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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Remember, no matter where you go, there you are. George
  2. Your first clip WAS easy. Not many theme songs (or other songs, for that matter) written in 5/4 time. The second clip was really familiar, but I just can't place it. George
  3. Beats me. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be obvious! George
  4. One of the strict rules we have at work is no downloading. If that's why Sudo's and Rick's sites are blocked, I don't know. I DO know that asking my sys ad why I can't open such and such a site while I'm working would only open a can of worms. George
  5. Sudo's is blocked, as well. Maybe it's because of the fear of downloading music or something. I'd rather not ask my administrator. George
  6. Ca is correct. George And Neil Diamond actually recorded "I'm a Believer," but I think he did so after the Monkees (since he wrote it for the show).
  7. Bluzecentral is blocked from my work computer. As always, I'll have to wait until I get home, and then someone ELSE will have given the answer. :( George
  8. I haven't seen the movie (or read the book), but Ca's clue gave it away. I assume it's "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." George
  9. "I'm a Believer" by the Monkees (and covered recently). It was written by Neil Diamond, and was actually his biggest hit. Interesting that you picked that line. I always thought it was "When I needed sunshine on my brain," which made sense in a 60's kind of way. I found out the real lyrics while doing karaoke. I can build a castle from a single grain of sand. George
  10. Here I go to all the trouble to get Tom to quit looking at the properties, and now that's all we get! Just kidding, Ca; I know you're trying. Your second link gave me a "File not Found" though. George
  11. You're probably right. The Bush picture is probably another "Duh." George
  12. I was about to give the answer, and then I thought, Why not give the rest a little more time? Here's a clue, though: Kathy's movie and mine are related. George
  13. Now I get it! Is there supposed to be a picture before the hand/keychain? It works okay without it, though. George
  14. Indeed. If you want to lurk, feel free. But if you correctly guess the puzzle, you post another. Kathy's has me stumped for the moment. :blink: George
  15. OK, Kathy, you need to get back there and post one, now!! George
  16. AND I said that if you guess it, you have to post one! George (For those who didn't see it immediately, BOAR + NUN + (Willem) DAFOE + DOVE + JEWEL (Kilcher) + EYE)
  17. You guys might also want to take a look at the pictionary I just posted. Of course, if you give the answer, you have to post one, yourself! George
  18. Okay, here's another while Ca D gets up to speed: George
  19. Kate Smith was well-known for singing GBA, but this sounds more like Judy Garland. George
  20. Nice voice, but TOO SLOW!!! It's our national ANTHEM, not our national DIRGE! (This singer is not the only one whos does it too slow, and she's certainly not the worst.) George
  21. Ca Dreaming got it. DOCTOR + JACQUELINE (Bisset) + MISS + STEROID = Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. You're up, Dreamer! George
  22. CHEEP + PURR + BYE + DOZEN = "Cheaper by the Dozen." Try this one: George
  23. I'm diveded on this. I think any attempt to make Scripture "correct" is abominable; but anything that shows how silly the trinity is is okay in my book! George
  24. I remember this song, but I don't remember this eight-minute version. George
  25. Clever! I'll wait, for now. George
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