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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. It's about time to start a new movie. Tom, you were the first to get Rhino's clue, so please go. George
  2. When we were dating, it really annoyed my wife that all my friends would call me a "wild man." She finally got over it, though, and one Valentine's day got me this big stuffed bear that plays "Wild Thing" when you grab its paws. Does anybody else remember the 1967 parody of "Wild Thing" done by the Hardly Worthit Players? They imitated Bobby Kennedy singing "Wild Thing." ("Not so ruthless, Senator.") :D :B) George
  3. "Boston Legal" (the spin-off) is still on. George
  4. Well, you missed Annette (Funicello), but you got the puzzle. You're up, Doojable. George
  5. Assuming I was right, here's another. (Not quite as good a phonetic match as most of my others, but it shouldn't be too hard.) George
  6. "Dancing at the Blue Iguana"? Sandra Oh and Darryl Hannah as strippers. A true classic. George Oh, and I hope you like the pic when you finally saw it, Dooj. I usually have cheesecake pics, so I thought a little beefcake might me a nice change for the ladies.
  7. Happy Birthday, and many more! George
  8. "Real Men" is correct. A charming comedy starring Jim Belushi and John Ritter. Give us a good one, Tom. George
  9. Actually, one of Tom's guesses contains the actual title. Dooj, can you still not see the pictures? George
  10. Tom apparently saw them. You didn't? George
  11. While Raf is napping, try this one. I think Dooj will appreciate it more than Rhino! George
  12. I picked a hell of a time to quit sniffing glue! George
  13. A hospital? Why, what is it? George
  14. By some strange twist of fate, I received a call from my old twig leader yesterday. He's still with TWI in Houston. Everything's better now that Martindale's gone. George
  15. Indeed. My next clue would have been: "Do you really think that you're going to see something more incredible than two of every animal boarding a rocket ship?" Your go, Rhino. George
  16. Well, it's three letters (and not RKO). By the way, "Ars gratia artis" means "art for the sake of art." Latin, doncha know! George
  17. It's amazing to think that the group that did so much "serious" rock had these little, goofy songs: "Maxwell's Magic Hammer," "Rory Raccoon," "An Octopus's Garden," "Yellow Submarine." Gotta love 'em! George
  18. Well, I was wrong. I have seen the movie a number of times, but I only recognized your last quote! George
  19. Dooj, you're very close, just missing one word. Instead of the whole fingerprint, think of a FEATURE of the fingerprint. Admittedly, this is not a word in common usage. I try to make my pictionaries sound as close to the title as possible, without necessarily using the exact words of the title. For instance, if I were to do "Ordinary People," I might choose the words OAR, DEAN, ERIE, PEEP, and PULL. I would probably NOT use WORD, AND, HAIRY, and PURPLE. Tom, if you want to use the properties (and your heart condemneth you not), go ahead. Just please don't post clues that you've discovered that way. It ruins the fun for me. Frankly, there's an even EASIER way to get the answer. I wrote about it many pages ago. George Wel, Rhino just posted the answer while I was pontificating. The fingerprint contains WHORLs. You're up, Rhino.
  20. This one could be tough, but if you get the first clue, it will all fall into place (which means if you check the properties, it will be very easy): George
  21. LAWN + GOULD + BOY = "The Long Goodbye"? George
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