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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. six pics (three on one line) George
  2. A Time to Kill Oliver Platt Ready to Rumble George
  3. "Team America: World Police"? George
  4. Correct. I doubt I would have recognized Cecil B. DeMille if I hadn't posted the puzzle! George
  5. Alien Nation James Caan Honeymoon in Vegas George
  6. Three pics, you need to know the first guy's name (which may be tough). George
  7. Hey, Dude! Thanks for hooking me back up with Casey! I hope your birthday is terrific! :B) And, Ydon'tUgotochurch? George
  8. Suda, It's apparently "Moonlighting" as wasway and I hinted at. I'll post one later. George
  9. Joanna Cassidy The Fourth Protocol Pierce Brosnan George
  10. Had a fun dinner with the kids. Got home just in time to go to bed. It's tough getting old! Thanks again to all of you for making my birthday that much brighter. George
  11. Thanks to all of you! The Countess and I are having dinner with one of the children and his fiancee, so it should be a pleasant evening. Thanks again for brightening my day. :wub: George
  12. Obviously NG, and the scenes seem familiar, but I have a hunch they don't relate to the main plot. George
  13. Make sure to attend the BBQ this year! Happy belated Birthday, George
  14. It appears to be the moon, lighting a body of water. George
  15. Hey, Hottie! Have a wonderful birthday! See you in the "game room"! George
  16. Good enough. The title was "The Emissary," referring to Keyl'ahr. For those of you playing at home, it was a NG episode. George
  17. "We are mated!" "I know! I was there!" "How did you like your first command?" "... Comfortable chair." George
  18. Give Sushi a cigar! C. Thomas Howell F. Murray Abraham G. Gordon Liddy L. Ron Hubbard Not so unusual to go by one's middle name (I went by Michael for many years, since my father's name was also George), just odd actually to use the first initial. In "Far Out, Man" everyone calls Tommy Howell "C. Thomas." I thought it was pretty funny. George
  19. Only one of them (as far as I know) is in Scientology. And not all are bald. George
  20. Okay, what do THESE four people have in common? George
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