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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. Bon anniversaire, mon amie! Comment ca va? George
  2. I dated women as much as 12 years younger than me and as much as 15 years older than me. (I was in my 30's at the time.) No big deal. Of course, my wife and I are less than a year apart. George
  3. Correct. (It wasn't THAT bad.) George
  4. Oh, I forgot the Triple Movie Links game: If the last post ended in an actor, you give another film he's been in, then another actor in that film, then another film the second actor is in. If the last post ended in a film, you give another actor in the film, then another film he's been in, then another actor, etc. For example, if the last post was Roger Moore Octopussy Maud Adams then the next post could be Tattoo Bruce Dern Silent Running George
  5. Okay, then. This won't be my best effort, but you should be able to get it: three pics George
  6. "You don't understand! I'm not an empty seat anymore. I'm different!" George
  7. I'm having plenty of fun. I just don't think it's too much to ask to have the title and performer spelled out. George
  8. Anybody else know who Steve Zahn is? George
  9. Umm... "Tattoo"? Seriously, I think it's "Bull Durham." Glad to have you join in, Chas! George
  10. For those like me who had to figure it out, the title is "Hell is for Children." George
  11. Far too short-lived (like many of my favorite shows). "Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women." George
  12. If you'd like to post one, Raf, be my guest. George
  13. "Johnny Carson"? (I don't recognize the girl, if I'm supposed to.) George
  14. Not a fan of tattoos on men or women. My stepdaughters both have small ones on their lower backs. The Countess was livid, but what's done is done. They seem satisfied (i.e., no desire for more), so I don't worry about it. George Come to think of it, one of Green Lantern's arch-enemies was the Tattooed Man! ;)
  15. Wasway is correct. Thanks to Raf for correctly identifying Nana. (I've always loved that pic of her.) George
  16. Actually, no. Though this episode involves the results of "The Q and the Gray." George
  17. Ahh, the classic "Dome Ridge" and "Yoga Glacier"!! George
  18. Welcome to the Nostalgia Thread, where everyone gives clues to the title, so as not to be obligated to post another puzzle... George
  19. Is this one of the smaller regiment bands or the main Marine Corps Band? The regiment bands are fine, but the Marine, Air Force, and Navy Bands are amazing! One of the perks to attending the National Band Association conventions was to hear the different bands, and one of the top service bands was always featured. The other bands made me want to go home and practice; the service bands made me want to go home and throw my horn out! :D George
  20. Hopefully, this will give it away... "I'm not a parent." "Maybe not in the biological sense, but you're certainly a mommy to this crew. Just look how quickly you housebroke that Borg drone!" "I like you, Aunt Kathy! You've got gumption!" "Scan, scan, scan... that's all you people ever do! I've been through every deck on this ship and do you know what I've seen? Bipeds pushing buttons, bipeds running diagnostics, bipeds replacing relays. When are you going to do something interesting?!" George
  21. I can't believe your director never had you play that song! You're probably the only band in the country that didn't! Most people don't realize that Sousa wrote words to it, as well. They have nothing to do with "web-footed friends." Let martial note in triumph float, and liberty extend her mighty hand. A flag appears 'mid thunderous cheers, the banner of the Western land. The emblem of the brave and true (Its folds protect no tyrant crew) The red, and white, and starry blue is Freedom's shield and hope. Let Eagle shriek from lofty peak the never-ending watchword of our land. Let summer breeze waft through the trees the echo of the chorus grand. Sing out for Liberty and Light, (Sing out for Freedom and the Right) Sing out for Union and its might O patriotic sons. Other nations may deem their flags the best and cheer them with fervid elation, But the Flag of the North and South and West is the Flag of Flags The flag of freedom's nation. (repeat) Hurrah for the Flag of the Free! May it wave as our standard forever. The gem of the land and the sea, The banner of the right. Let despots remember the day When our fathers with mighty endeavor Proclaimed as they marched to the fray That by their might and by their right it waves forever! Someday, when I transfer the tape I have of my marches to CD, I'll also send along a track of the Brazosport College and Community Band playing the song, with yours truly on piccolo. (Not my primary instrument, but I did a pretty good job.) Every two years, the National Band Association has a convention, and for the last dozen conventions, they have organized a National Community Band, made up of players from community bands across the country. We would rehearse about five times and have a concert, all in the space of three days! :o Several of the concerts have been mock-ups of Sousa shows, ending, of course, with the Stars and Stripes Forever. I still remember the very first one. At the final trio, with the piccolos, trumpets, and trombones all up front, a giant flag rolled down from above, behind the band. I started to cry. What can I say? I'm a sentimental slush! George
  22. Indeed. My next clue would have been even more obvious: "We're needed." Go, hiway! George
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