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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. That reminds me. Belle said she had an old picture of herself in a particular costume (YOU KNOW THE ONE, BELLE) and promised to send it, but never did. I think she needs to post it! :D :B) George
  2. It says WHAT on Belle's bottom? :o Oh, it's her BIRTHDAY! ;) Happy Birthday, Babe! Wish you were joining us this weekend at Ex10's. I'll have a beer in your honor. Have a great one, and many more! :wub: George
  3. Four pics, you need to know the person George
  4. EyesWideOpen on "Corps Indoctrination: Twisted": Most of us entered into the Way Corps looking to increase our fellowship with God. We wanted to be ministers, teachers and pastors to the rest of the family of God. We didn't go in, as some people seem to think to become face melting salesmen for VP with a side job of washing windows. Pithy and succinct! George
  5. That 's probably a grey seal. The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show? (I'm not sure how the domino fits as "ensh.") George
  6. Fantastic Four is correct. Based on the Marvel Comics super-hero group. The character you didn't recognize is the Tick. George
  7. It makes more sense than what you would hear ME say after a golf swing! George
  8. I didn't even see Dreamer's post. Sorry! George
  9. This one would probably be easy for George Aar, or Sudo, if ever deigned to look here. Tom, quit googling after one clue. "You like I give you, free!" "Free? You never gave me anything free!" "You no sexy like lieu-tellen." "When all you care about is here, this is a good place to be." "It is a common mistake for boys of your age and athletic ability to underestimate men who have reached their maturity. Young women frequently find older men attractive, strange as it may seem. I myself am over fifty. I am a bachelor. And I do not, by any means, consider myself th-r-rough." George
  10. For that matter, we can't see PB's "next the whole gang pic" either. If it's a picture on a website, you can post it using the icon right under the word "Fonts." Paste the URL in there and click "OK." If you want to download a picture from your computer, use the "Attachments" section below. Browse to teh file you want and click "Upload." If your file is too big (and a lot of them are in these days of megapixel photos) ou may have to use Microsoft Paint or a similar program to make a smaller version of the picture. George
  11. Praying for Dave's dad. George
  12. "I thought your cousin was trying to move in on your girl." "That's my other cousin but thanks for briniging that up, jackass!" "My daddy always said 'fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice I put you in the ground'." "You kept it." "Kept what?" "The flower." "Well, I'm a packrat. I never throw anything out." George
  13. From teh other clues, I would guess that the first person is Maya Angelou (sp?) I'll give Suda another crack at it. George
  14. I never got into it. Maybe Barnabas just didn't do it for me. :D George P.S. Night Gallery was an hour-long show; but, if I recall correctly, there were usually three or so vignettes in each show.
  15. Isn't this the third time this episode has been used? (Unless, of course, that second line has been used in more than one episode.) George
  16. Too bad you didn't all just "revolt" and beat the snot out of him! George
  17. Oh, FINE! So you had SPECIAL nametags! Mr. high-and-mighty! ;) George
  18. Well, you have to remember that there were "pockets of humanity" in TWI, maybe even through the 90's. Perhaps this person was lucky enough to be in a fellowship where the leader had the courage (or sense) to ward off most of the terror from "above." More to her point, though, just saying, "We're people" doesn't excuse anything. Saying, "I did so-and-so, and it was wrong. I apologize" would be much better. George
  19. That's great, Dude! I know you've had a run of bad fortune lately. I'm sure this helps to turn your spirits around! Best wishes, George
  20. Another oldie (but from within my lifetime) "It is a common mistake for boys of your age and athletic ability to underestimate men who have reached their maturity. Young women frequently find older men attractive, strange as it may seem. I myself am over fifty. I am a bachelor. And I do not, by any means, consider myself th-r-rough." George
  21. I recommend checking the forecast a day or two before coming down. The "official" weather site in Houston is Intercontinental Airport, so the official Houston weather will be about the same as at Ex10's. George
  22. Pretty cool! I sent the link to my step-daughter. Maybe Jacob (4 1/2 yrs old) can do it! George
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