the Red Sox vs. the White Sox!" The heck with THAT! I might as well go to that Bible thing! So I did. Fellowship was fun, though I thought the speaking in tongues was weird and was deathly afraid that I would have to try speaking French, or something! But the teaching was good, and the people were nice. "Rhino" was the branch leader at the time. (Hi, Bill!) After a couple of weeks, there were preparations for a "Freedom" PFAL class. A public exhibition was held, and the first hour of the class was played. I thought it was cool, paid $100, and then took the class. There didn't seem to be a lot of pressure, though maybe that's because I was pretty eager to take the class. Anyway, there were 25 people signed up, so we had a "film" class. As I recall, the quotas were: 7-12 students -- audio class; 13-24 students -- video class; 25+ students -- film class. I always had a lot of questions, and the fact that I read Greek spooked some of the grads; but no one gave me any grief. In fact, "Rhino" was always very cool-headed about it. We often had a beer or two after a session and talked about it. I really thought that The Way was a greaat medium for getting a knowledge of God to people. Oh, and I still keep in touch with a couple of people from that class, whom I sponsored in the Corps in later years. There were some cute girls in the fellowship, and I dated a couple of them, but there was no promiscuity that I could discern. Darn. ;) Right after the class "Rhino" went off to the 9th Corps, and two women (6th Corps, maybe?), Sue D**ko and Janie So***er took over the branch. (Actually, Janie married John So***er; I don't remember her maiden name.) The campus twig was taken by Vickie Se****ck, who had just come back from a year studying in France. She helped get me through all the classes I needed to go to the "live" Advanced Class. There were several Twigs in the Champaign-Urbana area, so I got to know a lot of the believers pretty well. Again, I didn't really see a big push to get people in classes or Twig. It all seemed to flow rather naturally. (This blessed me, why don't you try it? No? Okay.) We occasionally went to Peoria for classes (W&U, etc.). The Limb was in Shirley (just outside of Bloomington). We would go there once or twice a year, too. I went to AC '79 in Athens. At the time, I still wasn't convinced that Jesus was not God. (In fact, I even "threw" some questions on the Entrance Exam. I knew the answer that was expected, but I wan't convinced it was right.) Obviously, a lot of others didn't do too well on that part of the test, because VP spent about three days hammering on it. I remember him saying "If you still think Jesus Christ is God, you've got to be possessed!" I was sure he was going to get revelation, single me out of the 3000 students, and cast devils out of me! It didn't happen, of course; but the LOGIC of JCING finally got through to me. Mo**y Pe**o gave his deprogramming story there, too. (I didn't go to ROA that year, so I know I heard the story at AC.) There was also some other young lady who escaped deprogrammers adn made it to the class with only the clothes on her back. Deprogramming WAS big back then. My mother admitted that she had looked into having ME deprogrammed, but the high price tag on the "service" ended THAT! As I recall, there were four teachings every day. Individual leaders taught "Morning Watch" teachings (before breakfast?). Later in the morning was a session of the AC. In the afternoon there were "series" teachings. I believe G. Wren taught "JC the Twig Leader" the first week, and LCM taught about Acts the second week. Then, at night there was another AC session. On the weekend, Saturday night, I believe, there was a seesion open to the public. I remember JAL doing a comedy routine about the "Devil's Bathroom." (Trivial enough, for you WW?) At the end of the summer, Vickie headed off to 10th Corps. Sue and Janie were replaced by Don Br****le, interim 9th Corps. He really got the twigs moving, but he was never heavy-handed. He was serious about the Word, but was loving and a fun man. (Sadly, he died of a heart attack some years ago.) Another young lady took over the campus Twig, with me as her assistant. I enjoyed the leaders' meetings and the fellowhip on campus. Still no fooling around, as far as I could tell. I think it was in 79 that R. Kehoe took over as Limb Leader. I liked him, too. He was short, but he had a commanding presence. That pretty much runs through fall of '79. Maybe I'll write more later. The basic gist is: people were fellowshipping and witnessing because they ENJOYED it. Leadership, even Corps, were cool. George
  6. I've found that "Blame it on the Bossa Nova" can block out any other tune. Unfortunately, then I can't get THAT song out of my mind! :blink: George
