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Everything posted by GeorgeStGeorge

  1. I googled Dooj's "clue" and didn't get a hit. :huh: Maybe it's not a lyric? George
  2. Is that your natural hair color? :) George
  3. I'm running out of clues, here, gang. We know ist's DS9. If you can't remember the title, can you at least describe what happened? "Have you ever been diagnosed as anhedonic?" "We didn't defeat the Federation by being cautious." "We haven't defeated it yet, and even if we do it's only the beginning. Holding on to a prize as vast as the Federation isn't going to be easy. It's going to require an enormous number of ships, a massive occupation army and constant vigilance." "I look forward to it." "I'm sure you also looked forward to occupying Bajor, and we all know what a disappointment that..." "Ah, ah, ah, ah - on Bajor I merely implemented policy - I didn't make it. If I had, things would have turned out quite differently." "You want to be gods?! Then BE gods! I need a miracle, Bajor needs a miracle! Stop those ships!" "Perhaps the biggest disappointment in my life is that the Bajoran people still refuse to appreciate how lucky they were to have me as their liberator. I protected them in so many ways, cared for them as if they were my own children. But to this day, is there a single... statue of me on Bajor?" "I would guess not." "And you'd be right. Take Captain Sisko, an otherwise intelligence, perceptive man, hmm? Even he refuses to grant me the respect I deserve. Laugh all you want. History will prove me right." "War is such thirsty work, wouldn't you agree?" "Perhaps if you didn't talk so much, your throat wouldn't get so dry." "Cannon to the right of them, Cannon to the left of them, Cannon in front of them, Volley'd and thunder'd." "Storm'd at with shot and shell, Boldly they rode and well, Into the Jaws of Death, Into the mouth of hell... Rode the six hundred." "How does that poem end, Chief?" "You don't want to know." "You can't do that." "Why not?" "Because! A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place; to force them to acknowledge your greatness." "Then you kill them?" "Only if it's necessary." "I had no idea." "Congratulations, Captain! You wanted them angry, they're angry." "I'd like to toss that smug little Vorta out the nearest airlock. And his Founder with him." "Now, now Damar. That's no way to talk about our valued allies. Not until this war is over, anyway." "One ship against an entire fleet... That's a helluva plan B." "The only reason they haven't killed me yet, is that I'm part of their victory celebration. (reciting) 7:00: Dukat makes a speech. 8:30: Cake and raktajino. 8:45: Execute the Ferengi." "We'll go back to Cardassia and be happy." "She loved you, you know." "I never knew why. Now, I guess, I never will." "She doesn't appreciate what it means to be Cardassian, or to be your daughter!" "But she is my daughter! That may mean nothing to you, but it means EVERYTHING to me!" George
  4. Let's try not to get more than one clue going at a time! We still haven't got Doojable's clue. George
  5. Just because they had a lot of others write their music, and because they used a lot of back-up singers, doesn't mean they shouldn't be there. It took a while for the "actors" to learn their instruments, but at least they DID. George
  6. I do this occasionally. My implication is that "I truly AM sorry you feel that way. I didn't mean to hurt you. But you ARE wrong." George
  7. :) "PM" means send a Private Message. Find simonzelotes' member profile and click on Send Message. Incidentally, a quick way to get to someone's profile, if you have a recent post of his (hers): click on the person's name above his avatar, From the drop-down box, click View Member Profile. George
  8. Actually, that one starts "Busted flat in Baton Rouge..." George
  9. Cute tune, but I don't know the movie or the singer. (Sounds a little like a cowardly creature from Oz.) George
  10. Only if it's "Lady and the Tramp." :) George
  11. This is pretty much my default, as well. It's especially annoying when I have to pay for something I didn't want, anyway. George
  12. After a week. I feel free to "google." Sally Kellerman Back to School Robert Downey, Jr. George
  13. I don't get this "Ex-10" business. You're STILL a "10" as far as I'm concerned! Happy Birthday, Sweetie! George (and the Countess, of course)
  14. Well said, Suda! The Countess and I continue to pray for your sister and family, Raf. George
  15. 2000 grains this time. Finished at level 46, highest 48. George
  16. 304,000 first try (9 levels. My score wasn't high enough on level 9 to continue. I'll take it. :) George
  17. Sudo posted the audio for this clip for me last year. I'm not trying to hide the singers this time. It was all done a capella on their Christmas show from 1967. George Riu, Chiu
  18. Actually, we're supposed to guess the title AND artist. But I've got nothing here. George
  19. I can hear this one in my head, but I can't think of the title! George
  20. Sounds kind of like VP's motor coach (if you replace the Chivas with Drambuie)! George
  21. It was clear that you had it. If youre going to dodge your turn, you need to be subtler! George
  22. You did fine! Of course, that doesn't mean I know the show. I'm going to guess "Two and a Half Men." George
  23. Yes. I've pretty much stayed the same build for 25 years. (I was quite skinny before that.) George Back to the music!
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