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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. No, I just wanted to know. I don't recognize your clue, though. George
  2. Correct! I figured that a man of the world would recognize Leroy Neiman, renowned artist (most notably for his work in Playboy, especially his "Femlins"). Go, Tom. George
  3. 2nd clue was "lima". "Thoroughly Modern Millie" is correct. George
  4. Try this: George (same first pic from a different site)
  5. Well, yeah.... Ans sice all five pics show up on my computer, I don't know which one bulwinkl is missing.. George
  6. Indeed! Happy birthday, O Hidden One! George
  7. five pics. need to know the folks George
  8. More likely by spitting in their eyes! George
  9. "Cannon to the right of them, Cannon to the left of them, Cannon in front of them, Volley'd and thunder'd." "Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the Jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell... Rode the six hundred." "How does that poem end?" "You don't want to know." "You can't do that." "Why not?" "Because! A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place; to force them to acknowledge your greatness." "Then you kill them?" "Only if it's necessary." "I had no idea." "Congratulations, Captain! You wanted them angry, they're angry." George
  10. There is no movie at my local theatre that even remotely resembles this. I couldn't find anything on IMDb, though there was a brief synopsis on rottentomatoes.com for a 1999 film called "Go Baby Go." Is that what you had in mind? George
  11. It's got BAD GUYS trying to get out of somewhere... George
  12. It is, indeed. And these quotes should make it a bit more obvious... "Colin's not a blind man as long as he's with me. And he's going with me!" "Wait a minute. You aren't seriously suggesting that if I get through the wire... and case everything out there... and don't get picked up... to turn myself in and get thrown back in the cooler for a couple of months so you can get the information you need?" "Yes." "Danny, do you speak Russian?" "A little, but only one sentence." "Well, let me have it, mate." "Ia vas liubliu." "Ia ia vas..." "Liubliu." "Liubliu? Ia vas liubliu. Ia vas liubliu. What's it mean?" "I love you." "'Love you.' What bloody good is that?" "I don't know, I wasn't going to use it myself." "I will not take action against you, now. This is the first day here and there has been much stupidity and carelessness... on both sides!" "Afraid this tea's pathetic. Must have used these wretched leaves about twenty times. It's not that I mind so much. Tea without milk is so uncivilized." George
  13. The Countess and I also send our best wishes. We'll be enjoying the day with all the kids and grandkids. George
  14. I'll believe it when I see the dancing kitty avatar. George
  15. "Danny, do you speak Russian?" "A little, but only one sentence." "Well, let me have it, mate." "Ia vas liubliu." "Ia ia vas..." "Liubliu." "Liubliu? Ia vas liubliu. Ia vas liubliu. What's it mean?" "I love you." "'Love you.' What bloody good is that?" "I don't know, I wasn't going to use it myself." "I will not take action against you, now. This is the first day here and there has been much stupidity and carelessness... on both sides!" "Afraid this tea's pathetic. Must have used these wretched leaves about twenty times. It's not that I mind so much. Tea without milk is so uncivilized." George
  16. This isn't a great match for the first syllable, but you should get it: Two pics. need both names George
  17. "You can't do that." "Why not?" "Because! A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place; to force them to acknowledge your greatness." "Then you kill them?" "Only if it's necessary." "I had no idea." "Congratulations, Captain! You wanted them angry, they're angry." George
  18. OK. Your "right church" comment threw me. Ws this the one where Famke Janssen plays someone who "patterns" herself after her prospective mate? Data chaperones her for a while, because there's nothing to "imprint." Eventually, she imprints on Picard, but that's okay, because she can still be an almost-perfect wife for the ambassador or prince or whatever whom she's supposed to wed. The title was "The Perfect Mate." George
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