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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. I thought I'd give this a shot. Give a line from any one of the five Star Trek TV shows (not including the cartoon!). The responder must give the series (Original, Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, or Enterprise) and either an episode title or enough of a description to make it clear which episode it is. For example, if you don't remember the title "Inner Light" but remember "it's the one where an alien probe gives Picard a lifetime of memories," that's good enough. Obviously, general quotes like "Engage" or "Energize" aren't specific enough. To start, here's a pretty easy one: No, it is not logical, but it is often true. George
  2. Whoopi Goldberg Sister Act Kathy Najimi (sp?) George
  3. I don't know. At any rate, it's not what I have in mind. Please consider the hint I gave Dooj. George
  4. I was actually thinking of a "Name that Star Trek Episode" thread. I have a feeling that "Name that TV show" just might be too hard. For example, even with the voluminous quote above, I have no idea what the show is. George
  5. Come on, People! It isn't that hard! George
  6. The last three clues might give it away. Also, there's a picture between the car wreck and Malcolm X. Maybe it didn't appear for you? George
  7. I enjoy Dixieland and marches, too. I don't have to be 100 for that! George
  8. Apparently, Tom isn't going to answer, so "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." If you're so hot on discipline then, goddammit, start by accepting mine. Because contrary to popular opinion, I'm the head nigger in charge! George
  9. I really enjoy Dion's older stuff. ("I Wonder Why" is probably my favorite oldie.) Some of his 70's stuff was good: I enjoyed "Your Own Backyard," but I found "Abraham, Martin, and John" too soupy. I picked up a couple of his releases in the 90's but wasn't too thrilled. I guess I just miss doo-wop. George
  10. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Teri Garr Mom And Dad Save the World George
  11. If this were Movie Pictionary, I'd guess "The Great Divide"! George
  12. I'd like to think that this gives you some kind of closure, but somehow I doubt it. Praying for you and your family. George
  13. SAFE + BITE + BELL = Saved by the Bell. Go, Dr. Strange! George
  14. Well, you silly ke-nigh-it, why don't you answer it? And NO SINGIN'! George
  15. This one's for you, Paw (and Tom, too)! George
  16. One from your top line would work, though it's not the nickname I'm thinking of. If you get the second clue (there is one, you know ), the first would be obvious. George
  17. Here's a big hint: think of nicknames for Ms. Bell. (Now Ladies, only nice thoughts!) George
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