  7. Though I've been out for eight years now, it was never beyond TWI to "sanctify" a pagan holiday. Yes, there were Ho Ho presents, and "Bless or Treat." In response to Catcup's query, though, I don't remember getting any cheesy gifts from innies. Of course, I was the only innie in my family! George
  8. Wasway: Nice song. Never heard it before. Cowgirl: Never saw the movie. I do vaguely seem to recall hearing of it though. Don't quit playing. Bluzeman: I always loved those "anthology" bits (my favorite, of course, being "Batman's Grandmother"). This one was a little before my time, though I love the idea of Little Richard as the President! George
  9. Good job, Bluze! I know what it is, thanks to years of Star Trek. (I'm not sure what the first picture is, but from the rest I know what it represents.) If no one else chimes in, I'll answer. I have a puzzle lined up, but it's pretty easy. George
  10. Definitely one I hadn't heard before. Cute, Morgan! George
  11. Always a pleasure with a willing student! George
  12. I presume that was "May" Come. I hope you're right. I haven't seen the film, but it's a good set of clues! And this isn't the Nostalgia Thread, where everyone plays along until everyone gets it. You don't always have to give the answer away, but if you know it, go for it. It gives Raf and me a chance to see others at work! George
  13. Well have you done, young Paduan. Strong in you, the force is. I don't see the answer immediately, so I'll give it some thought. George PS: Large pictures are fine. When you get the page of thumbnails on Yahoo!, each one has a size in pixels listed under it. I try to pick ones in about a 200x200 range, but sometimes there just aren't good pictures in that size.
  14. The TV shows mentioned in Sudo's clip seemed like early 60's shows, maybe 1962. George
  15. Well, I'm married, too; and Alaska is a bit far from Texas, but thanks for the thought. I'm not going anywhere, either. George
  16. Everyone's heard the song, for sure! I believe the movie was "Bells of St. Mary's." George
  17. Thumbnails are the small pictures that are really links to larger versions of the pictures. If you go to Yahoo! and click the word "Images" (right below the Yahoo! header) and then type in a word or phrase in the "Seach Images" line (remember to use quotes or parentheses to enter a phrase) and click "Yahoo! Search." a number of small pictures (thumbnails) will appear. (These appear in pages of 20. If there are more than 20 pictures, you can move from page to page by clicking the appropriate number -- or "Next" -- at the bottom.) When you click on a thumbnail, a new page will appear with the thumbnail at the top, and a copy of the original web page, with the full-sized picture, at the bottom. To post the (full-size) picture in this forum, right-click the thumbnail at the top of the page and then click "Properties." There will be a line that says "Address (URL)." Copy the URL (from http/ to .jpg). (I select it and then hit Ctrl-C. You can also select it, right-click and then click Copy.) Return to this forum (which is why I find it easier to keep two windows open, one at Greasespot and one at Yahoo!) and click the little icon at the top of the window (I'm assuming you already hit "Reply" to open a window) that looks like a tree. A box will appear with a "Script Prompt." Type Ctrl-V to paste the picture's URL in the box, and then click "OK" (or just hit enter). A copy of the URL will appear surrounded by . Your first picture is in place. Hit enter to move the cursor to the next line, and repeat the process for your next picture. When you're done, click "Preview Post" to make sure it looks the way you want it to. A common mistake is to forget to click the tree icon before pasting a URL. In that case, you'll see the URL written out, but no picture. If you've done it right, click Add Reply and see who figures out your puzzle. I'm looking forward to your first one! George
  18. Yes! Give it a shot! If you choose not to do so, just let us know, so the game doesn't just stall. George
  19. Beats me, too, but then I can't think of any "country" Christmas songs except for "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Vince Vance and the Valiants. At least this is better than talking about mouse droppings! George
  20. I think we need another clue, Sharon! George
  21. They play THIS in my cycling class, as well. You'd think I'd do better. Of course, the only songs that REALLY come to mind when I'm in those classes are "Help," "We've Got to Get Out of This Place," and "This Is the End of the World As We Know It"! George
  22. Digi, I think you may be right. If Raf says so, and you would like to post a puzzle, try the directions here. (I posted this several pages ago, so I'm "bumping" it back to the end. ) George What's THIS? The SudoGB?!! :o George
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