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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. I couldn't think of a sequel starring Ahnold. Then it came to me: "Conan the Destroyer"? George
  2. No, that's not sad at all. Unfortunately, it sounds as if #1's ONLY friend was #2, etc. THAT's sad. George
  3. Kathy, TOTW just gave clues to three other movies the actor has starred in. George
  4. Thanks to Tom, I know what it is. I wouldn't have got the third clue, though. I assume it's sign language for the intended word. If no one else gets it and Tom is too stubborn, I'll answer later. George
  5. Okay, he was a BRITISH not-so-secret agent. In the words of Jethro Beaudine, a "double-nought spy." George
  6. Sounds a lot like an actor better known for his performances as a not-so-secret agent. George
  7. I'm not letting you talk yourself out of it TOTW. FEATHER + ROUGH+ THE BRIDE = "Father of the Bride." I had wanted to use Dennis the Menace's dog Ruff, but I couldn't find a good picture. George
  8. Apparently, she's in three 2006 films (one in post-production). The only recent, RECOGNIZABLE film was 2002's "Simone." George
  9. For some reason, the first picture doesn't seem to be coming up right now. As Tom mentioned, it is a picture of a feather. George
  10. I'd never heard of this movie, but SARAH (Ferguson) +TOGA + TRUNK = "Saratoga Trunk." According to IMDB, a 1945 movie of that name starred Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman. George
  11. I didn't recognize the opening theme, but the closing gave it away. That WAS a pretty funny movie. I only found out later that the title character's name is the correct pronunciation of the star Betelgeuse. George
  12. Interesting choices, Kathy: old women and rednecks. I never watched the first show, though I do occasionally watch the second. George
  13. I think Tom confuses this thread with "Movie Pictionary" where one is SUPPOSED to guess the answer, but where he hints around until someone else gets it! Of course, he COULD just be a slacker who doesn't want to post new puzzles! George
  14. For Dooj and anyone else who MIGHT not have known, my movie was "Commando." George
  15. Doojable's guess was interesting, if incorrect. Did you think the first picture was a Hessian? Anyway, it's clear that Tom knows the answer and that Rhino knows it, either from Tom's foolery or his own skill. SOMEBODY just name the film!!! George
  16. Oh, I bet you're just toying with us again... George
  17. Okay. "Do you hava a bra to go with this? Something in leather, rubber, or barb wire?" George
  18. SHAWL + SINK + READ + UMPS + SHIN = "Shawshank Redemption"? George
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