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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Well, it can't be "Silent Bob" so it must be "Jay," though I won't know any of the movies or the actor's name without googling. Alas. George
  2. Yep. COAL + LAT (pull) + ERROL (Flynn) = Collateral. (I said it was easy!) You're up, Dooj! (I think Linda wanted out.) George
  3. Well, with those hints, I'd have to guess "Dogma." George
  4. Errr.. Pirate? That means you're up! George
  5. I thought it was "Pirates of the Caribbean." George
  6. I didn't recognize Salvador Dali, but it still doesn't help much. Maybe the last clue is pronounced "ayze" or "tenayze." George
  7. I found these two snippets to be hilarious: "To register your TBUUMK all you need do is write in your ten digit phone number next to Step 2." "If still have no luck in getting it to work – feel free to call our 24 hour Tech Support Help Line [listed in Step 2]. Don't be embarrassed to call – lot's of people do – you may even get a busy signal" George :lol:
  8. It wouldn't hurt to have someone else witness the behavior, too. Praying for you... George
  9. Enough with the Chip 'n Dale routine! TOTW, GO! George
  10. Cindy! and Steve! were frequent posters until deciding to take a "leave of absence" from Greasespot (over a year ago, I think). Always insightful, with posts that were fun to read. I hope we get to see more of them again. George
  11. Thanks you all for your kind words (and other stuff). Sudo has too much time on his hands (but I do appreciate the work)! CoolChef, wasn't it YOUR birthday, as well? Hope you had a good one. I had my party Sunday night at one of the Hooters in Houston (so I could OFFICIALLY be a dirty, old man). About 50 friends and family made it. Even my wife had a good time! George
  12. I'm going to give this one to topoftheworld, even though doojable's spelling was correct. TOTW was first, or at least the first to admit it! George
  13. I'm not putting this in Friend Tracker, because I'm not trying to locate Steve! and Cindy! But seeing that Cindy!'s at least lurking today makes me wonder how they're doing. Any new !'s yet? George
  14. About the only character in "Kill Bill" old enough to be in the show would be David C. , so it must have been that martial-arts Western. George
  15. HISS + GIRL + FRIED EGG + "His Girl Friday"? George
  16. I'm not tired of you at all. It's just that it was your turn before I jumped in. I, for one, need another clue to your latest pick. George
  17. And... Happy Birthday Kathy!! I thought that this was a better venue to express my wishes, since you seem to "attend" this thread more than any of the others! George
  18. Well. Another season gone. I would have expected at least the Sweet Sixteen this year, but I guess you can't give the other team almost 40 free throws and hope to win. See you next year! Go Chief! George
  19. It was, in fact, "Gentle Ben." And Clint Howard has over 160 credits himself, so he hasn't done so poorly. (Of course, a lot of his movies were produced by his younger brother.) George
  20. Cute theme, but I don't recognize it. It has a mid-60's feel. George
  21. The Shell logo that was your first clue doesn't seem to be appearing now. But SHELL + BIKE + ANTS still means nothing to me. George
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